Just four and a half years later, this individual was running the country (and still is)
March 19, 2014 at 6:43pm
Quite frankly, it says more about the people who voted for him, who thought themselves smarter and more intelligent (and democratic) than the rest of us than it does about him.
Chancers will be chancers. Then it’s up to you to use your brain.
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“Ha nghidilkom storja” – ma niflahiex.
“Kien jipprometti naqra mill-iskola”
Was his mother going to name him Franco?
Only someone with a sick personality can come up with that.
That’s what, twenty kilos ago?
That’s 10,000 hairs ago.
This will keep me amused for the rest of the day.
Inhobbkom, Jozef u Ciccio, u lil DinCG hobbuwwa ghax thobbkom.
What a tosser. Absolutely no vision at all.
He harks to the days of Mintoff like they were something to be proud of.
He holds that old bastard in high esteem. What does that say about him. God help you all.
1. Dahal l-Universita’ grazzi ghal Gvern Nazzjonalista. Probabilment kieku kien jidhol bil-parrinu.
2. It-tfal tieghu twieldu taht Gvern Nazzjonalista.
3. Il-grazzi malajr hadha George Vella – bil-Presidenza li offrielu.
4. Kwazi irnexXielu jikkommovini.
Just proves that all his fake tactics are just marketing to suck in the gullible. Prouder than ever that he didn’t ‘wow’ me over, and unfortunately for us all time is proving me right, where’s the beef Mr Prime Minister? We all have families and we all have kids, we all have stories but most of us don’t use our kids to gain sympathy. I believe it’s time to take action, some serious action for the love of our country.
What wonderful political idols he has.
You’d think he is a stand-up comedian – if our Prime Minister was not so pathetic I would laugh.
“Inhoss unur u risponsabbilta’ ghaliex gejt wara dak li kien, u ghadu, missier il-Partit Laburista – Dom Mintoff”
I switched off at that point – and felt no need or irresistible urge to hear any further.
It was ‘enough said’ to confirm my ‘grand’ opinion of the present Labour leader.
It could be worse, he could be pursuing socialist policies instead of rehashing the PN policies.
If we underestimate the intelligence of Joseph Muscat and his advisors we will be making a huge mistake. They may be incompetent and screwing up on a weekly basis but they know how to spin, communicate and lie. The PN is abysmal in its communication – they have no strategy and are ineffective at it.
I remember how the PN derided Joseph Muscat and his election campaign gaffes and impossible manifesto. Today he is PM and if he pulls off his IIP programme (I have my doubts but that’s another story) he will be able to hand out money into people’s pockets – and that is where most of this electorate’s brains lie.
He will buy his next election and they will spend 5 years lining their own pockets.
Underestimate Joseph Muscat and you will hand him the next election.
I totally agree.
It is about time people rally behind Simon Busuttil. To all the naysayers who think that he does not have what it takes, cut the crap and stop splintering the party. Eddie Fenech Adami didn’t have what it took, either, at the start, but he turned out to be the man for the moment – for almost 30 years.
Busuttil was fairly elected. Get behind him. By deriding Busuttil you are simply, mindlessly picking up and repeating Muscat’s message, and you are strengthening HIM. Having you made this mistake already in the two years before the election – repeating Muscat’s messages without being aware that you were doing so?
Look at Muscat five years ago. He was a mess. His clothes were rubbish – a real spiv, black shirts and white ties. His speaking skills were terrible. Busuttil starts without those disadvantages – he’s always perfectly dressed, he speaks well, he’s far more intelligent and better educated, in all senses, than Muscat. He has proper manners and knows how to behave – unlike Muscat, who is a mass of social insecurity which he covers up with aggression.
Busuttil needs good people around him. He will grow into the role. Eddie Fenech Adami wasn’t even elected leader. Then he had Peter Serracino Inglott, Louis Galea and Richard Cachia Caruana and he became the best Malta had ever seen, leading with integrity and fortitude.
Integrity is not something you can teach. You either have it or you don’t. Muscat’s worst failing, a dangerous one for Malta, is his lack of integrity.
Busuttil has integrity, so the most essential ingredient is there. But he needs to rise to the occasion and he needs the right people beside him to help him do that.
Well said.
All of us who cannot stand what Muscat and his cronies stand for need to get behind the PN and Simon Busuttil, otherwise we are just handing the next election to the PL on a plate.
I agree with you that the PN communication skills are abysmal.
The reason is simple.
Historically the PN has overestimated the intelligence of the average Maltese voter which verges on the moronic.
Skond hu taht in-Nazzjonalisti qatt ma ha xejn.
Min jaf jekk hux ser jirringrazzjha lil Marlene Farrugia issa li m’hix qieghed taqbel mieghu f’kollox.
Trid tkun wiccek midluk biex tghid li kieku mhux ghall-Labour ma kontx tidhol l-Universita’.
What a tosser.
I see a typical cult leader. More than half of Malta is brainwashed.
That was the first time that I really came to know Joseph Muscat (over the TV), and his performance, far from impressing me, made me realise that he was no improvement on former leaders of the MLP.
It was a blatant lie that he owed his education to the older MLP members before him.
The MLP had only restricted access to higher education, and it was only thanks to the government led by Fenech Adami that education opportunities became available to all.
The description of himself as a promising pupil was puerile, and his appeal to the audience to love his wife so sickeningly sentimental. Definitely not the stuff of a national leader.
Insiehom l-20 punt? Liema partit kien ivvinthom dawn? Biex hafna studenti ma tawhomx ic-cans li jidhlu l-Universita
Malta ,lookin good hon!! 5 sexy yrs LOLz!!!!11one1!!!
Hux hekk tirragunaw?
It’s less than another 4 years now.
Apart from the extra kilos and hair loss he hasn’t changed. Still so fake and revolting.
I switched off at 1.19. Jaqq. With hindsight it’s actually frightening.
Jeezzus how skinny was he then? Relatively speaking of course.
Ghax hu jhossu gustuz. L-importanti li bil-pink stylish tie jisthajlu designer Giorgio Armani.
Sometimes I regret I voted Labour.
I thought it would have been a cleaner politics than what I can see is going on.
Ommi ma kemm idejjaqqni.
Bniedem veru falz. Bniedem veru kiesaħ u dardira.
Kun af, Sur Muscat, li min jogħla ħafna tisbita kbira jieħu.