Anybody else care to wade in to defend this bad man?

Published: March 28, 2014 at 12:11am


erin 18

I have received the following information:

Erin Tanti only spent a day or two in the Intensive Therapy Unit just as precaution and to keep him isolated. Not even his parents were allowed next to him.

All he had was a very, very small fracture which does not tally with the falling off a cliff scenario.

I have also been informed that Tanti was taken to the psychiatric hospital (Mount Carmel) for observation after being discharged from the general hospital, and that he is there now.

53 Comments Comment

  1. Carmelo Micallef says:

    He is obviously a protected species endemic in certain sections of Maltese society

  2. AE says:

    Talk about self-incrimination. As her teacher he cannot even make the statement Spiderman is making here. Hope he ends up behind bars just like the character here.

    That is the only parallel to the super hero in the cartoon. There is nothing heroic about a man who probably just stood there and watched that poor girl jump – after taking her to the edge and plying her with booze and drugs.

    If the injuries he sustained are so slight he couldn’t have jumped. It is so dark and perverse that it makes me sick.

    • ciccio says:

      “Talk about self-incrimination. As her teacher he cannot even make the statement Spiderman is making here. Hope he ends up behind bars just like the character here. ”

      Did you read the admission he makes about himself in the comment beneath that picture?

      • Ruth says:

        Indeed. That comment speaks volumes. It’s what is actually making me sick. I can’t help but think that last week’s tragedy was all planned out by him like some sordid script.

      • I'm Gobsmacked says:

        The admission shows that his friend was aware of ‘bad’ behaviour.

        I sense that we have a big problem here and that it isn’t to do with Erin Tanti only but also with his ‘friends’ who all seem to think in the same way as he does.

      • AE says:

        Ciccio – yes I did which is why I called it “self-incrimination”.

      • anon says:

        Did u see the year that was posted 2012 incase u couldn’t read

      • La Redoute says:


        A 2012 admission to exploiting minors (was he joking?) points to a history of exploitative behaviour. Zahra wasn’t a one-off. She’s just the one we know about because she’s dead.

  3. dudu says:

    The Times reported that police sources said his injuries were “compatible with a fall from a substantial height”.

    Somebody is lying.

    [Daphne – He wouldn’t have been discharged from hospital after less than a week if he had injuries “compatible with a fall from a substantial height”.]

  4. ken il malti says:

    This chinless wonder Erin Tanti most probably threw Lisa Marie Zahra off that cliff and then jumped off at a different, safer location to pretend it was a duo suicide.

    What if this fat fu**er killed her in his car and disposed of her body off that cliff to make it look like suicide?

    It’s been known to happen.

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      “What if this fat fu**er killed her in his car and disposed of her body off that cliff to make it look like suicide?”

      I don’t know. Something tells me the injuries will be just very slightly different.

      • ken il malti says:

        Not necessarily.

        Also she could have been killed elsewhere and transported to that location in the car too.

        And if this Erin Tanti is a golden boy and from a protected class with the right connections, then evidence can be overlooked or ignored or not examined too closely.

        If the way the Times of Malta reported this story at its very inception is anything to go by, then I say he has more than good fortune on his side right off the bat.

    • curious says:

      The timing may be very indicative. Why 4.00a.m? Whether by design or by accident, it proved to be very convenient for the one who remained alive. Dawn and day were just around the corner and help and rescue would be easier.

      • La Redoute says:

        The police said he drove her there at 4am. The only source of that information is Tanti himself. Why should we believe him?

  5. Matthew S says:

    Sucking up to China while angering the country we should have the best relationship with. Now why does that sound familiar?

    This was published online on Wednesday but was in Thursday’s print edition.

  6. Dinkly Cliff says:

    In Malta, if a man is extremely short, fat and has no waist or neck, it’s extremely difficult for him to get noticed in the theatre world, let alone in the mature women’s world.

