When Joe Grima speaks, just treat him as what he is and don’t bother taking notes
The Fat Controller spoke in sort of admiring terms about Simon Busuttil’s performance in parliament a couple of days ago, and that made the news.
It’s about time we learned to treat this bloated shark for what he is: a person of no principle, who’s now pushing 80 and has even less to lose in terms of being a complete jerk.
Look what he’s put up on Facebook now. He’s resurrected his tedious old Mintoffian joke about Fenech Adami l-vavu bil-harqa.
We’re never shot of this scum, are we. It seems like they’ve been on the scene my entire life, which is pretty much the case. When I was at school he was Mintoff’s cabinet minister and banging on trucks like a thug, throwing his weight around and behaving like an animal in power, then he was all over our television screens, and now he’s all over Facebook with his inane remarks.
I’ll like to tell him to drop dead, but this is Malta where people don’t understand idiom and take everything literally, and given his age and disgusting obesity…
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The more Simon Busuttil dwarfs Joseph Muscat on matters of principle and ethics, the lower Labour goes.
The progressive and liberals are back to their Golden Years tactics.
A statesman is not measured by putting him next to a vavu.
If only we could sell Joe Grima’s passport – that is €2.6 million in one sale.
Wara N-Net TV (jilghaq) issa jmiss il-face book biex forsi jakkwista xi haga. Bniedem minghajr principju.
So now we know what book Joseph Muscat has been reading; ABC 123. And he liked the book so much that he is encouraging others to read it.
The look on his face even suggests that he has understood most of it.
Il-hanzir taqtaghlu zo…u hanzir jibqa. Anki jekk iqarrab it-tmenin u jihxien daqs baga li maghha jorbtu d-destroyers.
Dak iz-zibel ghandu 80 sena?
Uhud min-Nazzjonalisti dizilluzi bil-PN kien hemm dawk li xejn ma hadu gost li Joe Grima kien inghata spazju fuq Net TV. Kellhom miljun ragun. B’dal mod juri l-gratitudni Joe Grima. Nesa kemm beka fuq NET tv ghal vendikazzjonijiet li qalha minghand il-Labusti stess.
Ma nahsibx li Mr Joe Grima faqa il-bieb ta Net Tv meta kien jghamel il programm tieghu, nahseb li kienu net tv stess li stiednuh, u ghal dak iz zmien kien tajjeb,basta kollox kontra Alfred Sant ara issa ghax ma jdoqqx ghal widnejkhom xbajtu tghajjruh,ghalkhemm jien ghandi kull rispett lejn Dr sant, forsi min jaf qed jigrilkhom listess. issa mhemmx xtghamel tistenna u tiehdu pacenzja tridu, u nahseb ghad baqa naqra, ghax biex tirkupra 36000 vot mhix cajta.