We are expected to believe that he crawled around for 12 hours trying to look for a suitable place off which to fling himself ‘again’
Times of Malta reports:
Erin Tanti told the police it was about 4am when he jumped – he looked at the watch before jumping. Mr Tanti knew the details and the times and was not crying, the sergeant said. He was calm.
He said that, on realizing he did not die, he tried to find another way to kill himself. He dragged himself till 4 p.m., trying to find another place from where to jump, but he did not manage. When he saw people on the cliffs, he called for help and said he needed an ambulance.
Ah, so after dragging himself around for 12 hours looking for a place to roll off and kill himself for sure after his miraculous survival of a 40 metre fall, he gave up and decided to call for an ambulance instead.
That must be why he took his trousers off – to preserve them while he was dragging himself around all that time. His legs must have been cut to ribbons.
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And wasn’t he one who never wore a watch?
I wanted to hang myself but I felt suffocated
And what about his position on the rock? It looked like a pose to me.
My thoughts exactly. After being determined to end his life for 12 hours or so, even though he wasn’t so sure of that in the beginning, he then decided he might as well do some sunbathing since it was sunny and hot, whilst waiting for rescuers.
I don’t know whether to cry or laugh at this ‘crawling-comedy’.
Was the use of aspirin as the suicide pill accidental or did Mr Tanti know that it will be easier for Ms Zahra to bleed to death?
With that dose of aspirin, you will bleed to death with a little finger cut let alone from a 40 metre fall.
You probably got that one right. The first name of a painkiller to come to the mind of most Maltese is probably Panadols. His opting for aspirin was probably a conscious choice for the reason you mentioned, aspirin being widely-used as an anti-coagulant for people with specific heart/circulatory problems.
Did the police find any cuts or abrasions which are compatible with 12 hours of crawling through very rough surfaces?
I saw Mr. Tanti being led to the court room on Thursday and apart from noticing that he is very unfortunate looking, he seemed perfectly fine. He walked in unaided, no limp, nothing.
If a person kills someone and then writes a book or film script about it, who gets the revenues from that book or film?
This one’s pushing for international legislation to stop that kind of thing.
Amanda Knox made millions.
Tremendous footage, exhilarating scenery, fantastic acting, outstanding crap.
What is amazing is that while this is considered an adult play it was being advertised to students, assuming most students are minors.
‘This production is certified 18 and is suitable for adults only.
BOOKINGS MAY BE MADE ONLINE ON http://www.ticketengine.sjcav.org, boxoffice@sjcav.org or by phone on 21223216. TICKETS COST 15 EUR FOR ADULTS AND 10 EUR FOR STUDENTS. SMART CARD ACCEPTED!’
C&C by Erin Stewart Tanti – Full Length Trailer
Most students are over 18. It’s pupils who are minors.
The only person my heart goes out to is Tony Zahra, who worked to give everything to the daughter he loved so much, after having lost her mother, only to have her taken away from him by a mad, jealous man whose plan all along was to take the biggest treasure Mr Zahra possessed.
And still in all this situation Mr Zahra remains dignifed and controlled, despite his quite obvious heart-rending grief. I don’t know how I would act towards Erin Tanti if it was my daughter.
Yet another poseur/fake intellectual ranting about ‘witch hunts’ and ‘artificial moral high grounds’:
And he is the Secretary of the Malta HUMANIST Association? Resign immediately, please.
As usual, anything to mention their pet hate.
The problem with militant atheists is that the moment they stay silent their brains implode.
How about describing it as an anomalous deviance in thought? Guess what, we could go evolve down the gender/sexuality route.
Except that theirs is a God forsaken choice, nothing else.
“Now that more information and confirmations are out I can say that Erin was not a professional teacher and that may explain why he behaved unprofessionally. ”
I am not a teacher and most of us are not but we do know the basics that it is wrong to date your pupils. Erin Tanti seemed to know this too and that is why he tried to keep it a secret.
It wasn’t a secret. Several of his victim’s contemporaries knew about his relationship. They thought of him as one of them and saw nothing wrong. Some are still defending him even now, clinging to the false hope that he isn’t guilty. The extent of the damage this man caused extends far beyond the girl who died.
Also, if I remember correctly, it was reported that the people who heard him calling for help, had earlier already seen him sprawled on the rocks as if he was sunbathing – and hence they did not take action until he called out for help as they were packing to go.
See this. Very similar story
Given Tanti’s interesting use of the web, he got his ideas somewhere.
This is so clear cut. He is guilty. Guilty of having sex with a 15-year-old schoolgirl, who he could have got pregnant. In fact, a negative pregnancy test was found in her room.