  7. curious says:

    I hope there are isolation or private rooms which can be used for security reasons at Mater Dei. Why take up an expensive and very useful ITU bed.

    And as far as I know ITU beds are in ‘open spaces’ and not in private rooms. You have to pass by other patients to visit the one you want. That makes security and seclusion more difficult and not easier. Or maybe not.

  8. Ruth says:

    Oh my God. This is now making me really sick. I can’t even begin to imagine what sort of dark, sinister mind this man has. I sincerely hope he gets all the psychiatric care he clearly needs.

  9. Sufa says:

    My theory has always been that his original plan went awry, and that he walked/stumbled down, and that’s how he got his slight fracture.

  10. Dinky Cliss says:

    The photos above show that the man is not sensitive to how he exposes himself to the world and how people perceive him.

    How Lisa Marie Zahra’s friends and his own friends flocked in here to defend how warm a person he is, beyond belief.

    The school needs to revisit its educational system and fast.

    • Timon of Athens says:

      I would not put the school to blame. It goes far beyond that. Many parents send their children to extra curriculum classes. Do all these teachers have warrants etc?

      Besides, how many pupil/teachers relationships go on secretly, without the school’s or parents’ knowledge?

      This one happened to end in tragedy for the poor girl to get involved with such a jerk.

      What goes on outside school hours is not the school’s responsibility, but rather the parents/guardians of the child.

      • La Redoute says:

        What goes on outside the school IS the school’s responsibility if one of the people involved is a teacher. Where do pupils meet their teachers if not at school?

      • "Nahseb Ftehmna" says:

        To have a large number of friends and students, flocking in here for three days in a row, all repeating the same thing, is no joke.

        “that ‘we know nothing’, that we’ are judging him’, that ‘the girl had problems’, that ‘the girl was sad’ and that ‘thanks to him they had never seen her as happy as they did during the last six months’ that ‘our comments are disgusting because we don’t know the story’ (and obviously because we weren’t sticking up for Erin Tanti), that ‘it’s love’ and that ;fifteen year olds are as talented at 23 year-olds’ that ‘Erin Tanti is in ITU, badly injured (2 days later, he’s released), ‘that the man is over-sexed’ ‘that various sites show he had a special interest in the warped sense of sexual expression” and so on …

        Is more than enough to prove the real side of the story as it has repetitively been told by various students (NOT ONE) who declared all this here.

        They were so defensive that without knowing they reduced themselves to stand on one leg and admit that Erin Tanti meant everything to them.

        When they got to this stage they had the feeling they were losing their arguments – so much that they resorted to calling Daphne names such as bitch, liar, bastards; so then it emerged that Erin Tanti seemed to be – not only their teacher – he was also their own trusted and untouchable friend.

        And if I may ask, how did this person manage all this unusual popularity in just the 6 months he was employed by the school? Don’t you think, that it takes years and years of trials to trust people blindly let alone an unqualified teacher.

        In closing, you may wish to remember that these students formed part of Lisa’s class in a school which is entrusted to look after children for a large chunk of the day,

        I hope you are not in denial or lets just be fair to say that the pages on Daphne’s site are so intensely detailed with Lisa and Erin’s friends’ information, that I, personally found it hard to cope with all the pages, as it was time consuming but especially tiring.

        One line can sum everything up and my conclusion here is that there is a lot that these students knew and know about what was going on between the two – but in being adults, we get the picture and facts. When one lacks experience of life as these children obviously lack, one hasn’t got much – just one-leg to stand on.

        How could the school not know? Does the school lack funds to employ proper responsible teachers? Are teachers feeling they can’t be bothered with these students? Administratively, are there problems?

        Someone needs to address these issues and be accountable. The school’s statement is full of loopholes.

        What about Masquerade? What have they to say about their situation with Erin Stewart Tanti?

      • Tabatha White says:

        It is the school’s responsibility if its teacher persists and insists on invading that private space, quite literally, knowing it is improper and unwelcome.

