Jason Micallef on the subject of freedom of expression and knowing his place as chairman of a state entity

Published: March 31, 2014 at 11:04pm

Jason Micallef

Jason Micallef - MHUX ELETT

Jason Micallef – MHUX ELETT

A European Parliament electoral candidate standing on the Nationalist Party’s ticket uploads on his Facebook page a link to the news that a liquified natural gas plant has blown up in Washington, and the government-appointed chairman of a state entity muscles in with a threatening and entirely inappropriate retort.

Shame on you, actually, Micallef. You grabbed at a position for which you are consummately unfit, ousting somebody who was perfectly suited, you are too stupid, ignorant and far too much of a cheap and ill-bred hamallu to see or understand just how unfit you are, how arrogant your assumption of the role was, and how poorly educated you are.

You don’t even know that chairmen of state entities should restrict their public pronouncements to what immediately concerns their public post. You especially don’t know that government appointees should respect the freedom of expression of those who don’t agree with them, and not issue threats and chastisement.

You are unbelievably common, humourless, ill-educated and vulgar, and no number or variety of suits, ties and starched collars is going to change that.

11 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Who is protecting Jason now that ‘Hose’ Herrera is no longer Parliamentary Secretary for what passes for culture under Labour?

  2. Cikku says:

    Ġralu bħal-ħmar li libes ta’ ljun imma meta ġie biex jitkellem ħarġitlu biss ħanqa ta’ ħmar.

  3. Galahad III says:

    Here are our Chinese partners:


  4. Joe Fenech says:

    A phenomenally low, rough, useless, sleazy piece of sh#’t . This is whom Jo entrusted with Malta’s cultural development !

    A quantum leap back to pre-Homo Sapiens eras.

  5. Tabatha White says:

    There is something that runs deep in Labour’s hatred of Norman Vella.

    Why is this? Is this because he excels in the area they consider their territory? Media and reporting?

    [Daphne – No, it’s because he comes from a Labour background and his father, Karmenu Vella, who was part of the GWU hierarchy, had clashed spectacularly with the GWU. They hate him because he saw sense and got away, and now he’s vocal about it.]

    Because he’s on the ball?

    Because he manages to upstage them?

    Because he touches a chord?

    There is more of a raw streak in their insults to him than with Simon Busuttil.

    It’s quite palpable.

    I guess it would have been even more out of place for Joseph Muscat to comment.

    Funny that Jason Micallef was positioned to do this.

    We are a small country but of the names potentially going to Brussels there could be some confusion:

    Another Dalli.

    Two Vellas.

  6. Carmelo Micallef says:

    Jason Micallef is simply trying to bully and intimidate an EP candidate of the party he hates – how typically MLP/PL fascist.

  7. Neil says:

    * Shame on you Norman. And this has EVERYTHING to do with politics, AND your EP election canditature *

  8. M. Cassar says:

    That is what happens when a letter of recommendation from Uncle Freddie gets you into TVM when you’re a know-nothing.

    Ignorance can be overcome by education, but arrogance is more difficult to combat and chiding someone for stating a fact has an element of both.

    Shame on CNBC for reporting the matter just when the wool was right over everyone’s eyes. They must have it in for Joseph & co as well.

  9. Ommima says:

    The absolute disregard of the expected behaviour of these people is absolutely unbelievable.

    Bloody good-for-nothing jerk whose respect or even awareness of ethical behaviour is completely out the window.

  10. Tinu says:

    I can assure everyone that Norman Vella would never be intimidated by persons like Jason Micallef and his master Joseph Muscat.

  11. vic says:

    Din l-ispluzzjoni ma kenitx xi sabutagg tan-Nazzjonalisti, hux ?

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