What else do they plan to do that wasn’t in their electoral programme?

Published: November 1, 2013 at 8:28pm

The point has to be made that the Labour Party did not include in its electoral programme the sale of Maltese passports.

Yet we know now that this was one of the things they planned to do immediately on being elected to government.

We now have to ask: what else do they plan to do that they did not include in their published electoral programme but which is written into their secret road-map?

This is the very definition of fraud. Labour deliberately left the sale of passports out of its electoral programme, because it knew it to be a highly controversial vote-loser.

It defrauded people into voting for it by concealing the true nature of its intentions, just as it lied about the power station not being a done deal, when it even had the numbers.

13 Comments Comment

  1. Edward says:

    Surely it is not legal for a party to run a campaign without actually disclosing this sort of information. Or am I wrong?

    Ok, so no party is actually going to detail exactly how they plan on doing certain things, but the public were so blatantly lied to in a way that can’t possibly be democratic.

    • ciccio says:

      It may be legal, but it is not morally right.

      In 1996, soon after they were elected to government, Labour lost their “boxxla socjali”.

      Now, they have lost their “boxxla morali.”

      • Edward says:

        Yes fine, but I’m not talking about promising something and then not delivering it.

        I’m talking about letting people believe that things will be done in one way, and then going about it in a way that doesn’t even resemble what people thought it would be like.

  2. Gahan says:

    We had to trust Joseph, he told us PL had a “road map” which turned out to be his “pre-election secret pacts” with a bunch of devils.

    The bulk of the PL electoral program was just a copy of the PN’s which Simon Busuttil painstakingly wrote after a lot of consultations with many turncoats. It took Karmenu Vella two weeks to rephrase it and add some promises Joseph Muscat made in public.

  3. imbellah says:

    A lie by omission is a lie all the same.

    • Aunt Hetty says:

      ”The end justifies the means” and that includes being economical with the truth about one’s real intentions without actually committing the sin of blatant lying.

  4. anthony says:

    The country is being run by fraudsters.

    In four years’ time it will be owned by fraudsters.

  5. Aunt Hetty says:

    PL seems to be pretty quick at fulfilling their undeclared promises whilst taking their time over fulfilling their declared ones. I am sure that selling Maltese citizenship will do little to help meet Muscat’s pre- electoral promise of making Malta the ”best” country in the EU.

    Selling passports to the highest bidder or what is left of Malta’s open spaces will do little to help put food on the table, create jobs, improve the health services, make the fixed wage last till the end of the month or redress the ‘injustices’ to the little man as promised in the PL electoral manifesto.

  6. Tabatha White says:

    Citizenship has been turned into a Financial Services product: bought and sold and surely with the relevant pertinent guarantee clauses applicable in any advertising.

    If previously it was solely in the “home affairs” box as quoted in the Chamber of Advocates communication, it is now half in one box and half in another. It would be a delusion to insist that it is being treated as remaining in that one box. It may be wishful thinking, but the shift in treatment is there, has almost happened, and right now would be the time to seek clarification in accordance with EU principles and directives. This, in addition to any future actions possible.

    What is it now therefore?


    Is this the new form of voter boundary shifter?

  7. seksieka says:

    Taf x’ma tilfux il-Laburisti?

    L-injoranza u l-inkapaċita’ biex imexxu u l-għira u l-ħdura li għandhom lejn in-Nazzjonalisti.

  8. bob-a-job says:

    The only degrees these people may boast of are the ones that denote the angle of their leaning towards maladminstration, electoral fraud and incompetance.

    Equally worrying is their sheer oblivion that what they sow today will eventually annihilate us all, themselves included.

  9. Gaetano Pace says:

    The Labour Party’s roadmap is Muscat’s vision for money.

  10. Tabatha White says:

    If they introduce something major that wasn’t in their “manifest,” do they have a mandate to carry it out?

    If they expressly said they wouldn’t effect any changes that would negatively impact the Financial Services sector, is there a mandate for changes that do precisely that?

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