        Especially if the parent / guardian stated just that upon discovery.

      • Timon of Athens says:

        Really? So it’s the school’s responsibility if one of their students is out at 4 a.m in the company of a teacher with substance in the car?

        The school was not aware of this relationship, otherwise they would have taken a stance, remember the school strives to maintain a good reputation.

        Parents need to stop blaming the schools for everything wrong their children come across.

        Children need to be brought up with a sound character to know what is right and wrong, be polite and above all assertive.

        This can never be achieved from any school or university but from the homes.

      • Dicky Cliffs says:

        Timon, it is the school’s responsibility to stop unusual friendships between a teacher and under aged student because this basic requisite is a must for a child’s safety and the educational formation of her life.

        You or anyone who sends them to St. Michael’s Foundation need not get into who’s fault it is – it is pretty obvious.

        This is basically why you send them to be educated – to get the foundation of their education, in order.

        Had the school done exactly what it should have – educate them students properly and administer their structure well, it would have reduced the chance of this phoney weirdo to take an under-aged student, up to Dingli Cliffs at 4 am, by 50%.

        Had the Facebook pages been filtered properly, the man would have been a) disciplined b) reported to the police c) stripped off his teaching warrant, whether he had one or about to get one and that would have assured he wouldn’t have gone anywhere near that school let alone take one of it’s students to the fate, he intentionally/unintentionally organised.

        One really must have had a strong urge for the girl, to take her to a place that I would dread going during daytime let alone night time.

        So stop avoiding the school problems, that’s where they live for most of the day.

      • La Redoute says:


        It is exclusively a school’s responsibility to exclude any personnel who may be a danger to the pupils entrusted to their care. That includes teachers, above all, as the have the most frequent contact with pupils.

        Following rules, regulations, procedures and acting in accordance with the law is insufficient. This case has only served to illustrate that point.

  11. I'm Gobsmacked says:

    Perhaps ‘Catherine’ can now expand on her definition of ‘digusting’.

  12. Phili B says:

    The cock-up fable started brewing from the very start. Erin Tanti’s picture – given by his family to the police – as a missing person did not look like him at all and was taken years ago.

    • "Nahseb Ftehmna" says:

      Excellent point.

    • observer says:

      Your observation presumes that either no other pictures of Tanti were ‘decent’ enough for his family to publish or that the stress was meant to be on the fact that ‘zewg zghazagh gew rappurtati neqsin’.

      Both eventualities could have been meant to ‘soften’ the harsh truth in the public’s mind.

    • Likety-Like says:

      Observer, I think it’s probably that they couldn’t do otherwise. Most pics available were like that first one or similar up there.

      Another point: if this guy felt the need to show it so much, why didn’t he do what Manu Maltes did, a long time ago, overseas?

  13. in another planet says:

    That Spiderman meme is horrible!

  14. ruth says:

    Let me be blunt, judgmental, call it what ever you want – kieku kienet binti jiena qeda l-habs niskonta sentenza ta’ ghomor.

    • Nahseb Ftehmna says:

      Kienu hafna l-ilmenti injuranti li smajt imam l-iktar wahda li spikkat hemm barra hija li qalu ghax it-tifla kienet ghaddejja minn certu problemi u wkoll ghax kienet ‘bla omm’ peress li l-omm kienet mietet.

      Iddur kemm iddur, tista jibqa iddur maghha l-bicca kemm wiehed irid. Il-fatt hu li r-ragel li sabet ruhha mieghu (sfortunatament) kellu kemm omm kif ukoll missier. Kellu ohtu ukoll.

      Nistaqsi: dawn allura qeghdin fuq Facebook ukoll, Ohtu kellha ritratti u affarijiet bla sens li ghad irrid nara bhalhom. Ommu u missieru qatt ma issusspettaw xi haga mhux normali li tara lil ibnek dejjem gharwien fir-ritratti li jitfa fuq l-internet?

