Evil Click update – they obviously can’t get enough of each other
Last night, the parliamentary secretary for the Environment & Planning Authority, Michael Farrugia, was out at supper at the Rickshaw with his girlfriend Amanda Mifsud (whose sister Mariella has helped Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando destroy his one-year marriage) and with Robert Musumeci and his girlfriend, Magistrate Consuelo Herrera.
Right now, Michael Farrugia, Robert Musumeci and Parliamentary Secretary Jose Herrera (brother to Musumeci’s girlfriend) are laughing and gossiping away on the terrace at Chukkas, the restaurant at the Malta Polo Club (ahem).
I have to wonder: do these people have no interior life or even home life? If they are not at work, then they are out, out, out. And more oddly still, they are never out alone with their girlfriend, boyfriend or spouse, but always with each other in various permutations of the group, like teenagers who are afraid to be alone.
The difference, of course, is that teenagers do not deliberately and consciously avoid being alone with their love interest, but rather the opposite, for obvious reasons. But it seems that with these tragic people, once the obvious reasons have worn themselves out as they inevitably do to a greater or lesser extent over the years, there’s nothing left except panic which can be alleviated only by the society of crowds and constant third-party entertainment.
They’re like the Lidl discount basket version of White Mischief.
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Whereas Malta Taghna Lkoll was an egalitarian battlecry, these people are creating a new aristocracy, albeit made up of IGnoble persons.
The background to the Herrera couple is indeed apt. Anything or anyone who has anything to do with Joseph Muscat or the PL calls for raspberries all round.
A lawyer friend of mine recounted some very raunchy stories that happened on the day of the patron saint of lawyers Sant’ Ivo. Pity that we have no tabloids out to expose the nasty doings of politicians in Malta as these stories would fill pages and pages.
[Daphne – Jahasra: the Maltese courts version of playing doctors and nurses in general hospitals. Don’t get me started. Amazing just how many people will insist on taking a dump in their own backyard instead of moving further afield.]
Looks like someone’s hindsight module has kicked in again:
Partit tal-Liars update – http://maltarightnow.com/default.asp?module=news&at=Henley+%26+Partners+involuti+fil-finanzjament+ta%27+kampanji+elettorali&t=a&aid=99852411&cid=19
Slowly but surely we will get at the whole truth.
Partit tal-Liars update – http://maltarightnow.com/default.asp?module=news&at=Henley+%26+Partners+involuti+fil-finanzjament+ta%27+kampanji+elettorali&t=a&aid=99852411&cid=19 .
Perhaps they need to be consoled by each other.
Kurzita’ : Musumeci x ‘ hin kien jistudja biex irnexxielu jghaddi mill- ezamijiet tal-ligi?
Jista’ jghidilna Musumeci kif gie l- ewwel fl- EU Law?
Jew kif ghadda ‘rih’ minghajr ‘biza jew favuri’?
Jew kif lejliet l-ezami ta’ l-Obligations tkun fuq is-Super One u l-ghada tigi ghall-ezami b’ nofs biro fil-but qisek mort tiekol fenek u ma jkollokx resit?
Tghid ghandhom bzonn xi tifel biezel?
Wish I could be at Sant’Ivo once Musumeci his girlfriend’s son and daughter and her niece graduate all in one and one for all.
That will be an epic cocktail.
The real problem, which many do not seem to realise, is that the Herrera name has been dragging down the good name of our courts for years and there seems to be no end in sight.
Ma nemminx li se jaqleb minn perit ghax ma ‘jaqbillux’
They should set up a swingers’ club and perform the whole act in private. Tony Zahra might even provide a few hotel rooms for free for their encounters.
Nhar il-Gimgha wara nofs in-nhar kont l-ajruport u rajt wiehed liebes qalziet ahmar/vjola (fl-ilwien m’hinix tajjeb) bhal ta’ Jeffrey.
Ir-ragel kien qasir bhad-dentist ta’ Haz-Zebbug u xaghru kien bhal tan-neguzjant tal-art tal-Mistra; ma kontx zgur li kien Jeffrey minn wara ghax ma rajtx dmugh fl-art.
Mela jdawwar wiccu u kien hu kollu kemm hu. Kont se nohrog il-mobajl biex nehodlu rittratt u ftakart minn xiex ghadda Norman Vella.
Mallia in charge of the courts and Herrera just jaqta z-zigarelli u jinawgura t-tournaments u t-tlielaq.
No wonder Consuelo is so fat. First stuffing her face at Rickshaw yesterday and full blown meal at Chukka’s today.
Mhux hekk….u nofs Malta tiekol bicca hobz niexfa bil- bully beef
Maybe the new Mifsud is an investment……a way of getting closer and closer to MEPA.
I completely agree with you, Daphne.
The fact that most couples in Malta must always be accompanied by friends the moment they step outdoors always amazes me.
Don’t they find anything to say to each other? And worse still, don’t two people who are supposed to be in love with one another enjoy one another’s company, then?
Daphne, I worship your power of observation.