Is it absolutely essential for a warring middle-aged couple to draw the battle-lines in public, on their Facebook pages, using their respective children?

Published: November 19, 2013 at 9:27am


Carmen 1

What Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando wrote there on Facebook 10 days ago is nothing but a snub and public insult to his wife and her daughter, who he raised since the age of four or five and who he should, consequently, treat as his own.

With that unchivalrous, ungentlemanly public gesture (no matter what a woman does to a man, he should never insult her in public – or for that matter, in private), he triggered off the speculation and publicity about his latest set of problems.

Now he has his children defiantly up on Facebook, and she has her daughter. We had their ‘need to get married’ foisted on the entire country. I hope we are not going to be put through the same thing with their need to divorce before the four years are up.

20 Comments Comment

  1. U Le! says:

    Drama queens.

    • hekk says:

      Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando says there is nothing that makes him prouder than his three kids.

      He should have added that there is nothing that humiliates his three kids more than their father.

  2. albona says:

    Yes, probably the most mature thing for anyone over the age of 15 to do would be to close their Facebook account. It is dangerous to give human beings an outlet for the shoring up of their sense of self-importance and their calls for compassion and empathy, to say nothing of validation of their looks (‘sexy pic, hun!’ ‘wow, a beauty!’).

    The truth is that no one cares, Pullicino Orlando. Fight your own battles in private.

  3. Bubu says:

    How tiresome. I cannot understand why so many people feel to need to publicise their private lives openly with all and sundry. I was always taught to have my own personal boundaries, as well as to respect others’.

    Even away from Facebook, some people will start regaling you with all their troubles in excruciating detail five minutes after they get to meet you. I find it so embarrassing.

  4. Polly says:

    It-tfal kollha ikunu specjali ghal genituri taghhom, hlief ghal ftit eccezzjonijiet. Imma biex tkun specjali int, bhala genitur, trid ittijhom ezempju tajjeb, mhux kif ghamel u qed jaghmel Jeffrey.

    It-tahwid li ghandu go fih, zgur li qed ikkisser lil uliedu.

    Huwa persuna vojta, kiesha, prusuntus u egocentriku. Narcissist kbir. Dawn ma jaghmlukx genitur tajjeb.

  5. QahbuMalti says:

    Typical of people who think Facebook is an extension of their social life.

  6. TinaB says:

    What the hell is wrong with the Maltese society? Why are the majority of middle-aged people behaving worse than their children?

    I have lived away from Malta for many years and also have many friends from around the globe – I have never, with very few exceptions, witnessed such stupid behaviour among adults.

  7. H.P. Baxxter says:

    My name is H.P., and I’ve been off the Earl Grey for three months now.

  8. Malti Pur says:

    If his children are so important to him, he should know better then to put them up for public scrutiny. He is a public figure, so he cannot escape it – though he needn’t court attention quite as much as he insists on doing – but his children would have been unknown to the general public had he not insisted on plastering their pictures all over his Facebook wall.

  9. Denis says:

    The best thing Mrs Jeffrey Pullicino II ever did was to pack and move out.

    To his ego, that is catastrophic.

  10. manum says:

    JEFF: A Tragi-Comedy in Five Acts

  11. krakatoa says:

    Instead of telling the world on Facebook that he is proud of his children, he should be acting to ensure that they are proud of him.

  12. Nik says:

    We’re his father and grandfather also called Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando? If not what’s this “III” crap?

  13. A.Cremona says:

    What’s more is that he’s stating the obvious. Yes, Jeff, we know. All normal parents consider their children to be the most important thing in their lives. It’s human nature.

  14. anthony says:

    A man his age stating publicly his feelings for his children is a plea for help.

    I agree he is a creep (in Maltese veru ghim) but I honestly feel that this poor chap should be left in peace to sort out his messed-up self .

    His divorce legislation has not affected me in the least.

    I have no intention whatsoever of divorcing my wife of forty years.

    Better the devil you know.

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