Barefaced cheek iced-bun update: ‘If you don’t make it to the European Parliament, you’ll be an ambassador’

Published: May 2, 2014 at 7:00pm

Lino Bianco

Lino Bianco, a Labour Party candidate for the upcoming European Parliament elections, has been appointed ambassador-designate to Romania.

In other words, with the support of the Labour Party-cum-government, his options are open on the iced buns. While ambassador-designate to Romania, he campaigns for election to the European Parliament. If he is elected, he gets to decide whether he wants the ambassadorship or the seat in the European Parliament.

If he is not elected, he is still ambassador.

The barefaced cheek and bending of all the rules of decent and proper behaviour is just unbelievable. Why do it? Why not wait until the elections are over, and then simply make him ambassador if he fails to obtain a seat, for heaven’s sake?

Even that is terribly wrong and not at all meritocratic, but at least it is not so blatantly We Do As We Please.

28 Comments Comment

  1. observer says:

    L-aqwa li bl-inkwatru religjuz warajha.

    Tajt ma qalux xi zewg posti flimkien wara li hadu r-ritratt?

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Ifrah, Astrid, ja kretina.

    Excuse the vernacular. I’m hoping she won’t understand this.

    • Jozef says:

      She was on Net this week. Such fun.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I loved her Ursula Andress photoshoot.

      • Jozef says:

        Oh that one, yes, anything to hegemonise public perception.

        You should have seen her flirt with Alex Sciberras Trigona at the French Ambassador’s Bastille do last year. Not to mention every plein air catalogue, and if it’s in Birgu gives the perfect opportunity to patronise the locals, msieken.

        The joke in Mepa was that if one wanted to place a bet whether she’d put in her pencilled objections, all one had to do was check if her husband’s involved in drawing up the EIA.

        At one point, anyone thinking of presenting a proposal would be advised to keep 10,000 Euros contingency to preempt any potential ‘neighbour’ from objecting, holding the permit to ransom. Ghax these things cost money hux?

        The mess that is Tigne’ North is indirectly her legacy. Don’t you just adore the context in which the battery now finds itself? Then there’s that ‘Villa’ next to the pjazzetta which just happens to be as incongruous and open a wound simply because she lives right opposite.

        From facadism, already a weak fuzzy logic, to keeping a facade and plonking your standard half a dozen sea view terraces on top. How’s that for aesthetics, this camel has three humps, an extra leg and stripes to keep the infidel at bay.

        Order isn’t of the petit bourgeois, if we do we risk Piano’s stilts covered in antimacassars.

        To think her own statute requires her to leave: Her callous attacks on another NGO, that frumpy one all military, enactments and repository of useless information, were something to behold.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Oh but Alex Sc[e]berras Trigona will flirt with anything with two holes and a heartbeat, as my mate Spud used to say.

        He is a ghastly man, and horrid company.

        Of course he is loved by all, Labour and Nationalist alike, “ghax pulit minn Tas-Sliema u nobbli”, wouldn’t you know.

        To be seen in his company is a badge of honour. To have one’s personal space invaded is practically a ticket to the nobility.

        And the Naked Emperor marches on.

  3. canon says:

    I can see that the President of Malta likes to go along with the government in bending the rules of decent and proper behaviour.

  4. Spiru says:

    Mhux biss jithanzru…lanqas biss jisthu jithanzru!

  5. ongi ongi ongella says:

    All those who can open their mouths to burp in this country feel qualified to become ambassadors. You know, all you have to do is smile, shake hands and pronounce a few inanities about economic exchanges and you’re done.

    What a country of dilettantes. I’m afraid this approach is not exclusive to the PL Government — their predecessors were not different.

    • Nik says:

      Actually, they were. It’s true that early on there were many blatantly political appointments by PN but as the years passed, more and more ambassadors were appointed from within the Foreign Ministry.

      Many of these have now been removed to make way for the unqualified political appointees (Ray Azzopardi, Norman Hamilton, Carmelo Brincat etc).

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    You forgot the Maltese absolution-of-all-sins title. He is IL-PROFS Lino Bianco.

    • Snoopy says:

      Lino Bianco is a ‘made up’ professor. His University of Malta bio has him down as ‘doctor’. He is a ‘professor’ with the International Academy of Architecture, based in Sofia and that IS NOT a university.

      Its membership is categorised into academicians and professors, 75 of the former and 83 of the latter.

      This is a private organisation and the title ‘professor’ has nothing to do with actual academic professor – so Lino Bianco is actually ideal for Labour’s skip.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Ah. I was wondering what his profile was and what he may have done to endear himself to Joseph Muscat in the election run-up. Thank you.

  7. The Observer says:

    The president needs a stylist. Her suit is horrible.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Baby Jesus seems horrified.

      • Harvey says:

        Lino Bianco has unilaterally upgraded his rank to professorship even though he’s not considered as such by the university.

        I guess no one would dare to keep him in line given that he s in the ranks of the almighty party in government. It s also amusing to think that someone would make a fool of himself and fake his title just to market himself for the support of the masses.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Nappy pants.

  8. iced buns says:

    Dik xi tbazwira ta’ qalziet liebsa?

  9. Joseph Caruana says:

    His name on the ballot sheet would be among the firsts, if not the first. Wouldn’t be surprised if he gets a high vote in relation to his popularity, knowing how is-suldati tal-metal tick the boxes.

  10. charlie says:

    Xi xhur ilu, meta ma kienx ghadu kixef il-maskra, kont uzajt is-servizzi tieghu bhala perit fix-xiri ta’ post ta’ abitazzjoni, u irrealizzajt li m’ghandu principji ta’ xejn wara li ghaddieli l-kont. Tal-misthija.

  11. Thaddeus says:

    I don’t know what is worse, her fake smile or the way her crotch fits in those trousers. Oy Vay!

  12. Pablo says:

    Lino Bianco made a name for himself opposing the Sant’Antnin plant acting for the interested local councils. He now runs with the man who plants a huge LNG time bomb in the middle of Marsaxlokk bay – the same area.

  13. Coronado says:

    Good thinking, Profs! Plan B in place; if not elected as MEP will be an ambassador. Appointment as ambassador could have waited outcome of EP elections in three weeks time.

  14. Jinz says:

    No wonder he never styled himself as professor while working here! He got the title from the University of Sofia so it would be nice for him to return to his alma mater.

    He got his most important academic qualifications in Bulgaria anyway.

    So much for Astrid Vella’s ‘expert’ on planning matters. She’ll have to recommend someone else to her followers.

    • Jozef says:

      Which explains the FAA’s absolute lack of data, objectivity and instruments to provide critical thought.

  15. VERITA says:

    Lino Bianco must know hat he has no chance at being elected to the European Parliament. The favoured ones are Alfred Sant, Miriam Dalli and Cyrus Engerer. The others are there just to make up the list.

    • Violet says:

      Lino Bianco will stay on as ambassador. He knows he has no chance of being elected to the European Parliament. He is only being used to collect votes, no more no less.

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