World exclusive: a photograph of the first Mintoffian Laburist pug

Published: December 26, 2013 at 10:08am

a Labour pug

Export them all to some South American dictatorship, I say. They’d be happier and we’d be free to become a properly civilised country without them.

There is no hope for Malta otherwise. Twenty-six years of progress and normality of sorts imposed on this small population, and still there are thousands of people still mired in their pre-1987 primitive mentality.

37 Comments Comment

  1. Allo Allo says:

    Klieb tal-but tal-Partit Laburista – u mhux ghal-pug qed nghid.

  2. Xejn Sew says:

    So cute! A foursome of pugs, 3 of which standing on hindquarters.

  3. T. Cassar says:

    Family of pugs. None of them seem happy about it, especially the four-legged one. And who would wear the name of something he believes in upside down?

  4. A Montebello says:

    My God – the baby looks like a pug.

  5. DNA says:

    It’s not nice to make your pug wear a bandana.

  6. Grezz says:

    And pugs have become the new Chihuahua.

  7. PUG says:

    I have been a whole hour trying to make out which of the four creatures in the picture is the first Mintoffian Laburist Pug. Can you please help?

  8. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Export Joe ‘Peppi’ Azzopardi and half the job is done. To eliminate the savage hordes you have to remove their leader.

    • makjavel says:

      Yep, I agree.

      Peppi created the culture by amassing together the hordes homo stupidus still surviving in Malta despite time and effort spent by past educationists.

  9. Guz says:

    As long as there is ignorance – there will be the Malta Labour Party.

  10. fm says:

    Mhux ta’ quddiem in-nies.

  11. Banana republic ... Again! says:

    You need to be more specific. Which one is the pug?

  12. TROY says:

    How very, very right you are, Daphne.

  13. Kendra says:

    erm … which is the pug?

  14. bob-a-job says:

    Which one is the pug?

  15. The poor thing looks totally embarrassed.

  16. Roberto Chiappa says:

    Missek tisthi DCG u inthom kolha li battu!! Nahseb klieb inthom ilkoll li battu mhux il-pug!! Jekk trid tghid xi haga ejja ghida lili personalment f’wicci u fuq din ghandi kull dritt niftahlek libell!! Misskom tisthu kollha ghax dak huwa ritratt fejn qed ifakkarni fl-ghaziz kunjatu li hallina gimgha ilu u qedin tajjru lil mara tijaj!! Isthu!! Daphne Caruana Galizia qed nistiedenk biex tfittixni personalment halli umbad naraw lil min ghandek tmaqdar!!

    • The Phoenix says:

      No wonder they vote MLP. And this fellow is called Chiappa, which is Italian for buttock. Well, it’s pugs and buttocks instead of swings and roundabouts. Words fail me.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Ikkalma. Hawnhekk mhux inti, jew il-pug, li tinsabu on trial. Imma d-dirigenti ta’ Malta, li jfasslu l-policies u l-kultura tal-pajjiz fuq il-gosti, l-aspirazzjonijiet u l-kultura tal-klassi taghna (ghax jien wiehed minnkom; imma ejja nghidu li rajt kif tghix in-naha l-ohra).

      Il-pugs fihom infushom huma klieb ta’ klassi. Tant hu hekk li Paris Hilton kellha wiehed.

    • dak says:

      Is this for real? In Italian Chiappa means only one thing: arse-cheek.

      Is Mr Half-a-buttock threatening to sue Daphne?

    • Tarzan says:

      Roberto, (jekk hu int li tider fir-ritratt ta fuq), qieghed taghti impressjoni ta’ wiehed inbecilli.

    • TinaB says:

      Roberto, Do you know what “libel” actually means?

      Your comment only continues to confirm how right Daphne is.

      • albona says:

        Yes, generally people, myself included, tend not to know where libel applies. One thing I do know for sure though is that nothing libellous has been said yet.

    • charles says:

      U missek tisthi int, Roberto, li hallejt ragel li kien f’xifer il-mewt jippoza ghal ritratt b’dik l-oxxenita ta’ bandiera tal-marmalja meta INT kont taf li wasal fl-ahhar.

    • il-Ginger says:

      Mhux biex nkun antipatiku imma r-ritratti personali tieghek zommhom ghalik. Meta ‘ttella xi haga fuq Facebook huda bhala regola li kullhadd jista jarah.

      Jekk int sensistiv u ma tridx l-hadd jghaddi kummenti, iktar w iktar.

      P.S. il-bandiera tispelli “Tit Laburista”.

  17. SA says:

    This is an insult to the poor pug.

  18. viva n nort koreja says:

    What exactly will the libel be based on?

  19. edgar says:

    Roberto, jekk ghandek daqxejn rispett ghal kunjatu dak l-ritratt missek qattajtu daqs kemm hu taz-zuffjet.

  20. Dott Abjad says:

    Statistically, if the pug had a right to vote in general elections, his 50% probability of voting PN would make his vote more potentially beneficial to the same family that adopts it.

    But hey, well, if they want to life a dog’s life, they can go ahead.

    But no, they have to hold the whole country to ransom to their mediocrity.

    Give the pug a vote any day. I’d pay for a one-way ticket to Bolivia or Venezuela for any of these characters in the photo any day if I knew that another few thousand normal people were doing the same for similar others.

  21. krakatoa says:

    Guess who of the foursome has the higher I.Q.?

  22. Oops says:

    As usual some people don’t realize the consequences and the responsibility behind posting of photos on Facebook, especially if accessible to the public.

    However considering the unfortunate loss of a family member maybe its rather insensitive to leave this commentary open any further. This Roberto is apparently Roby Juventin on Facebook and one can get an idea of the hard time his better half is experiencing due to the ill health and eventual loss of her father during this supposedly festive period.

  23. Rosie says:

    kif tista ma ccempilx

  24. pawlu azzopardi says:

    Ma nara xejn hazin billi familja ticcelebra rebha, b` dan il-mod. Allura, kulhadd jifrah kif jaf hu, l-aqwa li ma twegga lil hadd. Barra min hekk dak ir-ritratt ma ngibidx ilbierah izda nassumi fil-jiem tar-rebha laburista.

    Jiena nista nahlef ghal qalb kbira li ghandhom il-genituri ta` Roberto, u naf bis-sagrificcji personali li ghamel Roberto mal-kunjatu tieghu. Nixtieq nghid lil Roberto biex ma jimkwetax, il-premju tal-pacenzja li ha jkun quddiem Alla u mhux in-nies (gakbini) tad-dinja.

    nahseb li f`jiem ta` telfa personali, dan ir-ritratt gie mtella` fi zmien hazin, avolja kif ga ghidt ma nara xejn hazin fih.

  25. T says:

    you are just too judgemental

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