Don Quixote heads for that windmill
Joseph Muscat is preparing (unilaterally) to go to the polls:
“I do not have to waste energy focusing on internal squabbles. My team is ready to lead. We will not waste time and if people give us their trust we will work to create jobs, fight corruption, safeguard the environment and bring back stability and prosperity,” he said. – The Times, today
Let me just get this straight. He actually believes we should throw out this prime minister and replace him with somebody aged 35 whose total track record is:
Super One hack
Anti-EU membership campaigner and Sant’s poodle
Setting up
Four years as an MEP, during which he discovered that living in Brussels is fun and that he’s not the only gay in the village
Christ on a bike. I don’t know about you, so I’ll speak for myself: what in heaven’s name does he take me for? A whoopee cushion?
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“…. and that he’s not the only gay in the village”.
Careful with the metaphors! This is going to create a shitstorm of 2012 proportions.
Baxxter. The lttle shit sure looks gay. And didn’t he need some help to procreate?
Shame on you Harry for stooping so low …shame on you Daphne for publishing Harry’s comments.
Harry, your vicious vileness knows no limit. I’m sure this will be censored, but I had to say it.
[Daphne – Kemm tiehdu ghalikom, jahasra. Toqoghdu tilaghbuha tal-vergni.]
If I could be leader of the Opposition at 35, and have his sort of salary, I’d willingly turn gay, and remove my prostate gland with a crowbar and no anaesthetic. Little shit he may be, but by god, he’s laughing all the way to Castille while I rearrange my cardboard box under a bridge.
‘didn’t he need some help to procreate’
This reminded me of a friend of mine who said that her friend was childless because her husband turned out to be gay.
C’mon David and Twanny. This is the season of gift giving. The little shit got two a couple of years ago without even trying. Gawd, you guys are up tight. Did you go to midnight mass?
Baxxter. Any room under that bridge? I think the above two gentlemen are about to de-nut me.
“…and that he’s not the only gay in the village”.
I find Joseph Muscat glib, superficial and consider him to be someone who is intellectually unqualified to serve as prime minister. If all this occurred to me within several months of him assuming the leadership of the Labour Party, why don’t you believe that it hasn’t begun to seep into the consciousness of many other floating voters?
A gifted writer such as yourself certainly ought to be able to construct cogent arguments that are not ad hominem (cue the inevitable denial that you were trying to cast doubt on Joseph Muscat’s sexual preferences). So why don’t you stick exclusively to them and leave dirty tricks to political operatives? Sometimes I wonder whether you don’t actually enjoy your status as the Ann Coulter of Maltese politics.
[Daphne – As I’ve had occasion to say, many times, I’m in the entertainment business, not the cogent argument business. Sometimes, a cogent argument will slip through, but only when I can’t help myself. Try not to get too excited about the only gay in the village: read my comment to Ray Borg. For all I care, Muscat might get his thrills from effing fish – it takes all sorts, and I hear they do chickens in Gozo so size clearly doesn’t matter – but it’s irrelevant. What I am interested in is the likelihood that in three years’ time he’ll be effing the country.]
entertainment business ? LOFL !!! and I assume this blog is a circus then ? and what role do you take then ? Oh pleaseeeee
[Daphne – Definitely entertainment. You need to widen your horizons a little. It’s not all about cabaret and piano-playing nowadays, you know.]
Gianni Xuereb
Judging by some of the Deputy Leaders’ writings, I’d say they are in the entertainment business too, albeit unintentionally.
Which metaphor? I think she’s dead serious. I’ve seen this written elsewhere in DCG’s blog, but never so clear.
Wake u,p HP Baxxter.
[Daphne – See my comment to Ray Borg.]
Don Quixote? A different name pops up when my cursor hits the image.
…….eppure si muove !
What is he holding in that box? A small electoral programmet,to reduce the risk of errors?
He’s really worrying you, isn’t he?
[Daphne – Yes, but not for the reasons you imagine. I’m worried at the thought that somebody as half-assed as he is will be running the country in three years time.]
Doesn’t the thought of Malta becoming the world’s laughing-stock again worry you, Twanny?
Daphne, unbelievable though it is to any sane and logical person, there are plenty of people who want to and will believe him or who will shut their minds to the truth for purely self-centred reasons.
What you can’t seem to understand is that people WANT to believe that there is something better than the – at best – lacklustre Nationalist government. So much so that they’ve delivered the biggest slap in their face ever at the EP election.
I mean, if you can allow your party to be so badly whipped by a twat and his elephant man it’s really serious.
