I’m putting this comment up as a post, because it merits wider attention

Published: February 16, 2014 at 10:32am

Posted by MoBi this morning:

I was at the airport yesterday, just back from Istanbul, standing in queue at immigration control. A flight from Dubai had also landed just a few minutes after ours, so the queue was long, and unusually slow.

After waiting about ten minutes, and moving about 2 metres, a group of at least 15 Chinese teenagers walked past, dressed as you do if you have money to burn, some with their sunglasses still on.

They were being led by a suited airport/government official with a huge smile on his face. A counter had been specially opened just for them, and they were done with immigration control in next to no time.

No prizes for guessing what just happened.

If the original cap of 1,800 citizenship applications still holds, at this rate Malta will be getting close to 30,000 new citizens soon.

And 25,000 euros for a passport AND VIP treatment? That’s a pretty sweet deal.

16 Comments Comment

  1. curious says:

    The South African people were also here on a Saturday. Is business being done on a weekend?.

  2. albona says:

    I always wanted Malta to introduce the overseas postal vote but now I seriously hope that we are able to stop this from ever being introduced. Does anyone know if they can introduce this or do they need a 2/3 majority or something like that?

    The European Commission has really disappointed us all. Surely the PN’s arguments should have centred around the undermining of the democratic vote due to the thousands of new voters who are beholden to the socialists.

    Oh don’t you worry, even if the PN wins back 20.000 votes, it will still come up short. Malta’s total number of citizens is going to be well over the 0.5 million mark by next election.

    We are in a right mess. Grazzi switchers.

  3. La Redoute says:

    They probably weren’t Chinese. In all likelihood, they were new Maltese citizens, getting VIP treatment because their passports were bought, rather than earned.

    Muscat the fake socialist had promised that passport buyers wouldn’t have to stand in line like everyone else because it isn’t fair on them.

  4. just me says:

    What about the secrecy clause? I believe it has still to be removed.

  5. george grech says:

    Are they here to apply for the passport or to get it ?

  6. The Phoenix says:

    Issa ndunajtu? Malta is full of Libyans, Chinese, Azeris, and Middle Eastern people who are applying for Maltese citizenship. Go to the Hilton and you will see them all there. And you know what? The scheme is a success. It has to be.

    Malta fethet saqajha. Because that’s what Joseph Muscat has done.

  7. Mandy says:

    That might explain the private plane I saw flying overhead very early yesterday afternoon.

  8. It is obvious that while government is buying time with efforts supposedly meant to align Muscat’s IIP with what would be acceptable to the EU, it is going full-steam ahead with implementing the IIP as it stands, at least for a number of applicants. The government is bent on presenting the nation, and the EU, with a fait accompli.

  9. Lupin says:

    Yes, and these teenagers will probably have the right to vote come next election.

  10. Chris Mifsud says:

    We are stuck with Labour for the next 25 years

  11. Philip says:

    If these people are already getting their passports, I. D cards etc., what about the due diligence exercise on each of them?
    Or is that already on the back burner?

  12. Next elections says:

    Am I right in understanding that all those currently buying citizenship under the conditions as initially approved by parliament will not have the right to vote in future elections since otherwise their identity would have to be disclosed?

    And that therefore it will only be those who will be issued ID cards and who will obtain their passports in some 12 months’ time that will be future voters?

  13. Anonymous says:

    Two weeks ago I was in Gozo and a Chinese couple (in their late 40s) driving a new Range Rover asked me for directions. I told the man “I’m Maltese, but I’m not from Gozo”. And the man replied, “Yes, I’m Maltese too.”

  14. C.Portelli says:

    I was in Valletta this morning. At 11.30 the Chinese teenage delegation were just coming out of the Upper Barracca garden. They were led by government officials.

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