I’m sorry, but isn’t Times of Malta’s ‘scoop’ today exactly what I reported on this website four weeks ago?

Published: November 19, 2013 at 9:57pm

Energy deal 1

Energy deal 2

11 Comments Comment

  1. nutmeg says:

    Proof that you’re way ahead, Ms Caruana Galizia. Keep it up.

  2. Stephen says:

    You know it is not just this story. That is why I ditched Times of Malta over your blog. There are other reasons too: Times of Malta wears blinkers when it suits it.

  3. albona says:

    Such a scoop by the Times of Malta.

    I can already see tomorrow’s headline:

    ‘Germany invades Poland’.

  4. Antoine Vella says:

    This is an extremely serious issue that I hope the Opposition takes up.

    It seems that Gasol had already negotiated with the Labour Party before the election. But before the election, this had been specifically DENIED by Labour.

    They solemnly assured us that they had not involved in any negotiation with any supplier. Were they lying?

    Moreover, it seems that Gasol had already been assured that they would be given the contract should the PL win the elections.

    So, what was the tendering process all about? Had Gasol been selected beforehand? Was it all a sham?

    • ciccio says:

      There are many interesting facts in the article, although most of them had been revealed on this website already. Indeed, this website has revealed much more.

      What had not been discussed here is that “Both Tumas and Gasan groups had been involved in similar energy-related projects in the past. In the most recent tender – the extension of the Delimara power plant, awarded to BWSC – the Gasan Group, through MAN Diesel, placed second and Tumas Group’s Bateman came third.”

      Definitely an important point being made there.

  5. rjc says:

    I have just terminated my Disqus account on the Times website.

    This newspaper and its portal are a disgrace, so selective in its reporting.

    Thank you Daphne for this blog. It’s at the top of my bookmarks.

  6. Mike says:

    Times of Malta… yesterday’s news tomorrow.

  7. Paddling Duck says:

    Times of Malta, copying ‘scoops’ from she who will not be named.

  8. Steve says:

    Investigative journalism and not just writing down and accepting whatever the minister or whoever blurts out.

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