This is what a two-mile radius looks like around the planned permanent LNG tanker in Marsaxlokk
April 1, 2014 at 7:15am
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Jo is from Burmarrad – An LNG gas explosion will not affect him or his family. They are safe up North. So why worry?
The LNG tanker destined for Marsaxlokk bay carries five times as much gas as the one in Plymouth. In case of a leak, the evacuation area would extend at least as far as Qormi. Where will everyone go?
To Heaven or Hell
God forbid, tkun vera spluzjoni fenomimali.
The PM is hedging his bets putting Konrad Mizzi in charge of health and energy. The chaos that could ensue in the Health and Energy departments would be at Mr Mizzi’s door.
Maybe this is the real reason behind Konrad Fenomenali Mizzi being given the health portfolio as well as energy.
He can blow people up and then heal them.
Is this the reason Konrad Mizzi relocated from the south to Sliema just after the election?
Guess why Karmenu Vella wants to be commissioner.
“Eqq, jiena kont Brussels niddefendi lil Malta meta ghamluh, jiena dejjem kont favur illi jibqa’ barra mill-port.”
Exactly. And after that: “Eqq, jiena dejjem kont favur l-Unjoni Ewropeja. Anke Miriam Dalli tas-Super Wan.”
Can one imagine trying to evacuate the Freeport, along with the rest of the towns and villages?
What would the crew of any vessels berthed at the Freeport do in such a case, disembark and wait for the clearance?
And this scenario is only for a minor incident, that is, just a precaution. The irresponsibility manner this government is handling this can only be described as ‘fenomenali’.
From taghna lkoll to taghna f’taghna.
History is not being rewritten. History is repeating itself. We were here in June 1971.
Approach path RWY31. Aircraft at that point are approx 1,000-900ft amsl. I’m a pilot and know quite well what I’m saying..
Michael Falzon, a well known fan of fireworks and festi, is drafting the plan for fireworks factories. He is now also responsible for MEPA.
Is he the right person to manage both matters, not least because of the lethal risks inherent in fireworks factories and the gas terminal, to say nothing of fireworks being let off close to the terminal and to the busy airport?
Quite right, that would close down the airport.
From the Birżebbuġa side. The airport has three other approaches: Luqa in the direction of Mqabba and vice versa, and Attard in the direction of the LNG tanker, ie: Birżebbuġa.
Closing down the airport would be the least of our worries in such a situation.
Could airport activity be compromised in some way? I believe a few flight paths run right through that 2 mile radius, no? So the ramifications are wider than a simple invisible boundary.
This is the scenario. We are a couple living in our own apartment one mile away from LNG Gemini.
Our property value has already gone down 25% in the last six months. We stick it out here or we lose 30,000 euros on a quick sale.
Our monthly water and electricity consumption is 90 euros plus 10 euros for rental.
Now, a 25% reduction on consumption rates pans out to 70 cents a day.
For a phenomenal gift of 70 cents a day they have screwed us and on top of all this, robbed us of our peace of mind.
L-aqwa li lili mhux ser itmisni ghax ma noqghodx hemm!
Kos imma min jaf jekk inkunx fl’inhawi jekk tigri xi spluzjoni!
Ironically the two-mile radius reaches the southern outer perimeter of Zejtun, exactly where Dr. Alfred Vella lives with his family – a chemistry professor at the university of Malta, who also endorsed the safety mantra around the floating storage unit berthed permanently at Delimara.
Sometimes I’m amazed how various Maltese professionals risk so big on their professional credibility and the lives of their loved ones, for the sake of sticking up to one of the political parties. These guys should know better as they’re no brain-washed stalwarts.
Although the possibility of a conflagration happening is remote, it’s still a low-probability high-consequence risk in an economically strategic zone.
Jo’s train of thought might be that quite a lot of ‘taghna lkoll’ votes can be lost in one go. With this in mind he might consider alternatives
Ah, so it would only affect the zone of Marsascala, Gudja, Zejtun, Marsaxlokk and Birzebbugia.
With the Minister for Health in his Valletta office and his wife in a comfortable office somewhere in Shanghai, why should the Minister for Energy see this as a problem?
While the story in Times of Malta about the prohibition of the Maltese pastizz by Avril Fersten was immediately obvious, I am still quite undecided which one is the April fools’ joke on The Malta Independent, but I am tempted to think that TMI has given us an extra-bonanza:
1. President to act as consultant to Social Policy Minister – Farrugia
2. I distanced myself to give minister Farrugia full freedom – John Dalli
3. Minister to have ‘inside man’ on oil rig
4. Parts of national anthem to be changed
So John Dalli has replied to The Malta Independent, and has said that it was Godfrey Farrugia who requested Dalli’s contribution in the health sector. He also denied that he was not imposed on Minister Farrugia, this being a conclusion drawn by The Malta Independent from Marlene Farrugia’s letter published yesterday in that newspaper.
