Look who set a precedent for “in the presence of Mrs Michelle Muscat, spouse of the prime minister”

Published: November 3, 2013 at 7:54pm

It’s that awful Alex Sceberras Trigona, one of the ghastliest members of the Labour cabinet in the 1980s, now the government of Malta’s new appointee as Malta’s permanent representative to the World Trade Organisation.

It was vera wertit holding on for 27 years in political limbo, despised and pushed aside even by Alfred Sant, ghax issa baghtuh Geneva miskin. Jew msieken ahna.

At least the man known as AST held public office. The prime minister’s wife does not, which is why the descriptor ‘spouse of the prime minister of Malta’ rings so false and ridiculous.


14 Comments Comment

  1. Lomax says:

    Oh God! Lapida biex tfakkar ballata – veru ma kellhomx fejn iwahhlu lapidi dak iz-zmien biex qaghdu jwahhlu lapida ghall-ballata li ttellghet biex tfakkar il-Konvoj ta’ Santa Marija.

    God, what mediocrity.

    Obviously, they had no airports, no hotels, no multi-million projects, no infrastructural projects worth their name on which to install and affix the famous lapida.

    So, miskin, ma taghtihx tort lil Alex Sceberras Trigona who wanted to feature on this most august lapida commemorating this most august event.

    • Louis Apap says:

      Dak kien il-labour tas-snin 70 u 80, meta Malta kienet intliet bl-irham fuq il-hmerijiet. Kellhom habib li jahdem l-irham u ghalhekk riedhu jaghtuh ix-xoghol nahseb.

  2. john says:

    I’ve had some t-shirts printed for sale on the Monti:






    The possibilities are endless.

  3. ciccio says:

    Beautiful. This plaque commemorates the important national event that on 12 September 1986, Alex Sceberras Trigona was present during a public performance held at the square where the plaque is located (where is that exactly?).

    In three years’ time, Michelle Muscat can have another marble plaque inaugurated in her presence to commemorate 30 years since the event immortalised on the other plaque.

    • Louis Apap says:

      Possibbli li n-Nazzjonalisti ma kellhomx cans ta’ minuta biex inehhu din il-pastazata ta’ imbarazz minn mal-hajt fejn qeghda?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Inehhu, Louis Apap? Taht in-Nazzjonalisti dawn il-porkeriji ta’ monumenti u plakki mhux talli ma tnehhewx, talli faqqsu bhal qatt qabel, kompluti bl-arma Mintoffjana ta’ Malta tal-pal tal-bajtar. Kollu frott l-idea perversa ta’ rikonciljazzjoni nazzjonali u burying the hatchet.

        Malta mdewda bihom. Niehu sodisfazzjon partikolari nesprimi fizikament id-dizapprovazzjoni tieghi waqt it-training runs, anke jekk ifisser li rrid nuza l-ahhar rizerva ta’ bodily fluids fi klima aridu.

      • ciccio says:

        Ghalfejn toqghod tahsilhom, Baxxter?

  4. Antoine Vella says:

    I don’t know whether this is limited to Labour but do they have to put their academic abbreviations (the notorious ‘ittra wara isimhom’) even on plaques?

  5. Nighthawk says:

    Did you say the Labour party was ‘almost’ like a criminal organisation?

    Forget the almost:


  6. Natalie says:

    Sorry, but it can’t be compared to Michelle’s plaque. AST seems to have been the guest here to commemorate the Misrah.

    The Puttinu Cares one was uncovered by the President but supervised by “The First Lady” (sic), Mrs. Michelle Muscat (sic).

  7. anthony says:

    This good for nothing will be forever remembered for having been present when “f’dan il-misrah ittellghet ballata”.

    It suits him fine.

    That is exactly as much as he deserves for his contribution to Maltese political history.

    At least SM la esposa del rey was present for a much more important occasion in Sutton.

  8. M. Borg says:

    The plaque carries a considerable burden. They had to add a couple of nails underneath to support the baggage.

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