Our new friends the extremists of the left and right

Published: January 19, 2014 at 2:30pm


Read this story on the Nationalist Party’s news site, Maltarightnow, about the political identity of the 18 MEPs who voted with Marlene Mizzi, Joseph Cuschieri, Claudette Abela Baldacchino and John Attard Montaldo against the European Parliament resolution and for the sale of citizenship.

They are all extremists, racists, xenophobes, communists or fascists of one form or another.

How nice.

Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt: they had no way of knowing for certain that they would end up aligned with just 18 extremists and xenophobic hard-liners. But now that it’s happened, they should process the information and not make things even worse for Malta, or we shall have no choice but to dismiss them as traitors.

They don’t even seem to care about the damage they are doing to the Labour Party.

12 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:


    First they denigrate, then they’ll resort to threats.

  2. canon says:

    But I’m sure Joseph Muscat knows most of them personally, if not all.

    • Gaetano Pace says:

      I would rather say Joseph knows them all. I have reason to believe that he had the pleasure of their company where he imbibed of their extremist outlook of things which he is now regargitating once he is in power.

  3. Tom Double Thumb says:

    How is it possible for anyone even with a single brain cell not to see the contradictions, ironies and inconsistencies in the Malta Labour Party’s way of speaking about and doing politics?

    For years their battle cry was (and still is) “Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox”, and yet they show so little faith in this country being able to govern itself.

    In the 1950s the leader and flock campaigned for integration with Britain. In the 1960s when the PN campaigned for Independence, Mintoff and his followers voted against in the referendum and then flatly refused to accept the fact of Independence.

    In the 1970s, it was virtually integration with “our blood brothers” (Mintoff’s words) of Muammar Gaddafi’s Libya, with its political murders, its violence, fear and oppression and its gross violations of human rights.

    In the 1980s the great thing was NEUTRALITY and alliance with the Non-Aligned Movement which included among others Cuba, the USSR, the European Communist bloc, Egypt, and strong ties with AAPSO, North Korea and Red China.

    Alfred Sant in the 1990s spoke of Malta as “makku” to be easily swallowed by European sharks. And of course there was that huge effort to keep Malta out of Europe, the freezing of Malta’s application and the refusal to accept that the majority in the referendum were in favour of our joining the EU.

    Now, 10 months after Joseph Muscat promised to make Malta “the best in Europe” – whatever that means – we have come full circle and that word from the 1950s – INTEGRATION – is again arising from the dead, this time with China and other non-EU Member countries.

    The big question is, how can any of that be reconciled with “Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox”?

  4. Kukkurin says:

    Writing in The Sunday Times today, Lino Spiteri said that it is with extremists such as these that the EU should be concerned.

    He implied that in comparison the sale of passports pales into insignificance.

    Spiteri at least has the decency to continue to appeal for a residency requirement to be tied to the sale of passports. He is however completely off the mark to accuse Simon Busuttil of negativity.

    On the very contrary, the leader of the Opposition has put forward a number of proposals in Parliament, and no doubt also in his private meetings since, which would have saved the day for Malta. That is called being positive.

    The Prime Minister, however, in his supreme wisdom, or obstinacy, ploughed ahead. That is called being negative.

    Please maintain objectivity throughout, Mr. Spiteri, and do not let partisan politics finally get the better of you in your retirement. You ended up ruining an otherwise excellent piece.

    • Gaetano Pace says:

      Yes indeed. Europe should be taking care of extremists. Agreed.

      But considering they are siding with our Joseph would not Europe be taking care of Joseph whose company they keep and in whom they found an idol to carry their oracle.

    • Jozef says:

      Oh, so Simon Busuttil was being negative, what does Lino Spiteri think this week’s vote was then, non-positive?

    • watchful eye says:

      You ended up ruining an otherwise excellent piece

      But definitely not an excellent political career.

  5. Dickens says:

    The end result of making an inarticulate and only partially literate 25-year-old who can’t speak English (and who can barely speak Maltese) chairman of the National Book Council:


  6. FB says:

    basta progressivi u moderati!

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