Comment of the night

Published: December 2, 2013 at 9:49pm

Sent in by George Grech:

Mhux fair. Gaia giet l-ewwel minn hmistax gewwa l-Ukraina u jaghtuha Gieh ir-Repubblika u n-Nuxellina tigi l-ewwel minn 250 gewwa Ghawdex u ma naghtuha xejn.

13 Comments Comment

  1. Bob says:

    It is sad to see Joseph Muscat trying to hitch a ride on an 11-year-old girl and steal some of her limelight.

    • Silvio Abela tal-SMU says:

      Joseph Muscat will hitch a ride on anything as long as it isn’t Mrs Michelle Muscat, in whose presence he would rather not be unless he really has no choice.

  2. botom says:

    This is yet another of Muscat’s cynical gimmicks. He is changing the requirements and increasing the number of Gieh ir-Reppublika to start dishing out these honours to Labour cronies.

    In the meantime he is using Gaia’s nomination as a cover-up, a human shield to protect himself from from the barrage of criticism by the Opposition against these amendments.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I don’t know which is worse: Kim Il Sung, or an eleven-year old children’s song contest winner.

    • Silvio Abela tal-SMU says:

      He’s set a precedent. In three years’ time, it will be those twins enrolled in the National Order of Merit, with their mother being admitted into the Gieh ir-Repubblika for services to the nation in giving birth to them and bringing them up so marvellously.

  4. Norman Vella says:

    Il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat jinnomina lill-kantanta bravissima Gaia Cauchi għal Ġieħ ir-Repubblika … forsi għax din id-daqsxejn ta’ tifla mimlija talent urietu xi tfisser tassew il-kelma MERITOKRAZIJA.

  5. P Shaw says:

    Earmarking the next generation of voters who will be aged 16 or over in five years’ time, even though the minimum age for voting is still 18.

  6. ciccio says:

    The government is going through a bumpy period. The first real decisions of the government after the period of honey moon – such as the stand on African immigrants, the Sale of Citizenship, and a number of decisions impacting the environment – proved to be a disaster.

    So the government will resort to anything that will draw sympathy towards the clowns in Castille. Gaia Cauchi’s victory at the Junior Eurovision was providential, like manna from heaven.

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