Labour judiciary Evil Click Update: Magistrate Peralta, Judge Mizzi and Magistrate Herrera’s boyfriend

Published: December 19, 2013 at 9:13pm
Labour Magistrate Carol Peralta

Labour Magistrate Carol Peralta

Labour Magistrate Consuelo Herrera

Labour Magistrate Consuelo Herrera

Labour Judge Antonio Mizzi

Labour Judge Antonio Mizzi

Plotting the way ahead after the party scandal this afternoon: Labour magistrate Carol Peralta and Labour judge Antonio Mizzi (husband of Labour MEP Marlene Mizzi) were seen drinking in a Siggiewi bar earlier this evening with Labour magistrate Consuelo Herrera’s boyfriend and government consultant Robert Musumeci.

When they realized that somebody had taken note of their presence and was tapping away at a phone, they immediately left in three separate cars, following each other – presumably to a more private destination.

17 Comments Comment

  1. curious says:

    Make sure that these three pictures are not the last thing you see before you go to sleep.

  2. Jorge says:

    They are reducing the law courts to a brothel.

    What next?

  3. Allo Allo says:

    Being the Christmas season, most probably the meeting was only about wearing a Santa Costume and arranging the delivery of toys to children in need.

  4. Frank says:

    Hi Daphne, as a biiig fan of yours, need to know, do I need a website to comment or?

    [Daphne – No, of course not. You can leave that field empty.]

  5. anthony says:

    The country is doing fine.

    The Police and the Judiciary are in the doldrums.

    Of the four great offices (as distinct from officers) of state, the first is occupied by a citizenship salesman who has no clue.

    The second by a “professor” who sounds more like a brainless nincompoop.

    The third by a geriatric who sits on top of a revolution and cannot see anything amiss.

    The fourth is run by a shady guy who is publicly accused of blackmail.

    Il-pajjiz miexi fuq ir-rubini.

    Qeghdin kif Alla jridna.

  6. edgar says:

    They immediately left in three separate cars to have a tumbler of Earl Grey with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith.

  7. manum says:

    This is really frightening.

  8. eyewitness says:

    Probabli marru ghand Robert u Consuelo ftit il-boghod.

    • Betty says:

      Siehbi qalli li kienu ghand il-Friend To All, fejn l-aktar issib min jivvinta d-dagha, nies maghrufa imdahhlin fl-usura u kriminalita ohra u laghaba li kultant tarahom ipixxu mal-kantunieri ta’ dan il-bar mizbla fil-pjazza tas-Siggiewi u parking tal-moghoz.

      Anzi ma kienx hemm maghhom il-Kummissarju Peter Paul Zammit tas-Siggiewi li suppost kapaci jnaddaf ir-rahal tieghu issa.

      Musumeci, sirt bla zejt f’wiccek fejn tiehu lill-shabek jixorbu.

  9. What? says:

    I would like your e-mail address please.

    [Daphne – [email protected]]

  10. ken il malti says:

    There is nothing more “Maltese” than drinking and driving.

    This fine tradition harks back to when the first model T Ford was imported to the island in 1913.

  11. pazzo says:

    ‘Eyes wide shut’ is the first thing that comes to mind. Miskina Malta.

  12. Lomax says:

    Do they not realise that they might be caught on tape or seen since they met during the day at a public bar?

    As I always say: imma kif ma jisthux?

  13. Silvio farrugia says:

    After this the people’s faith and trust in our courts will sink more and more.These are the people who should give an example.
    What a ‘Micky mouse’ nation .

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