Post-Arriva bus driver to passenger: “Get off the bus, you fat cow.”

Published: May 1, 2014 at 2:46pm

get off you fat cow

19 Comments Comment

  1. curious says:

    The Permanent Secretary of Joe Mizzi will now conduct an internal investigation and find that there was nothing wrong.

    He may even find the woman and her husband at fault.

  2. nahseb ghaffigha says:

    I fully understand this person’s experience. Just the other day I had to get the bus from Msida and it was full to the extent that I was standing in between two people who were both in my face; the driver got up angrily and told us: ‘Alla move buck”.

    I looked at the man standing behind me and told him to try and move back as there literally was no space.

    The driver overheard what I said, stood up, and told me: ‘If you not happy, get down, f*****kin tourist”.

    He thought I was British.

    They are overloading their buses and this is not right. Thank goodness for my own private car but then my advice to all drivers out there is to let them pass even if you need to over take. If it’s your right to pass, they’ll just try and squeeze their way into your lane and if you’re not careful, they’ll make you end up in the corridors of Mater Dei.

    It’s getting worse.

    • Connor Attard says:

      Agreed. Some form of legislation should be put into place to prevent passengers from being packed like sardines. It can’t be sanitary, for starters, and people at the back shouldn’t have to squeeze through to get off the bus.

    • Ray says:

      The bus should always have the right of way as they have here in Toronto since January 2, 2004.

      Malta should seriously consider this as it would result in faster and more efficient public transit.

      When a bus displaying the Yield to Bus sign signals its intention to leave a bus bay by activating the left turn signal, drivers approaching from the rear in the lane adjacent to the bus bay are required by law to slow down or stop to allow the bus to re-enter the lane, unless it is unsafe to do so.

      The law applies to “every driver of a vehicle”. That includes cars, taxis, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles and other buses.

      The law resulted in speedier and more efficient public transit service.

      Infractions under the Yield to Bus law carry a fine of $90. Drivers charged could settle out of court by paying the fine, much like other traffic tickets.

      • Martin Felice says:

        To leave the bus stop the driver has to activate the right indicator – this gives him the right of way which means that any vehicle moving in the same direction from behind has to give way. This is the rule here in the Maltese islands.

      • Paul McEvoy says:

        It would help if they used the indicators. At least we would know what they intend to do.

      • mattie says:

        The point is: There is a ‘savage’ mentality situation on the roads.

  3. canon says:

    No doubt about it. We are back to square one.

  4. winston psaila says:

    I’m sure the driver was ‘provocated’

  5. giraffa says:

    Back to the Neanderthal drivers, complete with under-vest and tattoos – never mind the belching inadequate buses. Prosit, Joe Mizzi. You have proved (actually confirmed) that you are an incompetent twerp driven by hatred and lanzit.

  6. Wayne Hewitt says:

    Biex taxxaqa Bus Zero 88.

  7. Stephen says:

    Police should take the fat cow in for questioning

  8. starship enterprise says:

    This brings me to wander about those drivers that were let go by Arriva for striking on their first day of work, crippling the operation from the get-go.

    Have these drivers found their way back into the system now that Transport Malta have taken over the public transport service? Sure sounds like it from reading these comments.

  9. Painter says:

    No doubt what happened here is unacceptable but what really makes my blood boil is when the driver shows his racist nature towards passengers if they are black or even Asian.

  10. Mandy says:

    Why have a minister for tourism at all? The hunters and bus drivers are giving Malta a whole lot of free publicity, albeit adverse.

  11. Rumplestiltskin says:

    Ousting Arriva has now brought us back to where we were decades ago.

    The rude, thuggish, obnoxious drivers are back.

    Soon the buses will be as decrepit and horrible as the old ones were, without the gay (no pun intended) colours.

    Why does Labour always take us back to the bad old days? What is it with these people?

  12. Emilia says:

    I once went to get a bus when I was on crutches. I could not do otherwise. The bus was packed and in the priority seats there were people who were neither disabled, nor old or pregnant.

    Not only did nobody get up and let me sit but the driver did not attempt to ask someone to get up for me AND he drove like a maniac and knocked me off my crutches. I was visibly struggling.

    I was so upset and shocked at the behaviour of the passengers AND the bus driver that I just got off at the next stop and turned back. I know I should have made a fuss but I was so upset I could not talk as I was fighting back tears.

    My only gripe is that I did not report the bus driver.

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