Delusions of grandeur: Joseph Muscat copies the opening sequence to the British monarch’s Christmas message video, with the Auberge de Castille as Buckingham Palace

Published: January 1, 2014 at 1:00pm

But he adds the electric-guitarist to be ‘hip’.

36 Comments Comment

  1. Towni says:

    The ‘ north fake ‘…..yaaawwwwnn

  2. Banana republic ... Again says:

    His mouth always seems as though his cheeks are detached and quite distant from his jaw, giving the impression that he is constantly salivating.

  3. Victor says:

    Joseph Muscat has nothing more than illusions of grandeur (miskin). He has proved this too often in the past nine months.

  4. Makjavel says:

    Insomma, jikkopja biss jaf.

    Il-passat hi mirja tal-prezent u tal-futur.

    Dejjem jikkopja kien.

    Bniedem bla vizjoni ghal pajjizu, basta jimla bwiet il-laghqa.

  5. Chris says:

    Not to mention the OPM logo showing a white etching of Castille against a blue background, looking not unlike the White House logo.

    The government continues to be in marketing mode, style over substance.

    But then again if it works then we only have ourseves to blame.

  6. Kif inhi din? says:

    Same guitarist appears on Ira Losco’s album The Fire.

  7. H.P. Baxxter says:

    See what I mean? Get yourself a republic, and you’ll have peasants thinking thinking they’re kings and lording it over us. I haven’t forgotten my sovereign, if others have.

    • Joe Fenech says:

      To quote Monthy Python:

      “I didn’t vote for you!” – that doesn’t apply exclusively to royalty.

    • Conservative says:

      I haven’t forgotten My Sovereign either. I miss her with every passing year, the dignity and the serenity of HM The Queen of Malta’s visits, and the opening of parliament, and the sobriety of the Governor and the Governors-General after that. Oh Malta, how low you had to sink.

  8. bob-a-job says:

    Excellent video clips.

    In the first one I liked that bit with the music although it was somewhat soiled by some sod who decided to speak for over 13 minutes to half a nation of some 400,000 individuals. (I am informed that it wasn’t transmitted to China)

    By contrast in that other clip the lady from the latest James Bond film only spoke for less then 8 minutes but that’s probably because she’s only Queen to a combined population of 128 million.

  9. Neil says:

    F*ck off Joseph you ignorant, shameless idiot. An idiot PLAYING at running the country, with a government overrun with idiots, whose idiocy you still merely aspire to.

    I’d say Happy New Year, but, well. It’s not like you care, is it? If you were to finally be honest.

  10. Alexander Ball says:

    Maybe he IS divinely appointed by God to rule.

  11. Paddling Duck says:

    Youre wrong, Daphne. They copied Ali G.

  12. ciccio says:

    It’s all about HM. I mean, HIM.

  13. albona says:

    Yes, sad indeed. He really is insufferable.

  14. ciccio says:

    He was bragging about how the eyes of the world will be on Malta in the coming years.

    Well, they already were in the past 9 months, when the international media reported about his stamping of the feet and when the global press ridiculed his government’s plans to sell the EU citizenship and passport.

  15. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    It is not only “delusions of grandeur

    It is also the delusion that the people of Malta do not have ready access to the media of all over the world and that “truth will out” sooner rather than later.

    True enough, it did not happen soon enough for Malta voters to elect a government willing and able to deliver what it had wildly promised to all and sundry before the election.

  16. Lupin says:

    Actually the queen looks more in form.

  17. Hehe…I played them both together.

  18. Artemis says:

    The electric guitarist wasn’t Brian May on the roof of Buckingham Palace by any chance? No, I thought not.

  19. fm says:

    U l-gimmicks ikomplu bla waqfien minn taht it-tinda tal-budget ghat-teatrin go Kastilja.

  20. Gaetano Pace says:

    Nghidu kif inhi, x`bicca xoghol sabiha u memorabbli ghamel Dr Lawrence Gonzi u GONZI PN meta ta lil Kastilja dik id-dehera majjistuza li ghandha. Ziemel iehor mill-istalla Nazzjonalista li fuqu rikeb Zeppi tat-Tuttu.

  21. hmm says:

    What a fantastic speech she gave about service, duty, values and the family. “Service and duty are not just the guiding principles of yesteryear, they have an enduring value that spans generations.” These aren’t words our Prime Minister can even begin to understand let alone emulate. What a shame.

  22. Wot the Hack says:

    Muscat tal-mutetti. Dan qed jahseb li ghadu fil-kampanja elettorali?

  23. TinaB says:

    Always a pleasure listening to queen Elizabeth’s messages.

    Our Prime Minister, on the other hand, is not even able to speak Maltese properly.

    I would like to take this opportunity to wish you, Daphne, your family and the readers of your blog a prosperous new year.

  24. David says:

    No, the Queen must have copied the PM.

  25. Lomax says:

    I am sad to see that the similarity between the two is astounding but so is the difference.

    The Queen, never superficial, has, once more reminded us why Great Britain was (no longer quite is, in my view) so great. Not one superfluous word, no superficial thoughts, no pomposity. Besides she kooks natural. Of course she has been “rehearsing” for sixty years but, as the Italians so eloquently yet succinctly put it, “La classe non è acqua”.

    Let us compare the queen to our own dear Prime Minister. Firstly, I hate that rock guitar. With a passion. I feel it is totally out of place. I may be very traditional but I do not like these combinations. Furthermore, he does not even speak pleasantly. I find myself incapable of listening to him. It may be his diction, his tone of voice, his gestures most off-putting.

    I will never understand what people see in him. I see a quack and a fraud whose personal ambitions have been taken out of a schoolyard and translated into national politics.

  26. Lomax says:

    I am sad to see that the similarity between the two is astounding but so is the difference.

    The Queen, never superficial, has, once more reminded us why Great Britain was (no longer quite is, in my view) so great. Not one superfluous word, no superficial thoughts, no pomposity. Besides she looks natural.

    Of course, she has been “rehearsing” for sixty years but, as the Italians so eloquently yet succinctly put it, “la classe non è acqua”.

    Let us compare the queen to our own dear Prime Minister. I hate that rock guitar. With a passion. I feel it is totally out of place.

    I may be very traditional but I do not like these combinations.

    Furthermore, he does not even speak pleasantly. I find myself incapable of listening to him. It may be his diction, his tone of voice, his gestures but I find all of this most off-putting.

    I will never understand what people see in him. I see a quack and a fraud whose personal ambitions have been taken out of a schoolyard and transposed into national politics.

  27. Felix says:

    Does he think he is a queen or what? X’differenza.

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