More than 44,000 tweets in 124 countries about Malta, Chris Packham and #FreeChrisPackham between 25 and 29 April

Published: May 1, 2014 at 3:07pm

There were more than 44,000 tweets about Malta, Chris Packham and #FreeChrisPackham from 25 to 29 April.

People from 124 countries tweeted about the issue and their tweets generated more than 82 million potential impressions/exposure. Exposure is the total number of times tweets about the search term were delivered to Twitter streams, or the number of overall impressions generated.

The information comes from Topsy (Topsy Labs, Inc.), a social search and analytics company based in San Francisco, California. Topsy is a certified Twitter partner and maintains a comprehensive index of tweets, numbering in hundreds of billions, dating back to Twitter’s inception in 2006. The company makes products to search, analyse and draw insights from conversations and trends on public social websites including Twitter.

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9 Comments Comment

  1. A+ says:

    As if Muscat gives a hoot. The important thing is that he keeps the hunters’ vote. To hell with the rest!

    • Spock says:

      I know for a fact that simultaneously he’s also losing many environmentalists’ votes. It’s the elves’ job now to find out which lobby’s votes will actually count for more.

      Perhaps that’s why the rumblings of blocking the referendum, because they’ve already found out li se jaqaw ghan-nejk by, once again, being on the wrong side of history.

  2. Tweety bird says:

    With a nine seat majority, who gives a rat’s ass?

  3. ciccio says:

    Jeez, not even Frankie Tabone’s 400 song birds can tweet so much.

  4. Jozef says:

    Muscat’s terremot. Aftershock to follow.

  5. Bubu says:


  6. ciccio says:

    The migrating birds should claim that they are here to buy a Maltese passport, in which case, Joseph Muscat and Emmanel Mallia would provide them with ‘personal’ protection using members of the police force and the armed forces for the length of their stay on the Islands.

  7. B says:

    And now, Malta being held up as an example of how bad things got in the UK:

    “Only Malta has more deaths of children aged under five, a major study has found…”

  8. mark mifsud bonnici says:

    What Chris Packham forgot to mention or cry about when damaging Malta’s reputation:

    “But now it appears that the country’s 6.7m pairs of robins are no longer the feathered friend of yesteryear. A consultation by Natural England, the body that advises the government on the natural environment, has made the case for allowing people to destroy the birds’ nests and remove their eggs, amid growing concerns that they threaten health and safety.”

    Read the full article and learn how blessed we are in Malta where only a few illegalities occur as opposed to the LEGALIZED CARNAGE permitted in Britian.

    And yet Chris Packham saw it fit to support Birdlife Malta, lable Malta as “bird hell” and imply that we are killing “their birds”.

    If this is not enough to convince anyone of the hypocrisy then perhaps knowing that 55 million birds a year killed by UK cats make no difference might put the few birds shot in Malta into perspective and uncover the reason for all the anti-hunting frenzy based on nonsnese.

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