The Warden vs Mario Mifsud: update

Published: December 22, 2013 at 11:47pm


You’ll find the case of Mario Mifsud and the abusive warden in a previous post. There have since been developments.

Mifsud has appealed against the court’s judgement, which means that the driving ban doesn’t go into effect until the appeal is through and lost.

But meanwhile, this warden who clearly has it in for him personally turned up at his workplace and tried to stop him driving as he arrived there, shouting abuse and threatening him, saying that she had heard on the news that he had had his driving licence suspended.

“This time I was not in a hurry to collect my children from school, so it was I who rang the police and waited for them to turn up and deal with the warden,” Mifsud said.

The police did indeed turn up and deal with her. They explained to her that the law is not what she hears on the news, that this is not how things are done, and they detained her.

Here’s Mario Mifsud’s own account on Facebook:

Is sinjura Warden li suppost ideja nfaxxata u miguha ghax habtita mal mera tal karozza tighai jien u nsuq nahr it tnejn illum kienet f sahhita bizejjed biex terga tigi twaqqafni u tiprova tiprovokani b theddid,tajjir,sewqan perikoluz u arrest illegali .Dan kollhu ghax kif qalet lilli fost hafna ghajjat ,u nsuti u ikonfermat mal puluzija, SEMAT fuq l ahbarjiet li kelli il licenezja sospiza.Ipparkjat hazin,qalat lill shaba minn fuq il post tax xoghol taghhom u hafna aktar ghax flok ma ccekjat mal puluzijja ha tara jekk kelliex xi appell ghaddej,hadet il ligi b ideja u giet terga tiprova thammarli wicci u tiprovokani fejn ix xoghol tighai,kient ha tidhol jew idahhal lili go ma nafx kemm karozzi b sewqan perikoluz,imma din id darba ma kontx maggel biex immur ghal uliedi lis skola bhad darba l ohra u cempilt il puluzija ta Rahal il Gdid li gew fuq il post biex jispjegaw lill din il Warden li pprovat iddahhal aktar minn shaba fil kredu,li il ligi ma tigiex amministrata minn dak li tismgha fuq l ahbarjiet imma minn dak li hemm dettat mill ligi.Dan biex juri car kemm certu Wardens, ftit mhux kollha ghax ma rridx nidfa l kullhadd fl istess keffa,qas ghandhom idea tal ligi u qas jafu li meta jsir rikors u appell is sentenza tigi sospiza.Prosit dawn huma n nies li suppost iharsu l ligi.Ftit ilu l Prm Ministru qal li jrid jirrevedi din il bicca tal Wardens u jien nighidlu x qed jistenna qabel ma jwegga xi hadd.Nigbed l attenzjoni tal awtoritajiet u nispera li din il warden tkum moddijja board ta dixxiplina kif haqqa jekk le… nahsibx li sew li shaba jkunu redikolati habba l injoranza taghha.Mindu gew moghtija dawn il Quads hemm min li jahseb li sar invincibli,quad huwa l aktar vettura perikoluza biex tigri wara xi hadd ghax jekk titlef il kontroll malajr taqa jew tidhol go fik imbad malajr jighidu li waqqajta.Dan il harrasment fir rigward tighai irid jiqafu u nispera li kullhadd lis stess f ghajnejn il ligi ?

15 Comments Comment

  1. wirdiena says:

    Maybe it was the same warden who booked my mum for parking on a yellow line only to help a poor old man whose shopping basket had torn. The plastic gave way to the weight of his shopping and when she saw his distressed look at the sight of his oranges rolling in the road she stopped.

    As she was helping this poor man pick up his xirja the warden pounced. My mum asked why she was not doing her civic duty and helping the gentleman and the warden kept arrogantly pointing out that she was on a yellow line.

    Yes, she was on a yellow line helping an aged person retrieve his groceries.

    The lovely gentleman wanted to pay the fine on the spot he was so upset that my poor mum got a ticket for helping somebody, and the warden clearly saw what was going on.

    • vic says:

      And what about this – a warden notices a contravention by someone driving a car that has been reported as stolen. The charge is sent to the legal owner.

  2. Joe says:

    In St Anthony street, Rabat , there is a reserved spot in front of a house where nobody lives. I have had many tickets given since sometimes i park there. But what irritates me is that a fish hawker parks his van on the yellow line at the opposite end of the street nearly every day and sells his wares from there, even putting buckets for cleaning the fias in the road. A warden some time or another must have passed by, but i guess some people are lucky

  3. Conservative says:

    Only one work describes these fat louts drunk with a sense of power: “zibel”.

    Maltese is so expressive in the pejorative way.

  4. An episode fit for “Ulied in-Nanna Venut”, but this time in Malta and not in America.

  5. albona says:

    I thought these quads were not allowed on EU roads.

  6. Rumplestiltskin says:

    Before giving wannabe wardens a uniform, a note pad and a quad they should check whether the candidates have a modicum of common sense and emotional intelligence. Several of them would probably fail.

  7. ron says:

    That is what happens when you give power to idiots no matter how limited. They feel they are invincible

  8. Gaetano Pace says:

    Some days if not weeks back I did say that we had a Commissioner of Police who would take a newspaper in his hands, wave it in our face and yell that that was the law.

    After many strenuous efforts on my part, and his ridiculing the Police Force, I realised that what was being referred to as the law were the letters to the editor complaining about trivial petty offences.

    These were the cases which we police officers were sent to investigate.

    It appears that Labour governments can afford the Luxury of it all. As if that was not enough, he even had an officer stationed by his side to type out reports which he could not do efficiently, correctly and effectively.

  9. A. Grech says:

    This bullying, whether by a minister, a judge, a magistrate, a police officer or a warden, must stop. It’s a disgrace that we see these things happening in a supposedly democratic country.

  10. A. Grech says:

    This bullying, whether it comes from a minister, a judge, a magistrate, a police officer or a warden must stop and the prime minister should get involved and put a stop to it right away.

    It’s a disgrace that we see these things happening in a supposedly democratic country. All the big shots that commit these stupidities are nothing but jerks and they need to be stopped.

  11. Riya says:

    Il-Gwardjani Lokali qed jigu ingaggatti bl-adocc u qed jigu maghlma mic-cwiec.

    Jien nistaqsi jekk l-Awtoritajiet jissorveljawx u jixprunaw l-akkademji li jaghlmu lill-Gwardjani Lokali.

  12. Nevil says:

    I should add also ” ignorant “.

  13. C Attard says:

    I hope that action will be taken against this warden for parking on a double yellow line.

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