How Henley & Partners brazenly describes what it does in Malta, while painting a negative picture of Malta itself

Published: January 2, 2014 at 1:47pm

From Henley & Partners’ website – a picture of Malta in which everything gets done the non-European way, by string-pulling and “securing relationships with government officials” – for which, of course, you need Henley & Partners to make the introductions.

Just fabulous.

The Services of Henley & Partners

To establish yourself or your business in Malta will require securing relationships with key partners such as government officials, bankers and corporate professionals. You need experienced consultants to build a network of contacts and to help you to become established in your new environment.

22 Comments Comment

  1. Louis says:

    Brings back memories of a certain Lorry Sant.

  2. Henley says:

    Labour has managed to relegate us to a third world country where getting along requires contacts and fixers.

    Actually now I know why Scicluna could not remember the exct name of the consultants. He meant to say Henley and Fixers – associates.

  3. LIXU says:

    Such comments are normally reserved for banana republics. How much lower can we go.

  4. Jozef says:

    Reminds me of Dalli’s bragging about how business in Ghaddafi’s Libya was done.

    Do they, by any chance, have some table showing the recommended amounts to hand government officials by grade?

    Transparency International must be having a field day. Burkina Faso here we come.

  5. Jason says:

    I keep on saying it.

    The Maltese Cabinet would make up the perfect cast for the remake of the Godfather films.

    Perfectly clear – appoint an unregulated and unaudited agency that can hide behind a curtain of secrecy to be the middle men in these negotiations.

    What they mean is that they can grease the right palms on both sides of the deal. It will be impossible to find any trace of these transactions.

    Shady government with shady associates.

    You might as well open up Malta Labour Party Ltd and arrange to float this on the Maltese Stock Exchange.

  6. P Bonnici says:

    Malta belongs to the third world, thanks to the PN as well. The PL will just worsen the situation.

    • just me says:

      Thanks to the PN as well? You must be joking. Till March we were being compared to Germany. We really were almost the best in Europe.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I think what P Bonnici means is that in twenty years of PN government, corruption, and institutionalised corruption, have never really been eradicated.

        Indeed, corruption is at the heart of what is probably the most powerful lobby – the construction industry. Malta still has a poor showing in international corruption indices, EU membership notwithstanding.

  7. Angus Black says:

    How long will it take Henley to suggest facilitating contact and perhaps recommend a certain ‘oil procurement rogue’ as consultant in order to establish a relationship with ‘government officials’?

    After all, it will only be following the government’s example of appointing Shiv Nair, who is not only a rogue, but worse, a consultant debarred by the World Bank, but appointed ‘consultant to the Maltese government’.

  8. ciccio says:

    Henley & Something? Henley & Labour.

  9. La Redoute says:

    Government officials as partners? Interesting.

    Institutionalised corruption, advertised internationally.

    Henley and partners promised to bring in nies ta’ kwalita’. Their standards are as low a limbo dancer’s.

  10. Joseph says:

    Inbazwru l-hemm u nbazwru l-hawn !

  11. Rationale says:

    The normalization of patronage – total regression. Governance down the drain.

  12. P Shaw says:

    This is the exact same message that John Dalli & Associates used to promote their consultancy firm to its prosepctive clients for business in Libya.

  13. observer says:

    It seems that, according to ‘Henley and Something’ a new twist if being given to Malta’s hard-earned ‘G.C.’

    ‘Graft and Corruption’ could very well stand for it.

    One may add an ‘S’ for ‘Side-kicks’ as well. That won’t be out of order, will it?

  14. Chris Ripard says:

    Any serious FDI reading this would literally be scared miles away. If the Prime Minister is genuinely concerned about Malta being given a bad name abroad, I expect him to publicly reprimand Henley & Partners.

  15. ciccio says:

    Do the services of Henley & Something include prostitution?

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