Another terrific candidate for the Labour Party

Published: April 26, 2014 at 12:11am

If you’re thinking of voting Labour again in this upcoming European Parliament election, then you’ll be pleased to know that your great choices include Ivan Grixti, shown here.

Ivan Grixti

16 Comments Comment

  1. WhoamI? says:

    U ajma qed jiccajta. Kemm tohodha bis-serjeta l-hajja int sister.

  2. ciccio says:

    Was he participating in a wig competition with his rival candidate, Alfred Sant?

  3. Harry Purdie says:

    Forget Karmenu, this guy should be our Commissioner.

  4. Sufa says:

    It doesn’t help that Norman Vella, Therese Comodini Cachia and others were making utter fools of themselves with the base humour on “Hadd Ghalik” on PBS on Easter Sunday.

    Just to give you an idea of what it was like, Norman Vella had to spend around a minute doing “telesales” for a potato, yes, potato.

    I don’t know what the other MEP candidates did, but simply being on the show (which was purely an exercise at vote-catching on their part) and being associated with such crassness is very pitiful indeed.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      That’s Comodini Cachia off my voting list.

      Norman Vella’s been off it from day one.

      • Gobsmacked says:

        We need to vote for ALL PN candidates. Give them no. 9 or 10. The worst of PN is better than the best of Labour.

      • DORA says:

        HP, we have been advised to vote for all of them because if not it can work against the PN and in favour of the MLP, barra minn hawn.

      • Dr.Cosman says:

        Norman Vella should never been a candidate in the first place. Haven’t we learned anything from our past mistakes.

        With regards to the candidates’ participation in that utterly insipid show, well, it shows how pathetic Maltese politics are. On the other-hand I would not strike Comodini Cachia from my ballot just for that. That is the way things have always been in this ‘paese di nani’.

      • Dott Abjad says:

        This is quite a rash and unorthodox way of eliminating a candidate from your choice, Baxxter. To me she is one of the most valid ones. Granted, this is subjective, however her cool, calm and collected style, her knowledge of many subjects and her oratory style are not to be discounted, in my opinion.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I’ve thought hard about how to vote in May. The thing is I’m sick of the old, Maltese way of doing politics.

        To these people, it’s a bloody hobby. If you’re a candidate, you go on TV, you have a bit of fun, smile at everyone, ‘ave a larf, and then wake up for a debate on the morrow.

        It’s all wrong. Politics is dead serious.

        And if it means I have to strike off almost all of the PN contingent off my voting list, and if that means Labour will elect five MEPs, then so be it. Things have to change.

        What else am I to do? What else CAN I do? They won’t listen. The only tool at my disposal is my vote. Anyone who indulges in hamallagni and idiotification gets left out. It’s only fair.

  5. John Higgins says:

    You can fault them for taking part in that crass show yes. On the other hand both of them are very valid candidates worthy of our vote. And please forget about not voting for any of the others we MUST VOTE for ALL of the PN candidates.

  6. observer says:

    Remember, dear friends and all, that this venerable and highly respectable gentleman has recently been chucked out of the chairmanship of the ETC and is currently heading the Social Welfare thingummybob.

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