Mrs Vella calls you to arms
Astrid Vella demands your participation at a pro-environment protest march, “FOR OUR CHILDREN AND THEIR CHILDREN’S CHILDREN!”
Well, I’m sorry Astrid, but nobody with an ounce of sense and who gives a damn about their children and grandchildren would have facilitated the rise to power of Joseph Muscat and his band of crooks.
You had it right there on the cards, way up ahead of voting time, that rogue developers were backing Labour so as to undermine the Planning Authority and development laws.
Didn’t you think they would get their pounds of flesh? God, how naive. Or bloody-minded.
I wonder what your friends in that nest of tal-pepe Labour vipers, the FAA, and its supporters – a couple come to mind, especially the ones with the finger in the power station pie – think of your organising a protest against the government already?
I shall be fascinated to see George Debono, Peter and Alaine Apap Bologna, Helen Tomkins, Marie Benoit et al demonstrating against the government’s acquiescence to the developers who hold the purse-strings.
Good job, though – it’s a lot better than sitting back and doing nothing, though with overweening pride of that nature, I don’t suppose you’ll be demonstrating in sackcloth and ashes or with chains round your ankles and a MEA MAXIMA CULPA placard round your neck.
Incidentally, like Manuel Mallia and his inability to grasp that a billion is a thousand million, you missed out a generation there in your call to arms: your children and your great-grandchildren, but not your grandchildren?
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As Franco Debono likes to say: Hu go fik, Astrid.
Messha hasbet qabel ma fattret il-vot taghha.
Sorry, but it’s too late now, Astrid. You weren’t the only one cosying up to Labour, and the others had and still have more money to give them while you presumably gave them none.
With Labour, money talks and bullsh*t walks.
I have to point out that the protest march is being organised by nine NGO’s, including Din L-art Helwa.
Trust her to make it sound like her idea.!/groups/FAALobby/?fref=ts
Jo Meli has told her he’s going, and has a suggestion: marching on Valletta in “black shirts and manganelli”. What lovely company Mrs Vella keeps.
Those Audrey Harrison billboards used to make my blood boil and the thought of them still does.
I would say to myself: of all the issues, how is it possible for anyone to vote Labour to improve development planning and environmental protection?
It was so obvious that the Labour Party was in cahoots with the huge majority of developers and contractors.
Anglu Farrugia actually said so when he resigned as deputy leader shortly before the elections when he ‘denounced his party’s intimacy with building developers and other businessmen, marking them out as the people who “wield power in the country”’
While all the developers and contractors were complaining about MEPA under the PN, the FAA were accusing MEPA of being developer-friendly and issuing permits abusively.
The FAA is complaining now but I have not yet heard the strong language they used against MEPA before the elections. Isn’t it obvious to them that Labour are honouring their pre-election promises to developers and contractors.
How FAA scinating.
How FAA king stupid.
U tghid mhux hekk…mur ipprotesta wahdek issa, Ms Vella.
During the last crucial days of the electoral campaign Ms Vella was busy circulating e-mails promoting a seminar about trees, instead of following and commenting on the environmental impact of Joseph Muscat’s proposals regarding the new power station, land reclamation, the PL’s close relations with the developers, etc. Now it is too late and Ms Vella has to choose in haste, which of Joseph’s cheeks she will be kissing now, having kissed all four of them over the last five years, including one of them outside parliament on television.
Good luck for er march for the environment. I hope she will be accompanied by a large number of idiotic switchers.
And what a surprise, it is the previous government’s fault. The present government’s hand are tied, poor them.
It’s your baby Astrid, you rock it.
Oh so now Astrid Vella is asking us to take up arms against the PL government.
Now that the permit for the Gasan family has been approved and a block of flats is going to be built a few metres opposite her flats, she’s cross at Labour. Issa hu go fik and go screaming on One TV, madam.
If she did not see all this coming she is either stupid or naïve.
I expected to see Astrid Vella outside parliament yesterday, waiting for Joseph Muscat to give him a nice warm kiss on his cheeks like the good old days.
I have a gut feeling that this latest outcry has nothing to do with the environment and more to do with the non-receipt of a specific iced-bun.
She thinks that there’s not an erection that will withstand the sound of her squeaking.
And she’s right.
Iss’oqgħod għaliha, Astrid (tr: now stay for it, Astrid).
WE have to do so, thanks to the likes of you.
And no matter how many protests you organise over the next few years, it’s difficult to forgive and impossible to forget.
People who lead, people who are leaders have to be 1) strategists 2) visionairies – the kind Lawrence Gonzi was.
If people who are in positions which require them to lead a group, a club, a party – are neither Visionaries nor Strategists but just “cry wolf”, these people should go home, learn their lesson and stay there because nobody is going to believe them now.
It-tort tiegħek, Astrid, u ta’ min ħaseb bħalek. Intom kontu strumentali biex tela’ l-Labour. Issa jien il-pjaċir tiegħi huwa li narakom kollha tibilgħu id-diskors li għidtu kontra l-Gvern l-ieħor. Tgħid m’inhix ġej bil-placards f’nofs il-Belt nipprotesta? Dak xogħol ta’ min għamel minn kollox biex iżarma l-Gvern Nazzjonalista.
Gor blim– Sorry, wrong picture.
Allons enfants de cette Patrie malade!
Missek tisthi Astrid.