Some progressive and liberal European reasoning from the core vote of the Labour Party

Published: January 17, 2014 at 1:58pm

I am disturbed by the fact that instead of seeking to correct this reasoning and behaviour for the sake of a better, more civilised and yes, more progressive society, the Labour Party instead feeds it and feeds on it.

And that’s why we always end up back to square one no matter what the Labour Party says about fresh starts and a better Malta.

Warrbu min-nofs

45 Comments Comment

  1. Liberal says:

    You can’t expect any better from a nation of semi-literate idiots.

    • Joe Fenech says:

      There are boulders that have been been battered by the elements over several millenia that are more clever and refined than most of PL’s voters.

    • observer says:

      You can’t expect any better from more than half a nation of utterly illiterate idiots.

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    Are they saying ‘elf miljun’ for Mallia’s sake? It’s ‘biljun’. Even an 8 year old would know that.

    • Conservative says:

      In actual fact, a British and European billion is a million million whilst an American billion is a thousand million. So in correct terms, it’s a thousand million. This different approach to a billion (and to confuse it a bit more the Italians have the milliardo) causes considerable headaches in financial services reporting. Most British institutions now use the American short scale for a billion but most European banks and governments use the long scale.

    • ciccio says:

      They say “elf miljun” because otherwise they will confuse Dr. Manwel Mallia. But it also sounds better: one billion sounds like just “one,” whereas a “thousand” million sounds really like a lot.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      “Ghaxra tudipawerovdisa’ Ewro”.

      Hekk ahjar?

      • Tazan says:

        Mallia is by far above the average Xarabank crowd. He can count to at least five hundred thousand.

  3. Wayne Hewitt says:

    Tribalism, historically, was always fueled by the Labour Party. This, in order to benefit their largely inept politicians who wouldn’t have anything to write home about otherwise.

    ‘Malta Tagħna Lkoll’ was always a gimmick intended to lure the ‘middle’ or ‘floating voter’.

    However intelligent floating voters think they are, this wasn’t enough, it seems, to see through the inanity of such slogan.

    • Jozef says:

      Muscat marketed the concept idea of the ‘floating voter’; he turned it into a want. Those who responded thought they needed it to emancipate themselves and bought it.

      It’s called brand identity transfer, relying heavily on new, cash rich, unsophisticated markets.

  4. Bubu says:

    I can’t stand the sheer stupidity. Such a waste of material. If only they had received a decent education.

    • Calculator says:

      Believe me, sometimes even that isn’t enough.

    • Pat Zahra says:

      You have got to stop this business of “if only that had received a decent education”.

      Firstly, nothing in the curriculum covers politics or the art of choosing wisely at the polls.

      Teachers are not permitted to mention politics in the classroom.

      Political opinion is formed at home. Most people will vote according to family party lines.

      Very few will cross that floor, as it were, and will do so only if they perceive the party as not having given them their due.

      Most people will only absorb that which further confirms the rightness of their position, so no matter how highly educated they are, they will only use their knowledge to prove their original point.

      A friend of mine has not changed her stance despite a PhD and years abroad. She was a fool when we were young, and she is still a fool today albeit she now uses a different order of vocabulary with which to express the same nonsense.

      As for the exchanges above, it is a mark of the ignorant that they fill the air with adrenalin-pumping cries which mean nothing. They also admire people who are not afraid to fight, as we say in Maltese, glieda jiekluha bil-hobz.

      The recent swell of anger and outrage from the EU will only increase their admiration for Joseph Muscat. It is no accident that the term ‘bully’, among these people, is a term of approbation.

      But do please stop blaming the education they received, especially in this benighted country, where administration after administration does nothing but tweak the educational system to produce fearful, mindless sheep.

  5. nofs Seklu says:

    Let them chant. This scheme will condem them to another 25 years in opposition. The bigger it is the deeper they re-bury themselves!!

  6. Newman says:

    Those comments show how easy it would be for totalitarianism to take root in Malta.

    [Daphne – No, the last election result does.]

    • anthony says:

      The result of the 1987 general election was even more ominous in my opinion.

      The PN polled just 50.5% of the votes cast.

      Yes just that, after the ten most tragic years in Malta’s history and an entire country in ruins.

      [Daphne – Ten? Sixteen, actually.]

    • Victor says:

      Exactly, Daphne

  7. just me says:

    A friend of mine has received an sms from an Italian friend saying “Mi presti 650,000 euro per comprare un passaporto Maltese? he he he”… We have been made the laughing stock of Europe.

  8. Rosa Luxemburg says:

    Warrbulu hej lil Joey l-Kajboj! Ahna x’ghala l-bubun mill parlament Ewropew – issa se nifthu negozju tal-passaporti u nsiru sinjuruni u ma jkollniex bzonnm dawk l-ghoggieba ta’ l-EU.

    The stupid brutes don’t realise that the only reason anyone is his right senses would be remotely interested in forking out for a Maltese passport is our EU and Schengen membership.

  9. Joe Fenech says:

    Malta is once more sinking deeply into the cult of personality.

