Law Commissioner and Chief of Constitutional Reform defends cigarette smugglers against extradition to Italy

Published: November 25, 2013 at 10:23pm

cigarette smugglers

And we don’t get to be given their names just in case they might to go to a cocktail party any time soon and have nobody know about it.

But to have a Law Commissioner and Chief of Constitutional Reform (what’s happening there, incidentally?) get involved with this kind of thing?

Malta: you have to experience it to believe it.

Debono was interviewed by that Mintoffian midget Jackie Scott/Mercieca on Super One TV last Saturday. Apparently Josette Hamilton Grech has bequeathed her Saturday night Super One TV fiefdom to her brother Ivan of Winter Moods while she’s away on a three-year shopping trip in London, because he’s co-hosting.

Mrs Scott asked him about his school performance (remarkable), his marriage plans (none), his birds (“il-hena tieghi, naghmel tlett sieghat magghom kuljum”) and his reading habits (he trotted out that old story about how he flew to Brussels with another lawyer and how impressed she was when he brought out a book about pure ‘mettss’).

But she didn’t ask him about progress in his reform of the entire body of laws of Malta, and the Constitution. I guess she’s forgotten already that’s what he is paid to do.

And oh my, isn’t she the most amazing male-ego-stroker? I was so impressed. A master class – the only other women I have seen do it so well are aged 70+ and did it survive until it became a habit.

Equally fascinating was watching Franco Debono not noticing that his ego was being stroked by somebody inwardly mocking him: “Franco – ragel bhalek, attraenti, sabih…”. Meanwhile, he sat there like a froga, legs apart, ears hunting for his chin, grinning inanely.

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

12 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    Did they ask whether he is missing parliament or perhaps parliament is missing him?

  2. Nighthawk says:

    Sounds like the same guy. He says is unemployed. “Friends” include Joe Grima, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando III, Anthony Zammit, Ghaqda Duminku Mintoff III, Franco Debono III, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca II, Wenzu Mintoff, Lara Boffa, James Piscopo, Duminku Mintoff A, Duminku Mintoff B, and about 10 other iterations of Ghaqda Duminku Mintoff

    Likes include Ma’Bundy, Ser Nivvota PL fl-elezzjoni generali li jmiss, Cyrus Engerer, Marlene Mizzi, Ian Borg, Alfred Sant, Duminku Mintoff, Michael Falzon, Chris Fearne, Deborah Schembri, Chris Fearne, Sigmund Mifsud, and perhaps bizarrely given everything else, Mario Demarco & the European Peoples Party.

    I’m thinking he’s either slightly unhinged or is one of those Labourites who has come to the realisation that he is not related to anyone important, and not having appeared on any billboards is destined to remain unemployed under this government.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    You’re all jealous because Franco has more birds than he can handle.

    • Pufta bic-coff says:

      HI H.P.

      apparently one of his birds, chicks, hottie , scapyard model or whatever you may wish to call her has flown away from his arms and into those of JPO.

      I am now wondering whether there will be some form of cross migration of the billboard girl Lara Boffa from the office of Chairman of Malta Council of Science and Technology to that of the Law Commissioner.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        If you have any material for Chapter Two of my magnum opus, I’m taking notes. There have been some strange goings-on at Villa Bighi, and some stories need telling. For posterity, you understand.

  4. bob-a-job says:

    2B, or not 2B, that is the question:
    Whether ’tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
    The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune,
    Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles

  5. Min Jaf says:

    Il-qaghda ta Franco ma tantx imbidlet minn meta kien ghadhu fil-baby walker – u lanqas l-imgiebha tieghu jekk nigu f’dan.

  6. botom says:

    He might be missing parliament but parliament is definitely not missing him. Good riddance for bad rubbish.

  7. ciccio says:

    Labour keeps treating him like a trophy. Every now and then they take him out of the show case to give him a wipe in full public view on Super One.

  8. mm says:

    And he has still got a policeman stationed outside his mother’s house. Is he living there, with his girlfriend or alone?

  9. Wot the Hack says:

    Didn’t he say he wanted to work in Italy as a lawyer?

    He had a once in a lifetime opportunity to defend his clients in Italy, and he ruined it.

  10. vittorio says:

    Qatt ma rajt bniedem indannat bhal Franco . He must be living a a hell of a life . Don’t even feel sorry for him .

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