And then we’re expected to believe that he wasn’t told what to do on the little matter of Johnny ‘Bahamas’ Dalli
Hal Qormi Labour mayor Rosianne ‘Nuxellina’ Cutajar arrived at Mgarr harbour in Gozo to find a queue of cars waiting to board that snaked right up the hill, barged the lot of them by speeding right up to the boarding gate, and when a police officer tried to stop her, told him “I’m ringing the commissioner and he’ll tell you what to do.”
And she brought out her phone and rang that puppet on a string, Peter Paul Zammit – Manuel Mallia’s butler – and sure enough, the policeman received instructions to let the insufferable woman through (and she really is insufferable, as are all titchy women who try to make up for their lack of physical presence by manufacturing a perky personality modelled on something they might have seen on a Berlusconi show).
And now, at last, Manuel Mallia’s butler has admitted that yes, he did ring up to instruct that policeman to let Nuxellina barge a queue of hundreds of cars.
Well, he couldn’t get the Commander AFM to dispatch a helicopter to pick her up, because that bozza tal-plastik doesn’t take cars.
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Fejnu Debono ?
And how cute our Commissioner was. He seemed to hesitate, but then was convinced, that Nuxellina is a sinjorina.
He also thought it perfectly normal for people to call up the Commissioner of Police to ask for his help in matters such as this. Can we have the Commissioner’s mobile number please?
[Daphne – Of course. 7900 0331.]
In many democratic countries high ranking officials of the same rank as the Commissioner have resigned for much less. Is he supposed to be a shining example of fairness and transparency in Malta? Malta has become the laughing stock.
Did he explain why Nuxellina had his number in the first place?
Just like spoiled kids let loose in a candy store. Wow, I can get whatever I want.
More like sex maniacs in a brothel.
I think I should draw up a list of ‘valid reasons’ (to quote our Commissioner) so as to skip any queue that there might be when crossing over from Gozo to Malta.
If a commoner such as Nuxellina is entitled to be an animal more equal than others, then why shouldn’t I?
Remember when Franco Mercieca had an issue with whether he was entitled to priority boarding or not when he was crossing as an ophthalmic consultant? Seems like Nuxellina’s attributes trump conventional qualifications and tangible achievements. Birds of a feather and all that!
It’s actually shocking.
The sad part is that this misplaced sense of special entitlement runs through the common lot and rather than discourage it, the Police Commissioner encourages it.
The Police Commissioner is then the Person who is expected to use superior autonomous judgement in cases requiring clear rational logic.
He really makes it so much easier for the rest of us to understand that he was a pushover in the case of John Dalli.
If the Qormi mayor can sway him and twist and twirl him around her little finger, there is little evidence to support that he is less pliable when faced with other decisions presented under different pressure bars.
Valid reason but he couldn’t remember ….. miskin. Same thinking as John Dalli? Valid reason but couldn’t remember?
Maybe you missed the part of the news where the minister for Gozo and the Chairman of Gozo Channel said that they were considering a payment of a fee for jumping the queue.
How would you know that the one who just jumped the queue has paid?
Would there be a fee for turning back a ferry?
Maybe yes. There’s a price for everything.
It is unbelievable (and indeed surreal) that in the 21st century we are still prone to these banal tactics that are the signature crafts of dictatorship states and even some tin pot republic in South America.
Then again you see where all this comes from: little minds who are so power hungry and self-important. They actually believe they are someone when, in fact they are no one. That includes Muscat and his entourage of creeps at the Auberge de Castille.
At least the Police Commissioner spared us the thought that Rosianne Nuxellina Cutajar was somewhat on a top-secret mission.
Mela jekk wiehed ikollu bzonn jaqbez il-queue ghax ikollu lil xi hadd tal-familja li korra u qieghed l-isptar u ma jafx il-kundizzjoni tieghu, jew xi hadd Ghawdxi wasal fl-ahhar ta’ hajtu u qieghed l-Isptar Mater Dei, il-familjari ghandhom dritt jaqbzu l-queue?
A puppet on a string who manipulates other puppets.
The Police Commissioner said that he gave permission for Nuxellina to skip the queue because the circumstances dictated that.
I cannot imagine what is so urgent for the Qormi mayor that she couldn’t wait like everyone else.
My feeling is that he is enjoying wielding his power, especially when it comes to helping damsels in distress. He is very new to power and it has completely gone to his head.
“Sinjura jew Sinjorina” Poor chap, he wanted to lead us to believe that he dose not know much about Miss or Mrs Cutajar. His act did not convince the public. I suppose the Police Commissioner has a list of all the Maltese VIP’s (sic), with all their spouses , children and parents, in case one of them needs his valuable assistance.
Yes and he justified it by calling it traffic management….traffic management?
Traffic management…. my foot!
Much of this funny stuff is down to the classic island syndrome.
People with the slightest respectable position in Malta become big-headed instantly and think they are very, very important. They forget that they are part of one of the smallest island nations in the world.
Being a mayor of Qormi is like being a head student at UCLA or similar-sized school in the US. Whilst the head student is excused for getting a little big-headed because of his/her young age, the Qormi mayor has no such excuse.
The same applies to Agent 007 from Gozo who thinks that her mundane report on the Middle East justified military helicopter assistance.
It is human nature to want to feel important and there is no way to eradicate this silly desire. But people on this little island nation could feel important by helping each other, giving to charity, or volunteering themselves to causes of a greater good, without seeking praise and publicity.
The truth, however, is that stupid people will never see it this way, and there are lots of stupid people in Malta.
Oh please you are all a bunch of idiots, this was obviously done in the national interest, fullstop.
That this woman had “certain specific reasons” for overtaking an entire queue of people waiting to board the Gozo ferry is not quite an excuse which justifies someone of the rank of Police Commissioner to intervene in the matter.
There has to be a ‘public interest’ reason. Poor time management is not sufficient reason.
That the Police Commissioner intervened personally in such a trivial matter is nothing short of arrogance and stupidity. It is stupid to drag down the rank of Commissioner to the level of constable.
The action of the Commissioner is nothing short of an expression of underestimation of his men and their abilities, something which undermines them and demoralises the other ranks.
It was arrogant for the woman to face the Police Officer with such a show of megalomania. She should have explained her case to the officer who I STONGLY BELIEVE had enough sense to sort out something so trivial.
Though the law spells out that it is the prerogative of the police to direct traffic, this was not the directing of traffic. This was a case of the organised boarding of a ferry in good order.
The priority of how and what goes on board a vessel lies with the captain of the ship and not with the Commissioner of Police. The police presence near the ferry is specifically to supervise the good order and to ensure that peace prevails.
On a very regular basis, a Japanese white car, going down from San Pawl Tat-Targa to Burmarrad toward St Paul’s Bay, flashes a blue light, over-speeds in front of the traffic camera, and crosses over the continuous white line onto the other side of the road to overtake the line of traffic.
There is nothing in our laws which allows this on the pretext that someone is in a hurry and has the ‘authority’ to put himself above the law.
Flashing a blue alternating light is no exemption from the law, be it who it be.
The situation is dangerous. Somebody could get badly hurt.
Mela meta nkun ha nitla Ghawdex u nsib hafna queue c-Cirkewwa, incempel lil-kummissarju! Ara vera purcinelli. Xi qziez ta’ nies.