Austria is very annoyed at being used by the Maltese government to justify its sale of passports for cash

Published: December 15, 2013 at 11:08pm


The Sunday Times today carries a report that is long overdue in the media: an interview with an official of Austria’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who is asked about the Maltese government’s use of that country’s citizenship scheme to justify its own plans to sell passports for cash.

Any such comparison is odious, the official says, and “by no stretch of the imagination can Maltese politicians cite the situation in Austria to justify the Maltese scheme.”

8 Comments Comment

  1. Neil says:

    The comments are becoming exhausting to read underneath these stories.

  2. Philip says:

    Iss, mur obsor hej, mhux obvja. Dak ghaliex qehdin nohdulhom il bizniss. Viva Joey taghna, huda go fik Awstrija.

  3. unhappy says:

    Perhaps the Austria Ministry of Foreign Affairs should be reminded that Henley something is also promoting their country as one of the “Citizenship for Sale” jurisdictions on their website ……

  4. Weird no ? says:

    I hope Joseph Muscat and Manuel Mallia do not expect Austria to participate in the burden sharing and take immigrants from Malta after this ? One can imagine a couple of nasty answers Austria could give to requests in this sense.

  5. Bubu says:

    Amazing how many friends we’re making in the EU.

    We’ve got our foreign investment needs all set up and ready to go for the next five years.

  6. unbennant says:

    And Labour has the utter gall to say that the PN is telling Austria to speak like this.

  7. Rumplestiltskim says:

    At every turn this hare-brained scheme is being shown for what it is: an ill-conceived, money-grabbing scheme by someone who thought he had a brilliant idea but instead simply had an unopened can of worms. The can is now open and all the worms are crawling out,showing the putrefaction inside.

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