Qabza fil-kwalita: an education minister who boasts about conducting his meetings with school heads over a cosy horsemeat lunch

Published: January 1, 2014 at 12:42pm

For those of you who don’t understand Maltese: this is Malta’s education minister writing on Facebook about how he enjoys his meetings with heads of schools, especially when they are conducted during the school holidays over a lunch of horsemeat made by ‘somebody who works at the school’, wine made by the deputy head and trifle made by the head, which was the case with his meeting to discuss matters at the state school in Pembroke.

Really professional and businesslike, I must say, and a total recipe for corruption and sleaziness, aside from it looking all wrong. As for horsemeat, please – taking pride in crassness is so 1976.

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21 Comments Comment

  1. Bubu says:

    Well, he’s obviously taking a leaf out of Mallia’s book. Mallia got his police force to cook for him and serve his supper. Bartolo got his school administrators to do it for him. Par for the course I’d say.

  2. catharsis says:

    Horse lovers unite.

  3. Makjavel says:

    Dan dak Evarist li qatt ma taghlem isuq. L-ewwel kellu l-mara issuqu kullimkien, u issa li sar ministru, ghandu driver.

    Basta titimghu l-laham taz-ziemel, u twasslu d-dar wara.

    Ara ma’ dawk li bnew l-iskejjel ma ltaqx, ghax m’ghandux il-kuragg.

    L-istess ghadu, dik id-dahqa turi x’inhu.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    My. Not just a viper, but a chameleon too.

  5. bob-a-job says:

    Kull ma jonqos li iservu it-teachers.

    1976? I thought it was the ‘forties’ read as (TTTT)

  6. Alexander Ball says:

    Followed by folk singing and sodomy?

  7. minn ta gewwa says:

    Qabza fil-kwalita’ my foot. Dawk id-diretturi, u principali kollha ghal xejn. Il-habel f’idejn Salvina Muscat (oht Philip Muscat, ministru tal-edukazzjoni fi zmien Mintoff) u kull ma tghid hi factotum. L-ohrajn sempliciment rubber stamp, lanqas bis jigu ikkonsultati. Dik qabza fil-kwalita’ eh?

  8. ciccio says:

    Meanwhile, another “qabza fil-kwalita’. ”

    “InBUSwru ftit ‘l hawn, u nBUSwru ftit ‘l hemm:”

  9. M. Cassar says:

    Really unprofessional. But what is more cringeworthy is that they actually boast about it.

  10. Joe Fenech says:

    He must be feeling like a Mediterranean stallion now.

  11. hippophage says:

    Such finesse…

  12. Gaetano Pace says:

    If this is what it comes to, then there is nothing more to discuss. Case made. Education is for professionals not kitchen heads and assistants.

  13. ketchup says:

    Kangaroo meat is a must to really have a ‘qabza fil-kwalita’.

  14. Chris Ripard says:

    I resent the reference to 1976, on the grounds that it is the year when ELO really made it big and hence, a great year!

  15. back to the 80s says:

    Daphne just keep an eye on the three who he mentioned last. I bet they are all potential candidates for a promotion.

  16. Joseph Caruana says:

    Qalb il-laħam taż-żiemel u l-aġġornament fuq il-Facebook tilef dawn imma: Ħ ħ ġ Ġ għ GĦ ċ Ċ. Dan meta qal li livell tal-lingwi niżel. Dak eżempju, bħal kollox li qed jagħmlu ‘nsomma: hopeless case.

  17. Gladio says:

    It is now proper for Varist to reciprocate by inviting them over to taste the ‘froga’ he is preparing at the ministry.

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