A Police Minister who used blackmail to force his client’s opponent into an agreement. And a liar, too.

Published: December 21, 2013 at 11:39pm


He wasn’t the police minister then, but he certainly is now, and he’s the same person with the same personality and attitude. How standards have fallen.

From Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici to this blackmailing, lying fraud with ZER 088 as a henchman and sidekick.

7 Comments Comment

  1. Riya says:

    Huwa dmir sagrosant li l-Qorti tkun onesta’ mac-cittadin.

    Pero’ jirrizulta l-fatt li f’Malta hafna minn dawk in-nies li jservu jew li servew lill-klijenti taghhom fil-Qrati min flok jaraw li fil-Qorti tinzamm l-onesta u tinghad il-verita kollha qed jirrizulta li qed ikunu huma stess li jqarqu u jikdbu sfaccatament ghal gwadan personali taghhom u c-cittadin jaqaghd fin-nofs bhal cippitatu.

    Jiena qatt ma’ smajt li avukat ghandu dritt li jhedded sabiex jintlahaq kompromess bejn il-klijent tieghu u l-parti l-ohra, izda Manuel Mallia, li haden ghal zmien twil gewwa il-Qrati taghna, ghamel hekk meta kien jaf li kien hemm korruzzjoni qawwija ghaddejja fejn kien qiedgha issir xi haga a skapitu finanzjarju minn fuq dhar il-poplu Malti.

    Dan huwa kaz oxxen u tal-misthijja u jkun oxxen aktar jekk min ghandu r-responsabilta’ tal-pajjiz ma’ jihux l-azzjoni neccessarja. aktar u aktar meta dan il-kaz gravi hareg kollu bil-provi fil berah.

    Jekk Manuel Mallia qed jahseb li l-poplu huwa gifa u kullhadd jemmen nies disonesti bhalu sejjer zball kbir.

  2. A+ says:

    Is Franco Debono happy? Is this the change he worked so hard for?

  3. AE says:

    Thank God for you to keep giving this story the prominence it deserves. Sometimes I can’t help wondering that the Carol Peralta story is just too convenient and seems to have taken precedence over the scandal that is Manuel Mallia.

    It seems like there is no option but maybe this is why Muscat hasn’t yet announced that he will move a motion to impeach – he wants to milk the story for all it is worth and take some of the attention off Mallia.

    Not that Peralta doesn’t deserve to be taken to task. The man is scum. He should have never been appointed to the judiciary in the first place. That he is still there, we have Labour to thank.

    As far as I recall Peralta and Mallia were/are buddies. Birds of a feather and all that; they have shared many a drink together. It is not surprising that they are now sharing the media’s front pages – for all the wrong reasons.

  4. Socrates says:

    L-uzu tal-kelma misthija ma min ma jafx jisthi, bhal fil-kas tal-‘Ministru bla misthija’, hija simili ghal meta wiehed iwaddab id-deheb taht saqajn il-qzieqez.

  5. ciccio says:

    I have noticed that now that Dr. Manwel Mallia and the government are under attack because of the evidence given by George Farrugia before the Public Accounts Committee, Labour are trying their best to discredit Farrugia.

    Why did Tony Debono come out to defend the Minister, when the Minister himself did not deny knowing about the alleged commissions and corruption on 17 December 2013?



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