Secret Agent Caruana digs herself in deeper: if helicopters are used to fly patients to hospital, why are we complaining about her?
January 25, 2014 at 11:32pm
“Jekk din hija spiża biex jiġi ħelikopter, kemm ħlejna flejjes biex ġarrejna pazjenti bil-ħelikopter minn Għawdex għal Malta biex imorru jagħmlu test” – Justyne Caruana
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‘Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.’ – Abraham Lincoln
And of course the same holds for women.
What cheek, what arrogance.
I guess she won’t be making any more sarcastic remarks about Twanny Bronka summoning back the ferry boat.
So in 007 Caruana’s opinion, transporting patients from Gozo to the general hospital in Malta is a ‘hela’.
How to catch the ferry to Gozo.
I never realized she is that stupid.
She claimed that she is a product of a ‘nannu Mintoffjan’. Similar to Joseph Muscat with his “nanna Mintoffjana”. Quite telling.
When anything Mintoff infects a healthy brain the damaging results are carried for life by the unfortunate victim.
Give them a bit of leeway and they’ll succeed in tightening that rope further.
Did you ever consider that she might believe that seeing the whole picture from high above she will come up with sounder policies to make a better Gozo ?
The helicopter is better used to take her and bring her and take her again rather than to save lives.
I know it’s not rocket science; it’s Justyne Caruana’s political philosophy
Very easy to understand if you remember the partisan political measure spelt easily goes like this’: I do it, it’s OK; you do it, it’s wrong.
Does this idiot not realise how disrespectful and utterly disgusting she is? Tkomplix taqa ghan-n*jk, Justyne.
“Tal-Labour” people with a social conscience.
I’m proud to say I had a “nannu Nazzjonalist ta’ vera”. His famous words to us were never, ever trust Mintoff. And boy, was he ever right.
Tal-misthija. Is she saying that money spent saving patients’ lives and for health purposes is waste of money?
Is she suggesting that her trip on board that helicopter because a ticket was issued late, or whatever reason, in any way compares to the same asset being used to carry someone in need to a hospital in Malta?
If Twanny Bronka can do it, I can do better.
Vera imbecilli din il-mara. Lanqas taf tifhem l-ovvju.
Guess she is suggesting that we should shoot patients and use helicopters to ferry only those who are more “equal” like her.Duhhhh….
Isn’t there someone in the Labour Party to tell the lady to stop making a fool of herself through such statements?
Not that it matters to me. If that is her choice, and the LP is happy with it, go on and let the intelligent voter realise what a mistake was made at the last general election.
I always knew she was this stupid.
This insulting statement is in itself a resignation matter.