The prime minister is now training at the Melita gym – but it’s still not making a blind bit of difference
January 1, 2014 at 11:11pm
Here’s the prime minister’s family saloon – the one he’s leased to the government of Malta for his own use – with flag attached, parked outside the Melita (Spinach) gym last Friday (27th December) at 10am. The gym was officially ‘closed’ at the time.
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Even if he goes there daily, kollhu ghalxejn. I used to meet him at the gym a few years back when he was half the size he is now and he hardly trained more than 30 minutes.
He always gave the impression that he is a lazy so and so.
He goes there because one of his daughters attends football training sessions with Melita.
He’s probably blaming the gym. Every two years or so he starts a yo-yo diet and changes the gym: Westin Dragonara, the one at Saint Andrews and now at the Melita Gym.
He always shifts the blame on others, even when it comes to his gain in weight.
No gingerbread men and more ‘sellit’, Michelle.
Kemm hu umli. Ma jhobbx jidher hu imma jhobb juri t-toys li jilghab bihom. U bhal gwida dan biex ma nintilfux flok umbrella wahhal bandiera fuq il-paqqa. Tghid ghandu horn tal-arja u sirena fiha ? Biex zgur ma nimmissjawhx.
Minflok imur jispira ruhu mill-Mulej imur jikkummiedja fil-gimm.
Kellna zewg prim ministri li dejjem hadu l-ispirazzjoni taghhom mill-valuri nsara u issa ghandna PM li l-ispirazzjoni tieghu jehodha mill-gimm. Mhux ta’ b’xejn ninsabu fhiex ahna.
Ghax Gvern li ma jridx jispira ruhu minn Alla.
A Prime Minister without values or principles.
As PM, the only time he mentioned the word ‘principle’ was to defend his stand in favour of adoption of children by gays.
Yes, that was the only time he ever mentioned the word “principle,” but before the elections he had said that he would not allow same-sex couples to adopt children.
So much for his “principles.”
And his government has now accepted that in the case of the adoption of Russian children, Russian rules will apply – Russia reserved the right to check each adoption.
Which means that gay couples will not be allowed to adopt Russian children. Which means that I have no idea what children same-sex couples will be able to adopt.
Ghira BAZWIJJA ghandkhom ghalih!
Must be one of those new year resolutions! He must of been stuffing his face and getting wine drinking tips from Glenn. Then he realised he may end up looking like most of his cabinet. He is already half way there.
It won’t last.
Over Christmas I watched The Godfather here in the UK. I could not stop laughing because the Malta Labour Party could easily be selected to make a remake of this fantastic film.
Manuel Mallia looks like the character Clemenza.
Deputy prime minister is a spitting image of Don Fanucci.
I hope the Maltese public are proud of their wonderful government.
Check out Scandal, the NBC series – you just can’t help seeing what happened last March.
I take it his sessions at the gym are now official business.
The amount of time spent at Castille post-election seems to be inversely proportional to the effort to get there.
Well, it’s better than playing bocci and riding a silly horse.
I may be wrong, but is displaying the national flag on a car not reserved only for official functions?
Is running on a treadmill now classified as ‘official business’ by Malta’s not so young a twerp?
So, that’s the car which Joseph ‘owns’ but leased to the government and which he will be collecting a total of 35,000 euro by the end of this mandate and still own it then?
Yepp, that’s the one. And don’t forget that over the next 7 years he should be getting a VAT refund. And if he keeps it for 30 years, someone might pay Eur 20,000 for it in an auction.
I know why the prime minister is spending a lot of time at the gym.
He is trying to become fit for purpose.
You show me a gym that can perform such miracles and I’ll sign up for life, even if it costs as much as a Maltese/EU/Shengen passport, annually.
Training at the gym now is he? Well, I hope he’s got a damn good trainer who will make him work hard and rid of all that fat and increasing hump on his back.
He can spend hours on end at the gym, but it will not help with brain development and even less encourage hair growth (on his head, that is).
Issa dalwaqt naraw il-Ministri bil-BMWs bojod li se jikru min ghand ta’ Burmarrad Commercials.
Kumbinazzjoni hafna Ministri imorru ghand l-istabiliment u missier il-Prim Ministru ikun hmem ukoll ta’ spiss u dejjem jofrulu it-te u l-galttini ghax habib taghhom sew.