Paparazzi shots of Muscat’s soldiers of steel at his Bormla May Day meeting

Published: May 2, 2014 at 6:53pm

Incidentally, were there really so few people there?

zahra 1

Zahra 2

Zahra 3

Zahra 4

zahra 5

Alfred Sant

Alfred Sant

Sandro 'I am not political and donate to both parties' Chetcuti and Alfred 'I hate barunijiet' Sant

Sandro ‘I am not political and donate to both parties’ Chetcuti and Alfred ‘I hate barunijiet’ Sant

Carmelo Abela

Carmelo Abela

Charles Mangion - back in parliament after having been unseated by his rapacious nephew Silvio Schembri

Charles Mangion – back in parliament after having been unseated by his rapacious nephew Silvio Schembri

The finance minister

The finance minister

The Finance Minister

The Finance Minister

Joseph Cuschieri

Joseph Cuschieri

The Minister of Health and Energy

The Minister of Health and Energy

The Health and Energy Minister with EP candidate Ivan Grixti

The Health and Energy Minister with EP candidate Ivan Grixti

The Police, Army and Broadcasting Minister

The Police, Army and Broadcasting Minister

The Police, Army and Broadcasting Minister

The Police, Army and Broadcasting Minister

The parliamentary secretary for planning and the MEPA, Michael Falzon (taking a break from plans to dissolve human bodies in chemicals and use them as fertilizer or flush them down sewers)

The parliamentary secretary for planning and the MEPA, Michael Falzon (taking a break from plans to dissolve human bodies in chemicals and use them as fertilizer or flush them down sewers)

Sandro 'I don't support any particular party' Chetcuti of the Malta Developers Association with Labour Party deputy leader Toni Abela

Sandro ‘I don’t support any particular party’ Chetcuti of the Malta Developers Association with Labour Party deputy leader Toni Abela

Labour Party deputy leader Toni Abela

Labour Party deputy leader Toni Abela

Labour deputy leader Toni 'Rubber Puppets' Abela

Labour deputy leader Toni ‘Rubber Puppets’ Abela

17 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    It’s coming apart. No wonder Muscat issued his fatwa yesterday, vote Labour or else.

    So Sandro Chetcuti isn’t political eh?

  2. P Bonnici says:

    In defence of the PL, in Mintoff’s time there was no internet, so people are not really keen of wasting a day hearing a load of rubbish when they can see it on the internet in the comfort of their homes.

    I bet you it would have been the same had it been a PN mass meeting one year after their victory.

  3. Jozef says:

    It’s clear why Muscat wants to legalise marijuana: the multitude had such great difficulty in keeping off that grass.

  4. Manuel says:

    Now these pictures say it all. There was not even a 2c worth of steel anywhere.

    • the down turn of people in the mass meeting in Bormla is proof that the labour givernment is doing extreemly well, thus making the present situation of cheaper electricity bills more comfortable for people like myself to stay at home and see Joseph on television!!!!!!!!! well done Joseph keep the good work going and let the PN complain as its the only thing they know how to do.

  5. Nighthawk says:

    And ours rises, notwithstanding the government has added 1400 employees.

  6. Libertas says:

    Il-Partit ta’ Sandro Chetcuti flok tal-ħaddiem.

    Labour’s May Day mass meeting was truly a demo against those who are now ‘more equal than others’, personified by Sandro Chetcuti.

  7. Libertas says:

    And Malta Today reported:

    “the atmosphere in Bormla this afternoon certainly had all the remnants of a pre-electoral mass meeting… And at 5.15pm Muscat did arrive to the cries of ‘Joseph, Joseph, Joseph’ from the crowd that he later dubbed “soldiers of steel”.”

    They must have missed Sandro Chetcuti.

  8. Tabatha White says:

    Cheap scum.

    It’s ashes to ashes for everyone.

    If they sign this one in they have just got to lead by signing up for it first.

    Oafs swearing solemnly before the Attorney General.

    No backing out.

  9. Edward says:

    “Dr Muscat said he can understand how some people may be hurt and planning to abstain, but he implored all Labour supporters to come out in force and vote for all of the Party’s candidates.” – The Malta Independent

    Already? It’s been a year, and he’s already delivering that line? It wasn’t until 20 years later that the PN started worrying about that.

    Is he panicking or is he bluffing?

  10. White coat says:

    All I could see was a lot of fat arses and bulging tummies a la Maltaise, all put to shame by Manuel Mallia’s big-bang-style expanding proportions in the X and Y dimensions.

  11. White coat says:

    Alfred Sant seems to be delighting himself in the probability that Joseph Muscat’s success in winning his consecutive second election would be same as his.

  12. Peppa Pig says:

    Scrapyard tal-hadid imsaddad, mela suldati tal-azzar!

  13. kenneth says:

    Issa taraw fl elezzjoni fejnhom is soldiers of steel…. Hudu pacenzja oqghodu hemm… Pics li jaqbel lilkhom gibtu ghax kien hemm noes u ta simple simon jibilaw kollox…

  14. Jinny says:

    I always presumed suldati tal-azzar was a reference to the shipbuilding industry. Azzar=steel. Your average Maltese would have said ‘suldati tal-hadid’, which technically speaking is incorrect because ‘hadid’ means ‘iron’.

    Of course, the Bormlizi would not understand such trivialities, but I always took it to mean that the ‘azzar’ had nothing to do with their spirit or resolve, rather, their social status – because of the job they were constrained to do for the rest of their lives, by their master, Dom Mintoff.

    Were he still around, he would today call them something like ‘suldati tal-unknown father’, and they would clap and cheer because ‘unknown father’ sounds like ‘unknown soldier’.

    Insomma, mhux xorta? Xi haga hekk.

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