I love this pre-wedding video (sorry, but it doesn’t feature the president or her palace garden)

Published: May 1, 2014 at 2:50pm

She’s reading Catherine Cookson…

44 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Jozef, ma niflahx izjed.

    • P Bonnici says:

      Calm down H.P. we need you, don’t pass out.

    • Grezz says:

      This one’s cheesier – Xylon and Kylie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Gq-hYoecKA

      [Daphne – Same man, as far as I can make out.]

    • Spock says:

      Didn’t you see the black tanga under the transparent white trousers ?

    • Jozef says:

      Yes, the Chevrolet Corvette, if you manage to floor it and keep the ruddy thing straight you’re entitled to an FIA license.

      One could say Chevrolet needn’t remain too bashful and describe it as the sports car with major off road capabilities;

      Tries to off road everywhere in all conditions.


      It’s something to do with a primitive transaxle, a lump of metal at the front which keeps the back end off the ground and a slushy gearbox mismatched to anything the engine produces. Just watch how it loses grip with the slightest of power input to become a giant bowling ball going for the nearest human.

      In that sense, the cynicism with which Chevrolet tries to peddle it as America’s natural sports car is very Labour.

      You won’t be surprised to know what Clarkson thinks of that.

      And now for how it should be done, something which beat Clarkson himself. Now that’s a video.


      Vicki Butler Henderson, on the other hand, couldn’t get enough of plain vicious menace. Does say something about today’s gender role inference and the sensual refinement of interface Ferrari have achieved lately.

  2. el bandido guapo says:

    It’s so wrong on so many counts that I don’t know where to start. UUuuuugggghhh is the easy way out.

  3. Wilson says:

    Fatty reunion?

  4. nahseb ghaffigha says:

    The car isn’t hers.

  5. P Shaw says:

    If that man strokes her the way he strokes her car, she’s in luck.

    And both of them parked over two spaces.

    • say it straight says:

      Actually they parked over 3 spaces, which means that effectively they also screwed up a fourth space somewhere (probably at one of the extremes) which would have been too tight to park a car in.

  6. Bubu says:

    Doesn’t *anyone* bother to park between the lines? Jeez.

  7. WOW says:

    He must have married her for her Corvette.Not bad at all.

  8. Tabatha White says:

    How do these people think? I am so baffled.

    Is there ANY equivalent in the animal kingdom so that I can learn by comparison?

  9. Lumière says:

    I never understood this business of people wanting to star in pedestrian movies but then I was always a bit out of touch with the society I live in… This blog has become indispensable to me in trying to be informed of current social mores.

  10. Freedom5 says:

    Kartell xaham meets zaqq h*ra.

  11. john smith says:

    is this for real though? What exactly does one do with a “pre wedding video”? Ask friends over to enjoy an evening’s entertainment watching themselves on TV?

  12. Cikku says:

    Għal daqshekk għandna flus! Dejjem bil-modi ġodda! Waħda isbaħ mill-oħra. Issa l-bridal shower imbagħad il-pre wedding video u qabel it-tieġ il-hen’s /bachelor’s party li dan l-aħħar smajt li qed isiru barra minn Malta wkoll. Kien hemm min mar il-Bahamas għall-Bachelor’s party. Nixtieq kont dubbiena u nkun naf kemm dam dan iż-żwieġ… tgħid mill-Milied sa San Stiefnu? Aħjar l-għarajjes, huma min huma jippreparaw irwieħhom sew għaż-żwieġ rabta dejjiema u mhux moħħhom f’dawn iċ-ċuċati.

    • TinaB says:

      Ghax issa hekk sirna, Cikku, kollox taparsi stil Amerikan. Haga tal-iskantament aktarx li f’ebda pajjiz Ewropew iehor ma jsiru buzullotti bhal dawn biex jizzewgu.

      Dak hu il-qrid li kienu jeqirdu fi zmien il-gvern ta’ Gonzi. Ikun imbierek il-Mulej ghal dawn il-hmerijiet u hammallagni ikollhom flus izda biex ihallsu il-kont ta d-dawl, xi haga li hi bzonn, holl xaghrek u gib iz-zejt.

      Din socjeta li ma hemmx fejqan ghaliha.

  13. A+ says:

    That is why Muscat won with a majority of 36,000 votes and why he will win the MEP elections, etc. modern society relates to a fiction where there must be a happy ending and whoever tells you what you want to hear gets your vote.

  14. v says:

    The worst part is at the end when she bends down to collect her things … not a nice view at all.

  15. Matta says:

    Bloody selfish – they took up four parking spaces.

  16. Yanika says:

    They have one thing in common: they’re brilliant at parking.

  17. C.Portelli says:

    The guy seems to be a dedicated doughnut-eater, and reading his expression, he is cursing under his breath already.

  18. C. Calleja says:

    Mhux ta’ b’xejn telgha l-Lejber.

  19. Two cents' worth says:

    I wonder what the IQ score of these two is.

  20. Zzzz... says:

    Hahaha. The pits.

  21. Maltease says:

    Lol – how fake.. So this is presumably how they met while both of them were wearing an engagement ring. And the final shot is priceless. An unlady-like-full-frontal bending over.

  22. canon says:

    How about the President offering to take a photo with the couple for a donation to the Community Chest Fund?

  23. Gahan says:

    U iimsieken ħalluhom!

    Ftit taż-żmien ieħor u jibda jgħid “Ma kienx pakket li sibt u mort tajtulha!”

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      As an amateur sex therapist, I’ve given much thought to this. When the union is so damn contrived, does the flame of love keep burning? I say it doesn’t.

      When the ceremony is nothing but spectacle, the love risks being that too.

      • Gahan says:

        The real expense to get married is between €23.29 to €93.17.

        One can also apply for a Marriage Grant of €530.64 per couple upon marriage.

        So you will end up with a profit of €500 if you get married, Baxx.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Splendid. I’m taking offers. Females only – I’m old school.

  24. observer says:

    A veritable work of cinematic art. Mille volte ‘prosit’.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Xylon’s video takes the prize for cinematography. The beach video, however, has that gritty arthouse edge to it. I think an Oscar and a Palme d’Or, respectively.

  25. P Bonnici says:

    Is that part of the beach not the nudist area?

  26. H.P. Baxxter says:


    [Daphne – The same man: so he’s just a ‘model’.]

  27. True Maltese says:

    What an artificial, stupid, hamallu video. We are really heading for disaster if this is what marriage is about.

    • Nahseb Ghaffigha says:

      I always asked myself why these sort of people get married in the first place.

      Is it for love? No
      Is it for status? No
      Is it for stability? No

      It’s for the 3 hour long pre-marriage video followed by a 5-hour long wedding.

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