  10. TinaB says:

    This was the Nationalist government’s biggest mistake ever – the high level of ignorance and stupidity were underestimated and it failed to realise that the roots were too deep to eradicate by simply providing normal school and college education.

    The rest of us are now paying a very high price for it.

  11. Connor Attard says:

    Is this Mintoff’s ‘socialist generation’? What was it about that man which held so much sway over minds such as these, even after his death? The same totalitarian fervour courses endlessly through their veins. Mintoff’s great experiment was a huge success.

  12. Pippa says:

    Well many of them chanted “Shame on you” at Dr. Gonzi.

    Their votes helped put Joseph Muscat in power and he has created over a thousand new jobs, at very good salaries within the government but no similar quantity of jobs for the Shame on You brigade.

    Dr.Gonzi’s superior premiership created 20,000 jobs in the last legislature, and this in spite of the continuous harassment he had to endure.

    I hope they are seeing the light and realise who the true statesman and champion of their cause, really is.

    Thank you, Dr. Gonzi.

  13. Pablo says:

    After the cock-up comes the bravado.

  14. Jozef says:

    There’s your qeueu for social housing paid for by Muscat’s biljun. There’s your investment, subsidies for a populace which can’t grow. The typical real-socialist, orphaned of the Eastern bloc, no trust in human driven growth.

    I suspect he needs the money to kickstart his power station. Another revolutionary concept which seems to have stalled and which, strangely, for it was THE promise, moved off the radar.

    There’s a pattern emerging in all he does, he just can’t settle down to the schlepp, preferring gargantuan, pharaonic ideas which in his mind should resolve problems indefinitely, or so he thinks.

    One can divide this year into three, the honeymoon, the Summer bickering on immigration and the last three months of the year pushing for this. Nothing else.

    If he were to conduct any business, he’d be the type to come up with the grand plan, no doubt illicit, and get lost working solely on its happening expecting to sit down and watch the money roll in later.

    Meantime, the real opportunities pass by. But that implies commitment, a sharp mind, multitasking and a sense of duty.

    What he does instead, is umpteen get rich quicks. U barra bid-daqq. The mentality of a foreman made works manager who can’t grow any further.

  15. pierino says:

    L-arroganza taghhom ma tafx limiti. Insew meta kienu l-Labour li dejjem xewwxu lill-barranin kontra pajjizna, meta Joseph Muscat ried iwaqqaf l-ghajnuna finanzjara li l-UE tat lil Malta ghal Wasteserv, u KMB ghall-power station ta’ Delimara.

    Insew it-tixwix u sabutaggi li wettqu huma fi zmien il-Gvernijeit Nazzjonalisti. Issa ghax gabu 37,000 vot iktar minn nazzjonalisti hasbu li lahqu s-sema, joqghodu attenti ghax malajr jghibu dawnis-37,000. F’hakka t’ghajn itiru.

  16. zz says:

    My worry is that such comments come from people who one would not deem to be idiots or semi-literate.

    I am unable to understand how anybody, with a minimum amount of intelligence can’t see that IIP is simply a sale of Maltese Citizenship. How can these people say they are proud to be Maltese, that ‘Malta Taghna Llkoll’ but find nothing wrong is selling to an unknown the right to call him/herself Maltese: Malti.


    [Daphne – The evidence contained in those screen-shots indicates an extremely low level of intelligence, so I can’t imagine why you consider those individuals any less stupid and illogical than the ones in the screen-shot I uploaded. Is it because they write in a poor form of English rather than a poor form of Maltese? Same difference.]

  17. TROY says:

    John Felice: 9 siggijiet mhux cajt.
    Ahseb u ara 550 siggu.

  18. Kukkurin says:

    Some liberal and progressive reasoning for Labour : share out and distribute all proceeds from the sale of passports equally amongst all 28 EU Member States. We are after all selling EU passports.

  19. Maltease says:

    Marlene Spiteri would have been better off had she held a book in her hands instead of a “contorin”

  20. The sample we have here is truly made up of semi-illiterates, or persons who speak and write a such, but I do not think that they represent the nation.

    However there are others who are not illiterate or semi-illiterates, who should know better, but prefer to follow a self-serving agenda and vote like idiots in doing so.

    Then there are others who, in spite of their level of education, are easily led astray by slogans and empty words.

  21. Frans Cassar says:

    I despair, guess there is no hope for this country. What the hell were the switchers thinking way back in March?

  22. Giraffa says:

    Watching Franco Debono, Deborah Schembri and Mario Philip Azzopardi on Xarabank defending the infamous citizenship scheme, with an audience full of Laburisti. Poor Norman Vella is not allowed to talk. Tal-misthija! Switching channels, as I can’t stand it.

  23. catharsis says:


  24. Victor says:

    Sad or disgusting?

  25. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Posted in the very popular Facebook group “dom mintoff ghall dejjem” [sic], entitled “L-ikbar tnejn ta’ Malta”:

    Alas, and so the darkness spreads.

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