I must say that I personally did not find the the newspaper’s conclusion unreasonable, although Marlene’s wording in the relevant part of the letter was slightly ambiguous. Was that ambiguity inserted on purpose by someone else?
Strangely, it does not seem as yet that Marlene Farrugia has corrected the conclusion drawn by The Malta Independent. Why not?
Nor has there been any clarification by Godfrey Farrugia himself as yet. Why not?
Of course, Dalli’s version is the one which does not contradict what the Prime Minister had said. But that does not necessarily mean that this is the true version of events.
So now I expect The Malta Independent to ask Marlene Farrugia, but better still, Godfrey Farrugia, to spell out clearly who exactly introduced John Dalli into the health sector as an adviser to Godfrey Farrugia.
In any case, Dalli’s position as adviser in the health sector is now untenable. If Dalli was roped in by Godfrey Farrugia as he says, now that we know that the PM has no trust in Farrugia as Health Minister, it would be a betrayal of Farrugia by the PM if Dalli is retained as the adviser on health. Dalli was after all Farrugia’s chief adviser.
What have 13 months of Dalli’s ‘consultancy’ produced?
If Dalli was asked by Minister Farrugia for his ‘contribution’ and now Farrugia is gone, why is Dalli still there?
Did Farrugia ever reveal the date he asked Muscat to appoint Dalli as consultant?
Was that before Dalli recovered from his psycho-social illness which prevented him from returning to Malta or at the moment he touched down at Malta airport?
Did Dalli advise Farrugia to erect a tent outside Mater Dei Hospital to accommodate Emergency Department overflow or did Farrugia do it against Dalli’s advice?
Was it necessary for Muscat to personally order the tent be dismantled and mouth off to the press just to humiliate Farrugia?
It would be extremely interesting if the government would ask the Civil Protection to carry out an evacuation plan and exercise in case of a disaster.
Perhaps then the magnitude of the potential problem would be fully comprehended by those who are pooh-poohing the enormity of the latent danger.
I’m sure that receiving a cheaper quick-fix energy bill will then be lower in their list of priorities than their very survival and safety, and that of their families.
But of course that will never happen will it?
It is rumoured that all the klandestini will be offered free accommodation within the two-mile radius.
Please don’t give them ideas.
There is your friend Natius on Favorite channel at the moment. He is speaking about jealousy.
I’m not part of the doom and gloom crowd.
In the event of an explosion there would be all-round benefits for the country in general and for the PN in particular.
First of all, the price of fish would plummet: the amount of dead fish surfacing on the water would be enormous (of course, the remaining living fishermen, if any, would not benefit from this).
Secondly, with a full scale explosion, a considerable chunk of people in the South would be sent to meet their Maker – these would thus probably benefit from going directly to Heaven and staying there for eternity.
Thirdly, with such a big part of the population of the South being sent to Heaven, and these being mostly Labourites, the PN would stand to have better chances at winning the next general election.
You see, in keeping with the present trend of positivism, it only takes a little bit of imagination to turn a catastrophe of untold proportions into something positive.
Meanwhile, in the other prank of the day, we learned that Marilweez will be a “consultant” of the new pseudo Social Policy Minister.
Why is it that this reminds me of the John Dalli/Godfrey Farrugia fiasco?
So, Marilweez is going to be the de facto Social Policy Minister, while Michael Farrugia will be the Parliamentary Secretary.
Looked at from a different perspective, is it possible that we now have 2 Presidents of the Republic, namely Marilweez and John Dallli?
Just think about it: the Malta Labour Party was so critical of “konsulenti” under a PN government, calling them “tberbiq u hela,” and now our own Madre Teresa is going to appoint herself a President and a “consultant.”
More cookies or more reshuffle?
Look, I live out of that radius, I want a reduction in my electricity bills, the people in the area are pleased with the LNG tanker inside the bay, MEPA and Enemalta experts say LNG is safe…why should I worry?
The worst case scenario is when I’m flying in and landing from the side of Birzebbugia instead of H’Attard.I will make sure I won’t be within a radius of six miles if there’s a potential danger.
If you’re hoping Joseph will keep his word and resign if he fails to deliver the LNG power station,keep on dreaming,you’re expecting too much from a spoilt brat.
I guess Simon Busuttil will now be taken in for questioning?
No need for questioning. It was him. Lock him up and throw away the key.
I have thought and wondered how certain people, like our Prime Minister, can change so quickly.
Why is he not a man of principle, a man to speak for those who have become more vulnerable now because of his own decision.
Since he has the power to decide and hence, the responsibility lies squarely with him, I simply cannot comprehend his logic of risking lives which may be caused from a potential devastation if, God forbid, an accident happens on the new gas tanker at the Marsaxlokk bay.