      Ma naqbilx mieghek Ruth li tghid tiskonta int is-sentenza ta’ ghomor.

      Bad people will be bad people no matter what and in so being they will do everything to cover up. However, in the circumstances, the most important thing necessary to do is to make sure they don’t give in to these people.

      • Dicky Cliffs says:

        “Ommu u missieru qatt ma issusspettaw xi haga mhux normali li tara lil ibnek dejjem gharwien fir-ritratti li jitfa fuq l-internet”.

        Mela, possibbli hadd minnhomm ma indenja ruhu jkellmu biex ta’ l-anqas jaghmel dieta, imur il-Gym, jibni six-pack, u jirranga rasu qabel ma jesponi ruhu fil-pubbliku.?

        Dak mhux ta’ quddiem in-nies.

        Malta, pajjiz tad-Donald Duck.

  15. Feminist says:

    I have so many questions now.

    Did Tanti’s friends and family know about whatever relationship he had with Lisa Zahra – did he flaunt it, or did he keep it a secret?

    If it was the former situation, then SHAME on those who did not see it fit to report it to the authorities or at least inform the school or her father.

    I hope the police are doing a thorough job and are interviewing anybody who knew Tanti well; although I suspect that they would lie through their teeth to protect their darling hero.

    I also recommend that the authorities seize Tanti’s laptop and whatever storage devices he has at home in order to investiage for any suspect material (underage pornography, photos, etc) although he has probably removed or deleted them at this point.

  16. ken il malti says:

    Newly wed Jordan Graham just received 30 years in prison for pushing her husband of eight days off a cliff in the USA.

    • Nerd of Redhead says:

      “Mr Stewart Tanti is quite good at staging other people’s work – evidence of this have been previous productions, but he has clearly much to learn about conceiving and scripting his own pieces. The long and the short of it is that you don’t need to use sex, scandal and shock to sell good theatre. Good theatre sells itself”.

      Good foresight. So if the writer of this piece written in 2010 understood, howcome the teachers and principals of St. Michael’s Foundation, understood nothing?

  17. Dicky Cliffs says:

    His sister what? Erin Stewart Tanti is the son of Mr & Mrs Alex Tanti, and these should have done the most decent thing, which is: to call the family of the unfortunate minor to set up a meeting to personally convey their condolences to the family and to discuss the next way forward.

    X’jigifieri Enya Tanti expresses the condolences of her family on a Facebook page.

    Daqshekk saret tiswa hajja ta’ bniedem illum? Infarfru billi naghtu l-kondoljanzi lil tal familja minn fuq Facebook?

  18. Quebramar Dive Antartica 2010 says:

    No Shame.
    Kieku dan l-incident sehh sena u ftit ilu, min jaf kif kienu jiggrilljawh lil Austin Gatt.

  19. Creepy SpidER IN sick mode says:

    Brace yourselves, in six month’s time, he will be decorated with ‘Il-Medalja ghall-Qadi tar-Repubblika’.

  20. Quebramar Dive Antartica 2010 says:

    University students threw rotten tomatoes at three of their colleagues this afternoon as the Attorney General’s appeal to the court judgement on the explicit story Li Tkisser Sewwi was read.

    The initiative was taken by Theatre Studies first year student Erin Stewart Tanti, who got together with colleagues Robert Fenech and Marija Mangion and organised the “theatre of rotten tomatoes”.

    The three wore white overalls and read the AG’s appeal and asked students to throw tomatoes at them when they heard something they did not like.

    But so eager were the students to throw tomatoes that the three half-full crates available were finished in two minutes, before anything of substance was read.

    Later on, they had to make do with picking up the already thrown tomatoes and re-throwing them or booing at the actors.

  21. Quebramar Dive Antartica 2010 says:

    Ignorance should no longer be the good excuse: they all knew.

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