Guilty of having given a 15-year-old whiskey and pills, which he bought. Guilty of driving a vulnerable 15-year-old to a place where she could have easily (which in fact she did) have harmed herself.
Guilty of not having realised that though he was ‘bluffing’, she was immature enough to go ahead with it. Guilty of making her believe he loved her.
Guilty, because he was much older, and also her teacher, and obliged to tell her father if something was wrong and to protect her, guide her and not abuse her and push her to kill herself.
No wonder she “looked back to look him in his eyes as she jumped” in pitch darkness. It probably hit her that he was screwed up and was never going to kill himself.
He has pleaded not guilty to all charges, including the charge of assisted suicide, even though he has already admitted to buying pills, feeding them to her, driving her to Dingli cliffs and accompanying her to the edge and watching her jump off.
Perhaps fake intellectual rantings about ‘witch hunts’ and ‘artificial moral high grounds’ vis a vis Joseph Calleja are trying to level up where vocal skills are no match. Tirazona is an aspiring tenor.
Excellent article in The Malta Independent today. Whoever believes that a man who loves a child would take that child to the edge of a cliff in the dead of night, and ply her with alcohol and pills beforehand, should be institutionalised.
He said he loved her but wanted to end their relationship – it seems this latter phrase is the only time he is saying the truth. For end their relationship he surely did.
As for the other article in The Malta Independent which speaks about the apparently contradictory charges of murder and assisting with suicide. I believe the charge sheet is correct to list them both. If it didn’t and he was found not guilty of murder, I do not think the police would be able to charge him again for the same crime.
Effectively the principle known as double jeopardy. Therefore, the police had to charge him with both in case some ill-directed jury had to let him off the hook on the murder charge.
All in all what is emerging here is an ugly sordid picture of a man who seemed to have planned this a while ago – from his Cliff Dingli moniker, to the life is not worth living statements, that Valentine Day gift, his passport, the stolen money.
I believe he really thought he planned the perfect murder with him as the star.
His abuse and manipulation of the poor girl was not just sexual but went way beyond. What sick/evil individual gives a book on suicide as a gift, more so on Valentine’s Day.
He adds insult to injury, if that was even possible, by trying to shed bad light on Tony Zahra and his relationship with his daughter. What a poor excuse for a man.
The case affects not just the poor Zahra family, but the whole country. It has exposed an evil, sick part of our community. This safe haven, this perfect place to have a family, is not quite what it seems.
It has also exposed serious deficiencies in our schools and their failure to carry out proper due diligence of the persons in whose care they entrust our children. As parents we send our children to school on the fair assumption that they will be cared for.
Little did any of us expect that the schools would provide such easy access to our little ones to predators such as this. I hope that at the very least, this is a wake-up call to all schools that they need to be more vigilant and that certain procedures such as the profiling by professionals need to become obligatory.
Not that that will be of any comfort to Tony Zahra or his family now. Only justice can provide a little bit of that.
The presepju mentality. I’ve had it up to here with people who like to think of Malta as a perfect mise-en-scene, populated by a set of asexual pasturi who never do anything beyond their benign roles, and who believe depravity exists barra minn Malta biss.
One of the most shocking aspects of this case is how easily it all happened. There were no safeguards against it. The scary thing is, there still aren’t and no one’s talking about it.
It would be scary for an adult to try and counter in this context.
So much scarier for a child who was cornered in this way.
People are so used to taking short cuts, so used to corrupted practice, to turning a blind eye in the face of psychological suffering and actions, that I wonder what makes sense to them.
The thing is that while it may exist in random incidents “barra minn Malta” those incidents would generally not count upon the silenced and muted general public of the total population that makes up that community. In Malta the community IS the whole population of the country and everyone is implicated when they don’t stand up and act against such practice.
This poor girl’s death is also the result of an inward looking cosa nostra mentality.
The ministry, the school, the people who know him: Pushing forward an absolute loser and enabling the context of illusion that he operated in also a part of it.
How could the Times of Malta even promote the comedy club interview as news? Even that just doesn’t stand. That is junk content, and people taking decisions need to realise that responsibility in actions and intentions starts with employing appropriately responsible staff, not friends of same, or more of same.
The mother. I can’t get over how she said nothing and took no action in warning the girl’s father. There’s a callousness in there. What’s her justification for this part in the tragedy? How could she have let this happen under her nose? How could she not have noticed that her son had few threads linking him to normal? None that have come to light in these past three weeks. Who were the other two people he communicated his crime of dating his minor student to?
Rambo said that the mind is the best weapon. And the best safeguard against anything – be it corruption, charlatanism, exploitation, despotism, or indoctrination – is mature and informed scepticism.