You’re doing a great job of pointing out Joseph Muscat’s and the MLP’s unsuitability to govern but the Nationalist Party really needs to pull some rabbits out of the hat if it wants to have a chance of returning to power in 2018. There’s got to be some positives to point out.
I look at Gonzi and I see John Major. I’m afraid. I really am.
[Daphne – The thing is, we don’t look at the opposite number and see Tony Blair, which kind of compounds the problem – or doesn’t.]
Are you saying that Joseph Muscat is gay? Prove it.
[Daphne – How? Walk up to him and take off my clothes and see what happens? Give me a break. You are clearly not au fait with current expressions. ‘The only gay in the village’ comes from a comedy series called Little Britain, in which a self-obsessed gay man thinks he is exceptional – the only gay in the village – and that others find him astonishing. He refuses to countenance the existence of other gays in the village. ‘The only gay in the village’ is now used for those self-obsessed individuals who think they are remarkable, exceptional and jaw-dropping, whether they are gay or not. As for Muscat’s sexual preferences, I couldn’t be bothered. As a keen reader of this blog, you should know by now that what people do for kicks, and their sexual preferences, doesn’t interest me – unless they’re the ex chief justice in court with a rosary ring on his finger and a warehouse full of condoms and penis rings. And then I’m interested only because I like cracking jokes about that kind of thing. That said, a couple of gay men posting in other discussions on this site have made some observations about what they think Muscat’s natural inclinations are, but I’m not familiar with the terminology or with all those fine distinctions, so I’m of no use to you on this score.]
“Daphne – How? Walk up to him and take off my clothes and see what happens?”
Lol :) Now that wouldn’t prove anything would it?! Ara li kieku kont xi Monica Bellucci…that’s another story.
[Daphne – No wonder he couldn’t conceive a child by the normal process with his wife, then, if he needs Monica Belluci to get it up.]
What did they teach them at St Aloysius? Two self centred twits from the same class is too much.
[Daphne – Gordon Pisani was in the same class, and he’s very quiet and self-effacing. Don’t blame the school, blame the mother. Haven’t you noticed that’s what they’ve got in common? Not a mother, but….you know.]
I haven’t noticed but trying to guess. Is F.D. an only child?
Somehow it looks like the urge to become PM is having a big effect on the man. When he was chosen leader of the PL, after making a fool of himself in his maiden speech, he said that he wanted to be PM at 39. This plan has somewhat changed and he wants the honour now. He is quoted as saying that he and his team are ready to lead (he stops short of saying govern), this, without giving us one single solution to the problems he is identifying as he plods along in this political adventure. Regarding the team he is referring to, I hope he did not list the Chelsea Pensioners Group, the likes of George Vella, Leo Brincat, Joe Debono Grech, Alex Sciberras Trigona, Joe Mizzi, Charles Mangion, Maria Camilleri., etc, to mention a few.
Well said. And more…if this guy was in any way the Great and Mighty Leader, he shd be sweeping the floor with the PN. After all, they are the incumbent government. The fact that he is so far from making even waves shows just how ready he is to lead and what a great visionary he is (not).
Wouldn’t one expect someone like Marisa to tell him that he shouldn’t expose himself too much about his fetish to become Malta’s youngest prime minister> If not, what is she getting the €40,000 plus for?
I have a gut feeling she’ll soon see the light. or should I say, I hope so.
It is true what you say but please do not excuse this government. We are really in a bad way. I never seen such arrogance!
[Daphne – You must have lived a very sheltered life, then, or been born post 1987.]
I remember two ministers and a parliamentary secretary saying ”We are becoming a nation of second-hand cars”….this after making buying a new car in Malta the highest price in Europe and probably in the world.
[Daphne – The highest car prices are in Singapore. High car prices haven’t stopped us filling the island with cars, to the extent that it is now very difficult to drive around and even more difficult to park. Imagine how much worse it would be if cars were cheaper. That is precisely the point of high car prices. Unfortunately, the system was undermined by the importation of cheap second-hand cars from Britain.]
What about the bare-faced lie when Minister Tonio Borg promised us new car-buyers before the 2008 election that we will get the duty paid on VAT back!
[Daphne – Are you sure? I think that was a promise made by Joseph Muscat after the general election, and that it is now the subject of a law suit.]
What about all the other promises? What about that everything one hears from this government is found to be spin when one touches and sees. All the fuss about St George’s Square in Valletta…give them cake….all that money spent on propaganda when we need it so much.
