Despite what he said in parliament tonight, it’s actually Muscat himself who thinks that same-sex couples shouldn’t have children

Published: December 12, 2013 at 12:41am

And here it is, in his own words, just three years ago. You’re going to have get past his absolutely insufferable physical and verbal affectations to watch this, I’m afraid. But while you’re doing so, you can marvel at how much both he and Cyrus Engerer have aged in such a short space of time.

Another thing you can marvel at is how people watched this jerk, were impressed and voted for him. Malta must be a conman’s paradise because people really, really can’t see through others or even pick up basic non-verbal cues in communication.

“Nahseb li it’s high time…” – maaaaa, jaqq. Why vote for a man who’s so poorly educated that he’s inarticulate? It’s just unbelievable.

And he looks even more like a Roman emperor’s catamite in this video, or like one of Martina Navratilova’s girlfriends. Does the man even have to shave? There’s something wrong there, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. One thing’s for sure. He shouldn’t wear make-up, not even for television – because instead of looking like a man in make-up, he looks like somebody who’s about to be debauched by Caligula.

17 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Quick, Reno Bugeja. This has news value.

    On TVM’s website, Reno Bugeja’s news is saying that Joseph Muscat has accused the Opposition with a U Turn on gay adoptions.

    So what does Reno Bugeja think about Muscat’s position?

    Considering how TVM reported Muscat’s accusation to the Opposition, the same must apply about the prime minister’s U Turn.

  2. Fran says:

    Agree with you 100 percent.

    How could people not see through his theatrics. Now we are going from bad to worse, in only a few months of governance.

  3. Min Jaf says:

    One thing’s for sure. The pain and expense of the hair transplant has served for naught.

  4. Fran says:

    He was accusing the Opposition of making a U-Turn. As they say, best form of defence is attack.

  5. unhappy says:

    Rotten politicians rallying for rotten citizenship schemes devised by rotten consultants.

  6. Kevin says:

    The man is dangerous, that is what is wrong with him. I have always said it. Muscat is significantly worse than Mintoff. There is a cruelty that I interpret from his facial expressions.

  7. Jozef says:

    Typical leftie syllogism, from civil unions as a distinct configuration to lamenting discrimination in one easy step.

    Adopting a child is not a couple’s right.

  8. Neil says:

    Engerer has ballooned almost to the size of his buddy Glann since then.

  9. Jozef says:

    Doing a Lawrence Gonzi eh? Actually he’s willing to remain the only one left standing, over his dead body etc etc.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Too late for that ploy from the spin team. Now Joseph Muscat has become transparent to the world for evermore.

      The “Ikseb fama u mur orqod” part didn’t happen when he won the elections, on a fraudulent ticket, but when he tried that fraud on the European Union and on top of the international negative outcry STILL went on to the U.S. to sell and market his scam.

      The man’s a sham. He’ll say anything for the money.

  10. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I, however, can put my finger on it, because I’ve seen it countless times before, although never to such a degree.

    It’s the arrogance of conceit, the self-assured, zero-introspection smugness that is the product of an entire lifetime of being told you’re the best, and of getting your way through lying and sucking up.

    Want proof? Take Muscat out of his comfort zone of Malta and China, and he deflates in an instant.

    They say every man will have a setback at some point in his life. Perhaps. But I sincerely hope that Muscat does. Perhaps some family trouble. Perhaps the next election. Then we’ll see the whole edifice of bullshit collapsing. And boy, will it be good.

  11. Alexander Ball says:

    Lawrence “no divorce on my watch” Gonzi has a lot in common with Joseph “no gay adoption on my watch” Muscat, it seems.

  12. J. Borg says:

    Can’t trust the man as far as you can throw him. The guy will clearly say anything that serves his purpose at the time.

    Can’t think of a worse person for the job he is in — but that is the trouble with democracy, and there’s nothing any of us can do about it.

  13. Gahan says:

    Prime ministers seem to resemble wine, some mature into a good table wine and others turn into vinegar.

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