Headline in The Age/Australia: ‘Malta to sell citizenship to foreigners’

Published: November 13, 2013 at 9:15pm

The Age

This is the photograph which Australia's The Age used - it speaks a thousand words

This is the photograph which Australia’s The Age used – it speaks a thousand words

Well, obviously it’s going to be ‘to foreigners’, but never mind.

I’m mainly interested in their choice of photographs – very telling.

Valletta, Malta: Malta’s parliament has approved selling citizenship of the Mediterranean island for €650,000 ($939,000) for each non-European Union applicant.

6 Comments Comment

  1. Pandora says:

    Is it just my impression or are some newspapers choosing not so flattering photos of Joseph Muscat? He is making a fool of himself…and of Malta.

  2. admin says:


    There ‘s an Elve on the EU Observer comments board, beneath the story about Malta: incineratur@gmail.com

    His “star” comment is: Malta is not as big as the UK, so we must have a lower price.

    He doesn’t realise that many people buying passports will be doing so precisely to head off to the UK.

  3. Louis says:

    Kemm hu antipatiku. Vera bniedem tad-daqqiet ta’ harta.

  4. Not Henley and Partners says:

    Do you agree with selling Malta’s citizenship?
    5 quick questions: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/8BFJVY9
    Please complete and circulate.
    Responses are anonymous.

  5. Dave says:

    Nafdaw lil Joseph ghax Joseph jemmen fina. Officially the laughing stock of the EU. Even the Corriere della Sera has run it as “per ridurre il deficit” – i.e. Malta is desperate because it is bust.

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