Countdown to the new power station deadline of 11/3/15: 10 months to go and they haven’t even signed the contract

Published: April 25, 2014 at 11:23pm

power station countdown

10 Comments Comment

    • A+ says:

      Is there is a video recording of Muscat saying that he will resign if the new power station is not ready in 2 years time?

  1. Gobsmacked says:

    Does this mean that Joseph Muscat will be resigning in 319 days?

  2. ken il malti says:

    That trick free-electicity pyramid in the middle of H’Attard is looking more of a reality than this new power station does.

  3. Harry Purdie says:

    Lots of lies, deceit and fuckups during the first year. However, this will be biggie in the second year. No wiggle room here.

  4. Weird no ? says:

    Kollu tort tan-Nazzjonalisti li qed izommu kollox wieqaf.

  5. Gaetano Pace says:

    Skond kif inghad il-bierah minn kandidat Laburist ghall-elezzjoni tal-membri parlamentari Ewropew, il-hallieq halaq kollox f`sebat ijiem imma Joseph Muscat ghamel il-mirakli fi 12-il xahar.

    Issa li kiteb l-istorja ta’ Malta mill-gdid jidher li qed ihajjruh jikteb il-bibbja mill-gdid. Ha naraw, il-bini tal-power station hux ser ikun l-ewwel miraklu.

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