Top comment so far on the PM’s press conference
April 30, 2014 at 2:21pm
Sent in by Perpless:
If I were unemployed I would tell him to shove his two cents up where the sun don’t shine.
For people out of work, this means nothing because they do not consume much petrol anyway. They probably don’t even have a car. What those 8,000 unemployed want is a job and not two cents off petrol.
The average household uses one gas cylinder every four or five months for cooking and won’t be using any for heating for the next seven months. So what we’ve got here is a saving of one cent a day. And Muscat called a press conference about it.
People were expecting the PM to announce a major project which CREATES JOBS. Not this.
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Before last year’s general election, many people told me that the country needs change and that Gonzi’s government was failing miserably.
Now let them take their two cents worth of pleasure.
Għal dawk il-ħafna li riedu l-bidla, tabilħaqq qed naraw bidla, kuljum b’xi bużullotta u mhux talli tibqa’ bejnietna u nitqannew aħna biss imma ġejna f’ilsien in-nies anke barra minn xtutna. Avveliena mad-dinja kollha. U hu sħabu friski bħal ħassa.
Qabel l-elezzjoni li għaddiet kont smajt waħda tgħid li jekk jitilgħu n-Nazzjonalisti, kienet se tispiċċa tiekol it-trab tal-art. Tgħid issa x’se tiekol biż-żewġ ċenteżmi ta’ ewro, il-frak minn fuq il-mejda?
Yippeeeee! I’m going to save 18 euros till end of year. OMG what an investment.
By the way, we’re missing an important part of the press conference. As reported on Prim Minister said there are “no country to country deals in this sphere but commercial agreements.”
This simply translates into “Don’t anyone (Opposition included) dare ask for any agreements to be tabled as these are commercial agreements.”
So much for a government with transparency being one of his pre-election war cries.
I wish to see the comments of some of our anti-censorship champions who usually make so much noise about freedom of the arts. All gone mum now?
Twenty- five years after the shocking Tianamen incident and ten years after Malta’s EU accession, Labour are more keen on forging ties with China and making Malta dependent on it, rather than strengthening ties with our European counterparts.
U nerġgħu nibdew nilbsu bħal xulxin minn fuq u minn taħt.
“If I were unemployed I would tell him to shove his two cents up where the sun don’t shine.”
The 2 cents coin is so small he wouldn’t notice. I would give him a something a little larger.
Can I swipe my credit card or would it damage the magnetic strip?
4:00, the real core of Mintofjjanism. A state sanctioned ‘Christian’ cult.
A must see.
And we’re all forgetting that the international prices fluctuate both ways, upwards and downwards, so fixing the prices for so many months could actually be detrimental to the consumers.
If some economist could work backwards the announced reductions using the trend consumption figures of fuels and gas, he could easily arrive to a total amount, which could in turn perhaps give an indication from where this benevolence came from in the first place.
I have not yet forgotten the fuss the PL made when PM Gonzi declared the salary raise for parliamentarians.
It is also obscene how they are now mum over it but had the guts and the absolute arrogance to award the PL supporters millions of Euros from the taxpayers’ money plus installing them in high profile positions.
Not everybody knows that the Labour Party had prior to the last elections and years before used stooges who were installed in employment with the public sector and other authorities to build stories and dossiers, triggering PQ as if we were in the former Czech Republic.
After the elections, these hypocrites had their spy services repaid ten times over by their masters and are now themselves doing what they reported others doing.
This is what the PL is all about, always the same, and will remain the same- hypocrites.
“If I were unemployed I would tell him to shove his two cents up where the sun don’t shine.”
And the number of unemployed people is increasing, too. Quite frankly, it’s insulting to everyone in general and to them in particular.
This freaking 2-cent press conference shows how patronising the prime minister is.
When the PN government made significant investment announcements (HSBC Call Centre, Smart City, Lufthansa Technik to name a few), the Labour Opposition trivialised those announcements saying they were less significant than the price of a gas cylinder.
Now that ranking of priorities has become official policy. The agenda of our government and the emphasis of its communications are ranked by the sense of news value of a veteran Super 1 journalist.
L-unika fabrika li Joseph Muscat fetah hija il-fabrika tal-gideb.
This statement needs underlining.
Call me cynical, but I believe this is just a smoke screen for some really big change which is in the pipeline.
He could have made this ‘AWESOME’ news more colourful by telling us from which Labour Party Club we can collect our medicines.
Mela ghad hawn in-nies bla job? Skond l-Orizzont tal-bierah, hawn 9 jobs ghal kull persuna.
Mus(f)at bla direzzjoni.
Ma nistax nifhem ghala habbar konferenza. Hsibtu sab iz-zejt, dan l-ghageb kollu.
Joe gave us 2cents per litre so that he can win the next MEP election. Do anyone know how much will it all cost? Have anyone worked out how much did all the iced buns, given to pay his debts for winning the general election, costed the nation?
“If I were unemployed I would tell him to shove his two cents up where the sun don’t shine. ”
I think someone just did that to Konrad Mizzi.
Two cents. Wow. We can now all afford one of these
My car runs on diesel and I won’t be using a gas cylinder before December. So no benefit from Joseph and no vote for him.
Seriously? I don’t bother calculating the litres I consume but on average I spend 70 euros every 12-14 days. I can’t see how 2 cents per litre is going to make the slightest bit of difference to my budget.
Does he really know how much I have to spend on my pills just because they are out of stock?
More than 2c, Joe, and all because I have a health condition. What does he care, as long as his dream of being prime minister has come true.
I have just paid my driving licence. It has gone up from 23 euros to 80.
Joe is the creator of jobs in Malta. He declared that for every person registering for work he has created nine jobs. That makes it 8500 x 9= 76,500 jobs in a year. Keep it up, Joe.
And he said that for every 1 person added to the unemployment register, he added 9 jobs.
That means that he is creating 10% unemployment.
If every Maltese citizen, from the age of the cradle to that of the grave, were given those 2 cents it would tally up to €9000 when our Prime Minister for leasing his car to his office for his use gets €7000 a year. Either he is too expensive or that we are that cheap. Thank God for not being that gullible myself.