Alfred Sant: his EP electoral battlecry is ‘ KOMPETENZA’
March 19, 2014 at 1:33am
Malta: the place where irony came to die.
This man was so competent as prime minister that people flocked to vote him out resoundingly after just 22 months of chaos.
And he is so competent on EU-related matters that he thinks Malta should never have joined the union, and put up an almighty battle to stop us doing so, aided and abetted by that other progressive liberal, Joseph Muscat.
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6,666 likes. Holy water anyone?
Didn’t he once say that he’d be willing to make a pact with the Devil or something? Or was that Joseph Muscat?
Sant was not competent enough to secure a pact with the devil and ended up calling him a traitor
You’re right, it was Dr.Sant. This time round it appears that the bargain is made and his soul is sold.
666 …… the evil number ……… brrrr, these people give me the creeps
6666 likes? Apocalypse now.
The papers are so competent in journalism that they speak of him and give him column inches as though he were a perfectly normal, perfectly ordinary politician.
Rather than a hard-drinking misanthrope wearing a circus wig?
Rather than a failed politician who was consigned to the dustbin of history time and again.
He should know, of all people. In his incredibly pretentious and badly written autobiography, he includes a suitably intellectual photo of him on his Eurotrip as a young man (plus hot brainy girlfriends, lest we think he were an asexual twerp) “contemplating the dustbin of history” (it’s just a photo of him eating chips in Belgium, looking at some dustbins).
That my country sees fit to hold in high regard this man, whose political project was rejected multiple times, says more about us than it does about him.
We’re the incompetents, not Alfred Sant. He is just a calculating, unfeeling, evil, cynical opportunist.
The irony is mind boggling.
Sant is perfectly normal and perfectly ordinary to those who take everything literally, exhibit narcissistic personality traits, and who regard their politicians as divine leaders of a special cult and appointed by God.
Add IN to the front of that. And turn it blood red.
Screw this country…
His profile picture is covering the “I’m in…”
As competently as he managed the Malta Metalfond, CET, no to EU campaign etc…
A rather competent idiot, if you ask me.
What’s worse: him standing or people voting for him?
Here’s another one hard at that teat, sucking away.
Now he has the audacity to ask us to make him an MEP. What an a*sehole.
He’s just in it for the money, perks, dinners, booze, Air Malta meals, like all the rest of the Taghna Lkoll clan.
The reasoning must have been ‘If one goes into battle with a cry very few understand then only those very few will notice the incongruence’. After all we are talking about many who switched from ‘salvatur’ to ‘traditur’ and back to ‘salvatur’ as if the two words were synonyms and have not bat an eyelid when talent turned out to mean money and meritocracy means get labour votes.
One wonders what percentage of the population know what ‘kompetenza’ means to the rest of the world.
The first years of a mandate are the toughest (hand outs correspond with the run up to the election). The fact that Sant was one of the most morally decent PL individuals led to a loss of popularity with the traditional PL supporters who were all revved up to loot and take over.
Can someone please enlighten me. What does ‘Kandidat ghal MEP’ really mean.? Is this kompetenza – serjeta’?
Shouldn’t it be “Kandidat ghall-Parlament Ewropew (PE)” as distinguished from “Membru tal-Parlament Ewropew (MPE)”?
Although this should beggar belief, the sad truth is that we’re very capable of shooting ourselves in the foot.
Alfred Sant stars In Kompetenza
This is a novel based on the partnership between Swiss Cheese and Gbejna.
The narrative ends with Gbena befriending Halloumi, Danish Blue, Camembert, Tilster, Feta, Mozzarella and other EU cheeses and rightfully ties its future with them.
Swiss Cheese was naturally cheesed off when Gbejna, interviewed after the event, said that the concept of partnering Swiss Cheese was ‘full of holes’.
Muscat’s plan to ” ermarginate ” Malta from the EU knows no bounds.
Ghax issa Malta is going ‘glowbahlajst’
This man is utterly shameless. He faced the Maltese electorate and using scaremongering tactics to try to convince the gullible that his fictitious partnership was better than real membership.
Now he tells us that a Socialist vote in the MEP elections is important. But when it was Malta which needed votes, he called upon his disciples to abstain in the referendum.
I thought we had seen the back of him for good.
Manuel, not to be a pain but it’s membership.
There’s no such thing as real membership or full membership.
Even Nationalist MPs sometimes fall into the trap and refer to EU membership as ‘shubija shiha’.
It’s wrong.
We are members just like any of the other states which incidentally never refer to themselves as real members but there again they didn’t have Alfred Sant to distort their vision – up until now that is.
And yet he’s going to be voted in.
Poplu mogħża.
Bniedem insolenti – tiftakru jurina l-vot tal-U.E.,jgħid li rebħu r-referendum? Setta’ ġelled in-nies fit-toroq.
Qegħdin sew, u li għandna issa kien dixxiplu fidil tiegħu, għalkemm fejn jidħol il-but mhux fidil.
“Euroskeptic” is another word for “join the gravy train”. Ask Kev.
How has he got the nerve to ask the people to vote for him to represent them in the EU? As the Maltese saying goes ‘M’ghandux zejt f’wiccu’.
Since comments without an action plan are just fine words, here’s what to do, for all of of you – all of us – who are thinking “f*ck Alfred Sant”.
Vote massively for anyone on the other side. Just don’t vote for him. And argue back with passion and intelligence whenever some damned switcher says how, like, intelligent and literate he is, hux veru?
Tell them this man deserves to be kicked out of politics forever. We’ve had enough of his comebacks. We’ve had enough of him.
Wish I could. The f*cker stuck me in prison in 1996.
Dan kif qed juza’ l-isfond blu?