The ‘social partners’ have got themselves plastered on that Koolaid, apparently

Published: November 5, 2013 at 8:49pm
Edward Scicluna, in another life as a general election reporter for Xandir Malta.

Edward Scicluna, in another life as a general election reporter for Xandir Malta.

Tony Zahra of the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association is upset about a couple of things that weren’t in the budget, but the Chamber of Commerce and the Malta Employers Association think that it’s all rather positive and have “welcomed” it.

We’re not thinking straight, or maybe there’s a bucket of Koolaid under somebody’s desk, brought out and passed around. Or maybe they’re just frightened of being dissed by the Fascist Pack as ‘negative’.

‘Negative’ is the new nerd. Nobody wants to be called it and gets really agitated about being thought it. But really, the way I look at it, being called ‘negative’ by a bunch of poisonous Super One hicks newly emerged from the sticks (and some of them still in them) and stuffing themselves at the trough is like being called a nerd by a dork. Like hell should you care, in other words.

So it’s down to Simon Busuttil and the Nationalist Party to draw everyone’s attention to the fact that this budget has slapped us with another €170 million in taxes.

With one hand it giveth, and with the other hand it taketh away even more.

The Grand Vizier, Edward Scicluna, has had the brass neck to say that the budget does not include new taxes, and meanwhile TVM runs a news headline telling us that the ‘120 measures cost €55 million’, when in reality they cost €170 million.

Going by my chats with people today, I wasn’t the only one who had an uneasy feeling while listening to the Grand Vizier read out his budget speech. He was the dull and pedestrian equivalent of a winning Formula One driver spraying the crowds with foaming champagne.

10 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    “Going by my chats with people today, I wasn’t the only one who had an uneasy feeling while listening to the Grand Vizier read out his budget speech. ”

    Going by what the EU Commission has said today about the budget deficit, I am not the only one who is not believing the government of clowns.

    However, I have the feeling that the government wanted the Maltese Citizenship Prostitution Scheme in place by 1 November for the specific purpose of having 2 clear months in which it can prostitute, I mean process the sale of, the first batch of Maltese passports by before the year-end – those ones which were promised before the elections – netting something like, at least,15 million euros or so, so that, this time it will “surprise” the EU, no less, and achieve a budget deficit of less than 3%.

  2. Edward says:

    I find it disturbing the way Muscat acts like the buffer to all his MPs. He gives them a platform to say what they want to say, but then everything else has to go through him.

    It’s like he doesn’t want anyone else to take the credit for work done. Either that, or he doesn’t trust them enough to answer to their own actions and choices because he knows they don’t actually like the direction in which he is taking them and the country.(People holding these positions are part of what goes on behind the scenes.They know more about certain intentions and actions.)

    For some reason, I can’t help but think that Scicluna didn’t prepare or write that budget at all. He stumbled far too often when reading the budget speech and then did not take the press conference himself but let the prime minister take it over.

    With the way the PL has to “stage” everything, I wonder why they need the facade, exactly what it is that it’s hiding and how big the hidden part is.

  3. ciccio says:

    I suppose that those organisations are run by ‘intelligent’ persons.

    Intelligent persons should realise that the greater the propagandistic effort, the greater the deceit.

    They only need to have a look around them and look for signs of propaganda activity.

  4. anthony says:

    With the Chamber of Commerce and the Malta Employers Association praising a Malta Labour Party budget, any further comment on the said budget is completely unnecessary.

    Hypocrites, the whole lot of them and also their brothers and sisters.

  5. Catsrbest says:

    As if again in election mode – they are going to recycle the billboard campaign.

  6. A Montebello says:

    I think the guy in the pic is a man named Grech.

  7. Tabatha White says:

    Style and comportment leave a great amount of residual data.

  8. Jozef says:

    Oqghod mur taht it-tinda, anzi, under the dome, Sur Zahra.

    U dan x’razza ta’ Imprenditur hu, li jekk ma’ tnizzilux il-VAT minn 7% ghal 5% ma’ jinvestix fil-lukanda?

    X’qamel. Mur arah jaghzel d-drappijiet u t-tapiti. Big Bon izarmah.

  9. Natalie says:

    A good budget introduces new beneficial measures while decreasing taxes. This is only possible if there is a healthy economy where although decreasing the number of taxes, the total income from taxes increases (i.e. people spend more).

    What we’ve seen here is someone with a calculator, taking away monies from one sector and spreading them meaninglessly onto another, while increasing the number of taxes too.

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