Song for (Commissioner) Guy

Published: March 30, 2014 at 5:47pm

Sent in by Augustus, and perfect for President Merilwees’s singalong at the Mainguard on Friday:



Karmenu Vella and Dom Mintoff go budgie-smuggling with two pretty young men

Karmenu Vella and Dom Mintoff go budgie-smuggling with two pretty young men

16 Comments Comment

  1. kev says:

    Worry not, Lady Deafley, with three prompting aides and a pot of warm brew he’ll be able to tackle the grilling and lull them to a slumber.

    Besides, we don’t yet know whether he’s accepted the offer.

    • La Redoute says:

      Is the Labour Party such a nest of vipers that Karmenu Vella would allow Muscat to make a fool of himself tweeting his nomination and then turning it down?

      Answers on a UKIP election flyer, please.

      • kev says:

        It could be Muscat’s way of kite-flying, which takes a Tweet, rather than a flyer, La Redoute.

      • La Redoute says:

        Kite-flying by tweet, eh? Isn’t that an amazingly responsible way to deal with a nomination to the EC.

      • kev says:

        Yes. A very transparent mode of kite-flying.

        As for ‘amazing responsibility’, it’s you who believes that I give a hoot about that. But then a muddled mind like yours is bound to get stuck in the rut it dug up for you.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Oh Kevin, my aching sides!

  2. M. Cassar says:

    I am still trying to understand how the swearing in ceremony of the new master of ceremonies, oops sorry, president, is a symbol of unity.

    It does not seem logical to put ‘hard liner’ in the same sentence as ‘unity’ unless one lives in a country where your head could be chopped at the slightest slip of the tongue – in which case if the president says unity, then unity it is!

    Another point of note, seeing as some heap praises without using a single brain cell, handing out money from people’s taxes is not clever or generous. It is just as easy as pie.

    It would be clever if help was set up for parents to train for work and are helped into programmes to handle addictions so that they can support their families better. Handouts never solved problems except to ensure that people remained dependent and eager for more, unless of course that the only aim was these people’s future votes.

  3. Wot the Hack says:

    Issa se jmur Brussels –
    Ghax hemmhekk Jo sablu gopp.
    Ghax il-Guy “person of calibre”:
    He worked his way, from the “‘Botom’ to the Top.”

    Serva ta’ Ministru ma Mintoff u maz-Zero
    fil-Partit tal-Lanzit.
    Imbaghad anke Sant ghamlu Ministru –
    Ghalkemm dam biss ftit.

    Kien kontra l-Ewropa, isejhulha ta’ Kajjin.
    Tghidx kemm ghamlulha oppozizzjoni.
    Fl-1996 kien fl-istess gvern ma’ siehbu George Vella
    li ffriza l-applikazzjoni.

    Issa l-prim ser jibghatu fil-Kummissjoni,
    Ghax tajba l-gravy train.
    Izda jekk ma jghaddix mil-grilling,
    Jispicca kollu fix-xejn.

    Ghamillu karta, ghamillu karta…

  4. Barrabbas Borg says:

    I don’t get this. Can someone explain if there was an incident relating to the Customs.

    [Daphne – Yes, back in the days of a tightly protected economy under Mintoff, when there were import quotas and import licences for everything and phenomenal rates of duty – 100%, 150% – besides complete bans on the importation of most foodstuffs and other domestic commodities, Karmenu Vella and his friend John Dalli (Helena Dalli’s brother-in-law, who owned the Tunny Net in Ghadira Bay), used to come in with their yacht, the Lady Jo, straight from Sicily and unload their cargo on the jetty below the restaurant.

    One day they were seen by somebody who decided that enough was enough and gave the story to the Opposition newspaper. There was a big outcry – because in those days, anyone coming from overseas literally had their suitcase and shoes searched bit by bit for ‘contraband items’ like pasta and sweets – and the police were obliged to prosecute. But they were not prosecuted for smuggling, which was what they were doing. They were prosecuted for entering Maltese waters without reporting to port control or putting into port – back then it was a requirement to put into Grand Harbour when entering Malta from outside Maltese waters. They were fined.]

  5. Albert Floyd says:

    ‘1981: Karmenu Vella, Alex Sceberras Trigona and Joe Grima are ministers in Mintoff’s cabinet, and Merilwees Coleiro is secretary-general of the Malta Labour Party’.

    Daphne, you are right but you might also be missing a point here.

    Out of the lot that you mention above, the only two who emerged in the parliamentary group this time round and who could still have some influence over the party are precisely Marie Louise Coleiro Preca and Karmenu Vella. Jo is, very nicely, removing them both out of the party.

    • Carmelo Micallef says:

      More likely they are voluntarily staying in the dark recesses whilst firmly hanging onto his balls.

      Unaccountable but in control.

  6. combinaguai ):-) says:


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