The corruption and destruction of a schoolgirl

In June last year, Lisa Zahra was posting pictures of her pet ferret on Facebook. A few months later, she was posting pictures of human genitals and of BDSM on her tumblr blog. And a few months after that, she was dead.
One of the striking things about Lisa Maria Zahra’s tumblr blog is the number of pictures of bondage she posted in recent months.
You can’t help but link them to the photographs of bondage which Erin Tanti posted admiringly on his Facebook page, one of which is shown here.
Like those on Tanti’s Facebook page, the ones posted on Lisa Zahra’s blog are all ‘male gaze’ pictures, i.e. pictures of women tied up, or of pierced female body parts, which are designed to appeal to men who like BDSM, and not to women.
To put it into a more easily understandable context, this would be the equivalent of a schoolgirl, who is not a lesbian, uploading photographs of a naked Pamela Andersen in her prime.
It just wouldn’t happen, apart from the fact that schoolgirls have absolutely no interest in bondage except as a sort of adult-freak-horror-show to gag over.
Zahra clearly uploaded those to please somebody else who was watching, and no prizes for guessing who that is.
The other pornographic pictures on her tumblr blog are also ‘male gaze’, showing close-ups of genitals in copulation, women’s body parts, etc. These are the sort of things that fascinate schoolboys, not schoolgirls – and these, too, would have been uploaded to please somebody else. Somebody, for example, who is obsessed with genitals and who wrote a play called Cock & Clit which is little other than a verbal display of a neurotic fixation with the human reproductive organs.
It’s sickening to think what Erin Tanti was doing to that girl mentally and physically. You can trace the progression through her tumblr posts. Last December, she wrote about bondage, but just a few months before that, she wrote that she had never had sex. She wouldn’t have been lying.
There are a couple of posts where she was asked, anonymously, for topless and nude photos. She refused outright, except in one instance where she leaned towards the webcam, showing a view down her top without revealing anything at all. At that stage she was still naturally self-protective, but somebody was working on changing that.
I hope the police are checking who posted those vicious comments on Lisa Zahra’s account. I have the uneasy feeling that Tanti was responsible for at least some of them. That would have been part of his game, and another way he got his kicks from twisting and manipulating that girl on the road to destruction.
What we have before us is the very definition of corruption of the innocent by evil, however outwardly banal the circumstances and unprepossessing the perpetrator.
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The more I read about this horrible man, the more I think that nothing about him can shock me any more, until something worse – like this – crops up.
This monster flaunted his sociopathy in the most conspicuous way. What concerns me significantly is the fact that sociopaths are polluting the whole society in every sphere including politics.
I might be wrong but from what I can gather (posts carried on in April) many of the posts & pictures are just auto-posted from other members of the tumblr networks that she joined.
That’s not the way Tumblr works at all. Tumblr is meant to be an outlet of self expression so auto-posting as you called it defeats its purpose.
I think you may be referring to what is known as ‘reblogging’. One follows various blogs on tumblr and whatever is posted on one’s followed blogs comes up on that persons dashboard (similar to a Facebook newsfeed).
One then chooses to like or revolt content posted by other users. By rebooting you are making a personal choice to also have that content on your own blog.
I’m sorry if I’m being pedantic but this case has made me realize that many parents do not know how how most social media sites work at all.
I myself am 23 and fund it hard to keep up with the trends so I cannot blame anyone for being confused.
However I think that it’s important that people educate themselves about popular social media such as tumblr, snapchat and before making their own assumptions.
Reblog not revolt! (Autocorrect)
Same here, he was rather fond of the web and its opportunities.
Again, this guy should be caged. However, I fear he will walk. Prepare for fuck-ups by the prosecution. And with trial by jury, ‘miskin’ will prevail.
I’m happy to see that someone is pointing out the truth in this case. Please never give up to say the truth however uncomfortable that can be. Congrats for all your work.
One hopes that the ‘love letter’ from the other girl was verified.
Young people are not really into the habit of writing letters any more, so why would this one? What was her age? Was she a student? Does she exist?
Why would Tanti have the letter in the car in which he picked up the victim, leverage with the victim? Proof in case things went wrong that he was not a desperate man?
You really wrote everything I was thinking – I really do hope her father’s lawyers destroy him.
The question is, how can such people be even considered as teachers?
I must assume that a potential employer browsing through the Facebook of a potential employee would without any doubt discard such an employee right away.
This portal is giving a very good over-view of the personality of this squalid character. Keep up the good work because all the other press seems dormant.
In the BDSM world, it is highly likely that the ‘Dom’ would have full control over the ‘Sub’ including their online social profiles. It is not uncommon that the Dom would control every aspect of the Sub’s life. Therefore within this context all events that have unfolded could have been possible. The issue is with the barriers and boundaries that were crossed, as BDSM must be practised between consenting ADULTS within legal boundaries.