Another day, another man

Published: January 31, 2010 at 8:04pm
Give it to me, baby

Give it to me, baby

6 Comments Comment

  1. Helen says:

    another day, another man…………..but the same dress

  2. Rover says:

    I had a parrot that looked like that. You wouldn’t touch her with a barge pole really.

  3. Espert says:

    Nahseb kienet ila ghaddejja l-affari –

    “March 24, 2008
    Jinstab aktar materjal splussiv illegali

    Rejd f’sitt ikmamar fil-Mellieha

    Nhar il-Hadd il-Pulizija tad-Distrett komplew iwettqu aktar rejds wara informazzjoni li waslitilhom b’konnessjoni ma’ mhazen bi splussiv u loghob tan-nar illegali.

    B’din is-sejba giet informata l-Magistrat Dr Consuelo Scerri Herrera li ordnat inkjesta u anke hatret lill-istess Kaptan Curmi u lill-Perit Robert Musumeci bhala esperti tal-Qorti flimkien ma’ l-Uffiçjali tal-Xena tar-Reat.”
    ( )

    [Daphne – Oh yes, of course, they were already sleeping together back then.]

  4. FIV says:

    Daphne! if I fail my exams, you are to blame! :p

  5. Rita Camilleri says:

    I am no oil painting myself, but Musumeci doesn’t have much taste does he?

    [Daphne – Careful, or she’ll start casting herself in the role of Camilla Parker Bowles.]

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