Why is our Prime Minister becoming so hard-headed?
Why is he not giving those residents living around the hazardous area indicated above the health and safety priority that they so deserve?
What are the motives which are exceeding these priorities?
What can be in our Prime Minister’s view, above these considerations?
What political political agenda, greed for power and any other benefit could allow the Prime Minister to pose increased risks of fellow residents to hazardous environment as is being planned with the gas tanker so close to our shores?
What could there be that is stopping the Prime Minister from protecting the residents from higher risks, when an alternative place to the gas tanker is available and also doable?
After last week’s reshuffle, has Muscat indicated how the seat vacated by Marie Louise Coleiro will be filled?
The important thing is that we have a parliamentary secretary for the simplification of bureaucracy.
Michael Farrugia, with President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca as his consultant.
“The 8:22 a.m. explosion sent shrapnel into a 14.6-million-gallon storage tank, rupturing it and starting the gradual leak of super-cold liquefied natural gas. William Partners officials say the tank was only one-third full.”
““This is considered a large leak,” Lusignan said.
The experts and Williams Partners employees planned to enter the plant a second time Monday night to see if there was a way to stop the tank from leaking, said Capt. Devin Helland of Benton Fire District 1.
The vaporized natural gas could explode if mixed with the right amount of oxygen and atmosphere and there was an ignition source, said Capt. Jeff Ripley, also with the fire district. Such a blast would kill anyone within a radius of up to three-quarters of a mile.”
“An east wind helped disperse the natural gas, which was not considered dangerous, officials said. A large cloud of fumes floated in the area as the gas escaped into the air.”
“The fumes were causing the deputies to feel nauseous, Lusignan said.”
OK, Ciccio, we know it’s an April Fool’s sick joke.
In any case Our Lady of Pompei and Saint Peter will be protecting Marsaxlokk Bay and the surrounding areas.
It is of utmost importance that the Archbishop blesses with holy water (imported from Lourdes) all the LNG installation (he would probably need a bowser and a special high pressure hose pipe for this purpose).
As an extra precaution the plant operators should wear an olive leaf cross blessed on Palm Sunday and keep a holy picture of Madonna ta’ Pinu in their pockets.
When scientific explanations are not sufficient we had best put our hope in some deus ex machina.
In case the FSU pops and you’re in that lethal range, remove any metal objects in contact with your skin, put your head between your knees and kiss your arse goodbye.
“Such a blast would kill anyone within a radius of up to three-quarters of a mile.”
Such a categoric statement.
I heard some interesting stories about how visas are being sold to conflict countries such as Syria and now Ukraine. The scam is related to property – they rent property at special rates and are guaranteed a Visa. Official hands are being generously greased.
Maybe your network can confirm this story.
A few hundred kilometres away from where the LNG tanker will be anchored there is St Catherine Fireworks Factory which manufactures and stores fireworks.
You mean a few hundred metres. It is very near tas-Silg temple.
Don’t worry – Saint Catherine will surely protect that area and the village heroes working there.
A few hundred kilometres away there’s Sicily and North Africa… You mean metres.
I think you meant a few hundred metres, unless the factory is out at sea.
Here, Daphne, some hindsight, lest your case grows cold:
There you go again, Kevvy. Who the hell has heard of ‘naturalnews’? Just another conspiracy site. Stick to your favourite, RT.
That’s the radius from the centre of the ship.
if the gas had to shift and float across the bay to the other side then the radius would extend as far as the airport terminal.
As long as Konrad is in charge of both Energy and Public Health if a similar incident were to happen in Marsaxlokk bay it would be a clear cut case of, as the Maltese proverb says, “min hasel il-bakkaljaw kellu jieklu.
Why has Karmenu Vella been removed so early? Was he in trouble with the ministry of Tourism?
Muscat could have made Karmenu Vella’s appointment in six months from now.
Karmenu is not stupid, contrary to the statements many commenters have made here. He lives in Zurrieg, Not far from the LNG blast zone.
In Brussels, he only has to worry about an overdose of moules, frites, and beer.
Harry you are misinformed. Karmenu Vella lives in Birzebbugia right next to Pretty Bay, and very much in the two-mile radius.
It’s called purging the party of the old guard. Unlike Joseph Stalin, our Joseph, instead of executing his victims, kicks them upstairs while smiling at them.
Il-Guy will not be good for the next general elections, and the same with many others.
[Daphne – I really don’t think age or incompetence are the reasons, viz Louis Grech and Manuel Mallia.]
Could Karmenu Vella’s removal from the Ministry of Tourism have anything to do with the fact that he is backing Josef Formosa Gauci in the tug-of-war between him and Gavin Gulia?