[Daphne – I don’t agree with you about everything being spin. We all lead a much better life now than we did a few years ago, even those who lack the ability to compare their lives now with their lives then. St George’s Square – yes, I agree with you. I would have just finished the job and left it at that. To make such a great fuss about the revamping of a city square is a bit Third World.]
There are some who still put too much weight on the MEP elections.
It is a known fact that any elections of other levels of governments below that of the central government tend to go against it during its incumbency.
There is no better proof than that of local councils, long dominated by Labour councilors during the long tenure of Nationalist governments.
The fact remains that Joseph Muscat presents no solutions to the Labour Party let alone the country. His mentor did the LP in because he chose to. He gambled – and lost, and Joseph is emulating his tactics to a tee. He offers a lot of words but no solutions and worse, he says he has solutions to problems which people much greater than him and governing much larger and richer countries have failed to find.
One would have expected that as time went by, Joseph would mature accordingly and those who thought that way are grossly disappointed – floating voters or not! Little Joseph Muscat is not just little in stature, but everything else seems to be proportional including the means of rationalization of the country’s problems vis-à-vis the global recession and environmental issues.
This deficiency is rarely remedied with time. As a matter of fact it deteriorates with age since the replacement of grey cells slow down with age. By now Muscat should have reached his peak in his analytical powers and would have revealed his workable solutions to economic concerns.
Next three years ought to be quite interesting especially if all the projects in the pipeline materialize and the economic conditions improve. What will Joseph have to say about that? That one scandal which will never die is the moving of the Sette Giunio statue from St.George’s Square prior to obtaining permission from MEPA?
At 35, Joseph Muscat’s track record includes an impressive win for Labour under his leadership at the last European Parliament elections when the Nationalists were trashed. Just to refreshen your memory Labour won with 54.75% against 40.49% for the PN, a majority of more than 35,000 votes. Meditate gente, meditate.
[Daphne – It was an MEP election, and the voting pattern was identical to that of the previous MEP election, with the difference that AD’s votes migrated to Labour. The Nationalist Party polled the same percentage of votes in the 2009 MEP election as it did in that of 2004. The only change is that the anti-Nationalist vote is no longer split between AD and Labour. You may think it’s down to Muscat’s scintillating charisma. I think it’s down to AD’s current lack of it. It’s a hell of a lot easier for Labour to attract an anti-PN vote than it is for the PN to do it, for obvious reasons. Also, if you are tracking Muscat’s success in terms of his ability to attract the sillier members of Maltese ‘society’, you’re on shaky ground. Real success is tracked in terms of his ability to attract intelligent people without chips on their shoulder, family history of Labour support, axes to grind, etc – like me. I made a conscious decision to vote Nationalist, without any family history of doing so. I can as easily make a conscious decision to vote Labour, but so far I am just not interested. It would be reckless, silly and stupid – and embarrassing, like buying something of really poor quality at a very high price.]
Gordon who?
Joseph Muscat is a superficial narcissist. If you have nothing better to do watch Labour’s Christmas advert on Super One and see Muscat with priests, nuns, children and his famous fake smile: ‘Arani, Ma, kemm jien importanti!’.
Oh right..and GonziPn doesnt use the same emoticon buttons? remember GONZIPN posters showing young innocent sweet children sniffing sunflowers? An image reflecting the total parenthesis of what really goes on in politics. good grief, if you haven’t figured yet that ALL politicians use children and religion to pull your strings. I suggest you don’t apply for any jobs requiring bell-ringing expertise.
Labour’s delegates are to blame for the choice of leader.They always choose the wrong man. Look at the popularity of George Abela lately: that’s why the prime minister was smart enough to clear him out of the way before they change their minds.
Wish you a happy Christmas and a prosperous new year!
Shame on you Daphne. A smiling baby Jesus? Angels singing? Shepherds shepherding? No, no and no. All we get for the whole of the Christmas week is Joseph Muscat’s smug mug leering at us. L-anqas li kienet il-gimgha tal-passjoni. Go stand in the corner.
Sounds a bit like the Republican attack on Barack Obama during last year’s campaign – ‘What’s his track record’ repeated ad nauseum.
Please note that I’m not trying to compare Dr Muscat to Obama, just pointing out that this blog post is somewhat petty and redundant.
As every financial advertisement is eager to point out, past performance is no guarantee of future results. The value of your investment may go down as well as up. And the PN’s stock has plummeted.
Let’s just hope that the PN finds a way to win the next general election. God forbid we should end up with Joseph Muscat as prime minister. If things are already bad now, just imagine what they would be like with him at the helm. It’s enough to make me shudder.