November 8, 2013 at 10:31am
Malta Right Now reports on a Russian magazine article which claims that families of five can get a 70 per cent discount when buying Maltese citizenship.
In a quoted translation of the article, Malta Right Now says:
Il-Gvern Malti se jkun qed jaghti skont speċjali ta’ 70% jekk iċ-Ċittadinanza Maltija tinxtara minn familja ta’ ħamsa min-nies. Dan kien żvelat f’magażin Russu li ddedika artiklu sħiħ għall-iskema tal-bejgħ taċ-Ċittadinanza mill-Gvern Malti. L-artiklu jgħid li filwaqt li l-ħlas minimu hu ta’ €650,000, dan il-prezz jiġi mnaqqas għal €185,000 għal familja ta’ ħamsa u allura l-Gvern se jkun qed jagħti skont ta’ aktar minn 70%.
Well, it just gets tackier by the minute, doesn’t it.
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Isn’t that just applying the maths (averaging) 650k / 25k*4?
(Have not done it myself…)
Actually isn’t it €150,000? (€650,000 + (4x€25,000))/5 = €150,000.
Henley is targeting 200-300 per year. In 5 years that could be a good 1,500 people. Elections have been won and lost on a difference of 1.5k.
[Daphne – Citizenship is a prerequisite for voting in Malta but it is not enough to acquire voting rights.]
Hajjin Hajjin Lampuki friski – ghal kul kilo jinghata nofs kilo b’xejn. Sitwazjoni tal-biki.
Maybe Mallia is mistaking Malta for Lidl, with this buy two, get three free scheme.
Actually it’s no discount at all. For a family of five one has to pay:
€650K + (25k x 4) = €750k
€750k / 5 = €150k per person
That’s a 77% “discount”
Do they also get a set of 1810 stainless steel pots and pans, a microwave and a mountain bike?
together with the ‘Welcome’ carpet
With this scheme, Malta is destined to become the pariah of the EU. The government knows this but is going ahead nonetheless. Way back on October 9, Times of Malta reported a government spokesman as saying:
“While the Government does not anticipate any action to be taken by the European Commission or other institution, any attempt to diminish Malta’s sovereign right to grant citizenship would be met with a robust defence based on principles which have been established and agreed in international law.”
This is double-speak for ‘if the EU complains we will tell them to buzz off’. Our reputation as a sound, safe, respectable jurisdiction built up slowly and patiently over a period of 30 years is fast disappearing. We are dismantling the foundations of our economy for a quick buck.
Thanks to Google translation
Мальта является наш также
and if there is some more room…
As was to be expected, the Russians are being defrauded.
I think this is some misleading propaganda leading the Russians to believe that the standard price per passport is euro 650,000 whether one is a principal applicant, or a spouse, or a child of the principal applicant, and therefore the price of euro 185,000 is a discounted price.
It is even worse if the advert is trying to lure the Russians by making them believe that the total of 5 passports comes to euro 185,000, whereas in fact it probably refers to the average cost per passport.
Even if this is the average price per passport, it is still overstated and someone is deceiving the Russians.
Let’s do some maths.
1 principal applicant: euro 650,000. Check.
1 wife: euro 25,000. Check.
3 children: euro 75,000, at euro 25,000 each. Check.
Henley & Partners fees: principal applicant euro 70,000 + spouse euro 15,000 + 3 children total euro 30,000. Total fees euro 115,000. Check.
Henley & Partners due diligence costs: principal applicant euro 7,500 + spouse euro 5,000 + 3 children total euro 9,000. Total due diligence costs euro 21,500. Check.
Total bill to be paid: euro 886,500. Cheque.
Total family size: 5. Check.
Average price per member of the family: euro 177,300. Check.
How come a Russian magazine knows this but we Maltese were not told of it?
No billboard to tell us about this “roħs”?
And why did they not put it in the electoral manifesto? It would have looked really nice, especially because a 70% discount is not a joke.
Reduced bureaucracy: 25%
Reduced water bills: 5%
Reduced electricity: 25%
Reduced price per Maltese passport: 70%
Sad, but not surprising
Dan il-povru pajjiz taghna tefghuh qisu fuq il-monti. Grazzi, Joseph.
Imbasta ‘Malta taghna lkoll’ – nahseb ta kulhadd imbarra taghna. Jew ta’ Muscat u Mallia halli joqghodu jilghabu biha.
Well it can get tackier. They might start selling it on Facebook or Maltapark.