President Botnija and Prime Minister Botni
May 5, 2014 at 12:10am
The government’s Department of Information has released a couple of truly unfortunate photographs of the president and the prime minister laying wreaths in a ceremony organised by the Royal Air Forces Association yesterday.
Muscat is completely unrecognisable from what he was when elected party leader just six years ago.
And wives now know for a fact that their husbands are safe with the President – and it’s not because she’s taken to saying the rosary in bed with Edgar.
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Stylist Wanted. “Bil-Platforms, qisna qegħdin Paceville ma’ xi arblu.”
Who is the fruity bit in the background? Some Air vice-marshal’s daughter? Or wife, alack?
The cleavage is covered. Zoom in for a closer look.
I know. It’s the whole composition that makes the fruitiness, not choice bits. That is to say, fruitiness is more than the sum of the whole.
I see. So you checked.
What’s your take on the sartorial mess in the foreground? Does the suit make the man or does the man mess up the suit? Is there any hope that we may finally enjoy the sight of an elegant prime minister?
I don’t know. I’m still focussing on the bit of all right in the background.
What no photoshop to reduce inches from their protruding backsides? The prime minister needs to seek his wife’s advice on that.
Qeghdin sew. L-aqwa kostum hu ta dak il-kajboy.
Maaaa dak l-ilbies – please Madam President, ilbes ta’ PRESIDENT.
I hope she does not need to bend down in the future to lay a wreath or similar. The trousers might split before the cameras and audience.
She tries to mimic Angela Merkel, but cannot carry it off.
Well, neither does Angela Merkel, for that matter.
X’faqar ta’ fjuri. Kollox ta’ bilfors.
Why does the president always have a pissed off look on her face?
Ghaliex jinkweta wisq il-faqar. Meta tiftakar f’dawk in-nies kollha li mghandhomx sapuniera lanqas tkun tista torqod.
She always looks angry and aggressive.
That horrible suit – again. Those shoes – not really fitting for a woman in her position as head of state. And what about a hat? The President needs help.
She seems to be fixated on wearing white, making her look like a proper whale.
Those shoes are soooo 90s. And soooo inappropriate for her age, her position and the occasion. And those straw hats in the background are only fit for the beach.
The ladies at the back wore black for the solemn occasion. The president, in crumpled off-white linen mix trousers and too-short jacket with hooker peep-toe heels. Ridiculous.
Veru pajjiz tal-hamalli governed by hamalli themselves.
Peter Apap Bologna or Martin Scicluna might give us their valuable insight.
Who’s the man with the straw hat at the back? Where did he think he was going, to the beach?
She reminds me of J.D. Hogg from the Dukes of Hazzard. All she’s missing is a cigar.
Except that he dressed in sharp suits… white yes, but impeccable. And he was the comic relief/antagonist.
Why does Coleiro always look like a past middle-age Jewish harpie from New York City?
Holy Mother of God. Did she really have to wear open-toed hooker shoes?
Il-forma tat-tanga tidher mill-qalziet abjad tal-linen kien jonqosha.