Jahasra msieken – and that includes the Malta Freeport chairman, thrilled with his two cents’ worth

Published: May 1, 2014 at 2:16pm

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19 Comments Comment

  1. Calculator says:


    “Sabilta’ lil Familju u Negozji Maltin u Ghawdxin”

    In what universe do these people live in? It’s frikking 2 cents off fuel, mostly until the end of the year, which brings us back to where we were before the same PM announced that prices had gone up.

    And they treat this as if the second Coming is just around the corner, for goodness’s sake!

  2. Joseph Borg says:

    Ara vera ergajna lura lejn ir-rohs tat-ton taz-zejt, bulubif, makkarel ecc.

    Tiftakru meta Mintoff oghlla il-gass hames liri imbaghad wara xi sitt xhur nizlu ghal tlett liri?

    Min jaf kieku in-NET juri dawk id-diskorsi tal-budget forsi dawn li ma jemmnux jaraw li dan kien kollu vera.

    • nahseb ghaffigha says:

      Il-gass bhal daz-zmien tas-sena jonqos id-domanda ghalih, x’ma jrahhsux 2 cents!

    • Cikku says:

      Tgħidlix li dawn kienu qed jistennew iż-żewġ ċenteżmi ta’ ewro roħs fuq il-petrol biex jibdew joħorġu bil-karozza għax inkella ma kienux ilaħħqu miegħu?

  3. nahseb ghaffigha says:

    Jekk hawn l-istabbilita fil-familji, fin-negozju zgur li m’hawnx.

    Ser naghmel pjacir lili nnifsi u nitfi l-mobile ghal darba u ghal dejjem ghax xbajt nircievi messaggi bl-sms minn hwienet li ma nafx min awtorizzahom idejjquni, u ma nafx kif qed jintilfu jibaghatu dal-messaggi li ha jifthu kull darba ikun hemm festa pubblika, kull darba li ha jkollhom sale – insomma, is-sena kollha, u tant nahseb huma iddisprati biex ibieghu li daqt jaslu ibieghu il-vetrina bil-pupa li jkolhom fiha b’kollox ghax qed ituni x’nifhem li l-bejgh naqas u naqas drastikament.

  4. CIS says:

    All they need to do now is bow low when they see Dr Muscat.

  5. Connor Attard says:

    Fuel prices had gone up by three cents not too long ago, yet there was hardly a peep from his supporters.

    That leaves us with a net increase of one cent under the Labour government. Had the prices gone up by the same amount under a PN administration…well, ħoll xagħrek u ġib iż-żejt.

    Selective memory much?

  6. R Vella says:

    Don’t forget the carcades and the Saturday forced work day to thank Mintoff for the generous budget.

  7. kram says:

    So that’s why he put up such a build-up. He knew that his ‘merhla’ will be grateful and see nothing wrong with the announcement of cheaper petrol and gas through an urgent press conference.

    No wonder the Nationalist Party lost so heavily a year ago, and I’m starting to think that there is no hope for those with a brain.

  8. Dave II says:

    Aqta x’stabbilta’ hawn! Ara vera anke fil-hsieb.


    Sales kullimkien meta bhalissa suppost qed johorgu l-istock tas-sajf u ma jkunx hemm hin ghas-sale.

    Malta saret qisha suq fil-Marokk, jibkulek biex tixtri xi haga.

  9. FraMudest says:


    So prices increased by 2c on 31/3/2014 and were locked in till June. Now we are regaled with the news that they have been reduced by 2c and are locked in till the end of the year. And this news (worthy of a press conference) is supposed to impress whom?

  10. P Bonnici says:

    What a bunch of creeps and sycophants.

  11. TinaB says:

    Qabda mejtin bil-guh.

  12. June says:

    Some people are cheap.

  13. War says:

    Bulubeef next.

  14. claude says:

    I would like to know how happy these people would be if the price of fuel internationally would take a considerable dip in the coming months. Price stability is good but comes at a price.

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