How the two-man company registered at a Bugibba hotel room, to which John Dalli gave the Mater Dei Hospital IT development ‘Eur25 million tender’, portrays itself online

Published: November 28, 2013 at 1:08pm

A really professional outfit, I must say. A cheap, tacky, dated website for a Bugibba hotel-room operation. And they’re going to build the integrated system for the general hospital because Mark Sammut, who owns Cursor Ltd, was John Dalli’s ‘special adviser’ in Brussels.

Special adviser of what? Well, as long as he put his friend on the European Commmission pay-roll…


18 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    They’ve upgraded to a suite:

  2. QahbuMalti says:

    Mark Sammut addressed the press conference hosted by John Dalli and set himself up to take on a project he is totally unprepared for.

    It is one thing programming a cash register and quite another programming an integrated Patient Administration System.

    As someone with many years experience in enterprise-wide systems in Malta and elsewhere, and knowing the competence of Mark Sammut/Cursor Limited, this is totally out of his league.

    This is so far beyond his competence it is like getting a tricycle manufacturer to design, develop and implement a passenger aircraft.

    The conflict of interest is astounding – where is the public procurement procedure?

    “eHealth advisor Mark Sammut spoke on IT saying that outdated system had to be replaced and supplier power, which resulted in a dictation of prices and services, had to be reduced.”

    • La Redoute says:

      So Muscat’s government is reducing ‘supplier power’ by allowing an unaccountable consultant to sub-contract large projects from his unaccountable e-health adviser.

      • Esteve says:

        Actually, given that it is obvious that the project is way beyond the capabilities of this outfit, it follows that the job will in turn be subcontracted to a bigger unknown company.

        I think the minster for health should not be asked to resign in protest. I think it is exactly what Dalli and friends want. On the contrary, he should be encouraged to take a stand against these malicious dishonest people.

  3. Rose says:

    I hope you’re sending this to Giovanni Kessler. If you need his email address, send me an email.

    [Daphne – Rose, why exactly don’t you send it yourself, given that you have his email address? What’s up with you people sometimes?]

  4. Makjavel says:

    Look at this website and you will see a tab ” WISH LIST”
    It is empty , well Christmas came early with a 25 million euro present.

  5. pablo says:

    Dalli’s modus operandi always involves two other persons – a naive accomplice and a patsy. In this latest, just fill in the names.

  6. rjc says:

    This is a scandal of enormous proportions.

    Thanks for the details, Daphne.

  7. verita says:

    So actually who is going to pay the 25 million euros ? Surely the opposition should strongly demand an explanation from the prime minister and raise the question in parliament And where is the Auditor General ?

  8. Archive Hospital Worker says:

    MITA actually have a base at Mater Dei Hospital from where they manage all the health data system.

    Are they going to make something better, when everyone knows that not all the data has been keyed in yet?

    Why choose this Mark Sammut’s two-bit company with no employees when there are proper outfits which have a proven track record and who are willing to compete for this tender?

    • La Redoute says:

      Maybe Mark Sammut’s company isn’t doing any work. Maybe it’s all subcontracted.

      That would make him a front for someone else.

  9. albona says:

    One thing is for sure; today it doubled its all time hits in just one day.

  10. back to the 80s says:

    Shouldn’t similar IT projects be piloted by the government agency MITA? Surely would make more business sense if Malta is as heavily in debt as they claim. What a real waste of resources. Well one thing for sure it seems that the public accounts committee will be quite busy during this legislature.

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