Time for your lunch-break (but don’t take a selfie like Marlene the MEP)

Published: November 25, 2013 at 12:45pm

17 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Dahack! Dafuq!

  2. AE says:

    He started embarrassing us then. He continues now.

  3. Lawrence Attard says:

    There is a befitting comment under the Youtube posting:

    “The look of satisfaction on his face as he was answering just shows that he had anticipated them asking him for a translation and just wanted to make a show …”

    To me, the very worst moment was when he refused the chair’s apology. Even if he had a point, he wasn’t really interested in making it with grace and dignity as befitted his position, was he?

    On the contrary, with his own warped psyche he sought to demean and humiliate.

    Can you ever, ever imagine Simon Busuttil doing the same?

  4. Mattie says:

    Watch this carefully again:


    Someone at 1.00 says: “igib lil Malta, pajjiz ta’ poplu wiehed”.

    Poplu wiehed?
    You’re joking!

  5. OhHack says:

    The perennial Maltese problem with English vowels: “Land me tan sants to buy a Papsi, or shell I hev tea and I put dee kattle on?”

  6. Osservatore says:

    I have always had very strong reservations about Facebook and avid Facebook users. Unfortunately, a number of acquaintances whom I once held in much higher esteem have had their life taken over by this culture, posting everything from the foam on their morning cappucino to the ‘naqa selit’ they may prepared for their spouse. Even worse are the parents who indulge in posting countless mind numbing pictures of their offspring’s every fart and burp. George Carlin once said that “Kids are just like adults. A few winners, a whole lot of losers. And some of them are just downright unpleasant to look at!” The need to post one’s own kids’ pictures as a means of validating one’s existence is a sad thought indeed.

    Perhaps I delight in being a reclusive dinosaur when I say that I have little use for Facebook except when reviewing CVs. You would be surprised how much useful information I can find from a simple search of the applicants’ names. Short listing has finally been made so much easier.

    You may not agree with my views but you will surely excuse me for wondering whether Marlene Mizzi’s “selfie” was actually an act of self gratification! Of course, upon clicking the link, I could figure out that she it was a reference to a self-pic. She was only trying to sound hip poor soul, and it was only my thoughts that had gone off at such a wild tangent…thank heavens for small mercies!

    So I thought I’d ‘wiki’ the word – reclusive dinosaurs can be hip too. What I read only served to validate my feelings towards the mindless Facebook obsession that seems to have taken over not only youths and adults alike, but also some of our very own political ‘elite’. And its not all good.


    ‘The appeal of selfies comes from how easy they are to create and share, and the control they give self-photographers over how they present themselves. Many selfies are intended to present a flattering image of the person, especially to friends whom the photographer expects to be supportive. However, a 2013 study of Facebook users found that posting photos of oneself correlates with lower levels of social support from and intimacy with Facebook friends (except for those marked as Close Friends); The lead author of the study suggests that “those who frequently post photographs on Facebook risk damaging real-life relationships.”‘

    ‘Posting intentionally unattractive selfies has also become common in the early 2010s—in part for their humor value, but in some cases also to explore issues of body image or as a reaction against the perceived narcissism or over-sexualization of typical selfies.’

    ‘Selfies are particularly popular among girls and young women. Sociologist Ben Agger describes the trend of selfies as “the male gaze gone viral”, and sociologist and women’s studies professor Gail Dines links it to the rise of porn culture and the idea that “there’s only one way to visibility, and that’s fuckability.” Writer Andrew Keen has pointed out that while selfies are often intended to give the photographer control over how their image is presented, posting images publicly or sharing them with others who do so may have the opposite effect—dramatically so in the case of revenge porn, where ex-lovers post sexually explicit photographs or nude selfies (sexting photos) to exact revenge or humiliate their former lovers.’

  7. Michael says:

    How ironic! He used to make a fuss back in the day about translators not having our language integrated, yet now he is selling our citizenship.

    Infantile sod.

  8. alex says:

    Hemm hu il-king, ara x’prim ministru ghandna! Gonzi, ahfrilom ghax ma kienux jafu x’inhuma jaghmlu.

  9. Emma says:

    If maltese is supposed to be an official language he did he right thing. We have nothing less of other countries therefore translators should be provided the same as other countries have!

    God bless.

    • Denis says:

      Emma, are you serious? Even if he was in the right there are polite ways and means of expressing disapproval. The PM’s reaction was not far from that of a village bully.

    • M. Cassar says:

      Is this comment a further example of why we are in this mess or is it tongue in cheek?

    • Mattie says:

      That’s hardly the point.

      • Michelle Pirotta says:

        10 euro that she is a Brussels or Luxembourg-based translator.

      • xi darba says:

        nah, if she were she’d know that those are interpreters in the boot and not translators (who translate documents). 10 euro please Michelle?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      I agree with Emma. Every year, I donate 20% in taxes above my 35% so the Catalans and the Irish can get their linguistic rocks off. I have even petitioned the EU Commission to include Burmarradi as an official language (surely, ‘lenkwicc’?)

  10. canon says:

    That was the prelude to the mockery of Joseph Muscat’s insistence in selling the Maltese citizenship.

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