Vincent De Bono, Silvio Parnis’s ex aide, reveals how they shut him up
November 24, 2013 at 1:04am
The self-professed corruption and embezzlement whistleblower couldn’t resist blabbing on Facebook a few hours ago.
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He’s not just a self-professed whistleblower. He’s a natural. Maybe we should sponsor a couple of bodyguards for him, to make sure he keeps blowing that whistle for a while longer.
Forget about cyber-bullying. This government is foolishly exposing itself to open cyber-threats.
All one needs to do is post a whine, a broken promise or a dirty revelation on Facebook – and pronto – a reward is arranged almost instantly.
Given the number of murky promises and abandon skeletons in the closet, it will only be a matter of time before the whole thing explodes in their face.
Skeletons? Their closet must look like an ossuary.
L-injoranza tixghel f’ dawn in-nies. Ma kellekx bzonn hafna ‘spies’ biex jinqabad dan il-beccun.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how the next self-entitled, bloodsucking, morally corrupt, Labour-voting generation is forged.
Vincent Debono is not the new generation. At 40, he is middle-aged and two generations too late to be new.
Madoff, kemm hu baħnan.
If someone has knowledge about a crime, is he not an accessory to that crime if he does not report it to the authorities?
But it seems he did report it – to another Labour politician – and was given an iced bun instead of justice being done.
A good CV reference, for this government, is ‘I know something about one of yours and will tell if you don’t give me what I want’. It’s happening all over the place.
Right now, anyone and everyone who has heard this allegation and has the power to do something about it (whether investigate it or make sure it is investigated) is an accessory to the crime if the allegation is true, and in any case guilty of obstructing the course of justice.
This is the famous blokka silg cover-up all over again.
And anyone whose name and official position has been mentioned publicly, and who has the powers to investigate, has a duty to do so. To do otherwise is negligence and association with the crime.
Someone this dumb with his own TV programme? Can’t wait for the outcome.
Joseph Muscat’s real threat is his cynicism. He believes that everybody and everything has a price but no value, from people to passports, from votes to appointments.
Since his election (and before) he hasn’t done much but buying silence and power while selling passports.
Can this like many other ‘shut ups’ be classified as corruption?
A while ago he declared that his account has been hacked, suggesting that all that was written about San Katald did not come from him. It is becoming a very sinister environment on how things are being revealed and then covered up. This guy does not need mental help, but soon we will.
Trash, and going cheap.
Which shows that this government has so much hidden corruption that Joseph Muscat’s solution is “GIVE THEM ICED BUNS” to shut up.
If Parnis has nothing to hide, he would have ignored him or sued him.
Instead they reached an agreement at OUR cost.
This starts to sound like it was less about whistleblowing and more about blackmail. Whatever it was, by hook or by crook, he got his iced bun.
I feel utterly ashamed to be Maltese, knowing that I am surrounded by spineless and treacherous people who would sell their mothers if they had to.
Euro 650,000 for a passport? I’d give mine away without charging a cent if I could.
Five years working with anyone will teach you a lot about them, and what Vincent De Bono has revealed must be a fraction of the whole story. So, give him an iced bun, shut him up and if he fails his credibility is lost too.
Well said, Osservatore.
Once again, we find ourselves with a government that embarrasses us internationally.
Bil-Labour fil-Gvern il-korruzzjoni qed terga tibrilla fil-pajjiz.
U nistaqsi fejnhom il-Pulizija dwar kaz oxxen bhal dan?
Dan il-bniedem jew qed jghid il-verita’ inkella ghamel akkuzi serji dwar bniedem politiku u allura prominenti.
“The emperor has no clothes!” the little boy shouted. And he was given a lollipop to shut up.
Not even the most mythical of whores were bought for such a ridiculously low price: a dummy to stop up his mouth and stop him crying ‘Mama!’
Do queue up to switch channels as soon as he comes out with his new TV show.
Next thing they’ll give him is a whistle to stick it up right where it belongs.
Taht Zeppi kullhadd u kollox ghandu prezz.
For Joseph Muscat everyone and everything has a price. From trade-unionists to passports.
Mr Debono’s silence was bought with a TV job.
Which TV station is going to accept this pea brained idiot?At least he’s not employed to find garages for rock band rehearsals.
This guy doesn’t sound like the sharpest knife in the drawer.
This morning il-Mument reports that three One News ‘journalists’ will soon be joining the PBS newsroom. More cronyism.
Where are the journalists? Are Debono’s allegations about misappropriation of funds intended for charity by a politician being investigated? Is it a coincidence that when Debono withdrew his allegations he was given a job on a New TV production? Who is the producer? Did anyone intervene to get this job for Debono?
It is really a matter of concern the news about Henley & Partners and how they are involved in financing electoral campains. Everyone can make his own conclusions.
At this rate I’m more than happy to sell my passport for 650,000 and that of my wife and children. The hell with this country – I’d rather be in Antigua. What a bunch of morons.
[Daphne – While I sympathise, I must ask what sort of mental world you inhabit (the Golden Years of Labour where the man was in charge of his wife and children and they his chattels, perhaps?) that you speak as though you have the right to sell your wife’s passport and take a unilateral decision on selling those of your children.]
Have the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations and the Police Commissioner called him for a confession on his allegations in full public view on Facebook about the possible misuse of over Euro 100,000 collected on a TV program from the public?
Eddy Privitera biss, milli jidher, se jibqa’ biz-zokk.
Ma jibqax jekk jaf b’xi haga tintenn u jedhed li jikxef.
Jekk full up, jaghmluh president.
Dak kuntent kif inhu. Jimsah it-ticpis u c-caflis tal-partit.
Imma kif m’ghandhom hila jaghmlu xejn sew? PL partit tal-laghqa.
The arrested mental development of this 40-year-old man is evident from his Facebook posts and the way he is mollycoddled by his parents.
More worrying is the fact how he announces this piece of news, following the serious allegations he published, as if nothing ever happened. Moreover, his “friends” congratulate him and all is well again.
This total lack of ethical behaviour and values is worrying as well as the fact that this is being accepted as normal by the majority.
Imbasta nghidu r-ruzarju kuljum mal-mummy u d-daddy.
Bir-religjozita tieghu kollha ma jhossx il-kuxjenza taharqu jekk jaf li xi flus li kellhom skop jghinu nies fil-bzonn spiccaw ihallsu l-ispejjez personali ta’ xi hadd iehor. Min jibqa sieket huwa komplici.
Religion, for the majority of the Maltese is just a habit – something which they are unaware of.
Well, it’s all a bit hard to decipher, those bits where Jesus said don’t be a thieving bastard and don’t put up with thieving bastards and stuff like that. No wonder the majority of Maltese get confused.
What I am saying here has nothing to do with getting confused however, Catherine. Ignorance and lack of common sense does.
Perhaps he will be starring in a puppet show.